[SCP] Clearance roles description

This is a real, very serious document describing what everyone does. This is completely true.

Jr. Researchers - have no idea what they're doing, pester seniors about info
Cadets - "What was that captain? kill every d-class? ok :)" proceeds to murder everyone in CDC
Site Staff - god forbid they get angry cuz knife for the win
Trainee - constantly in your way to get that sweet support XP, waiting at d-block for d-class to get stuck in the doors

Researchers - now they know what they're doing (kinda?), have a lot of potential and are very fun
Officers - peak inefficiency
tech expert = more knives + what is 914?

Sr. Res. - now they actually know what they're doing, some get very cocky and are insufferable; Most are epic people with big tests that are constantly under review
GSD Sgt+RRT - trying to convince the cadets to stop MRDM, maining M4 para
IA - arresting the sad techies for knifing the trainees
DEA - budget IA with *l o a d o u t s*
MTF - ALWAYS busy doing something (and most do their job wonderfully)
Combat Medics - Doing E V E R Y O N E's job at once and rarely being thanked

Exec Res - My favorite group of people, very helpful and nice, the best source of great RP
Captains - the only Gensec who can coordinate and control the minges
ISD - [opinion unavailable so people don't call me toxic]
Ambassadors, consultants etc. Very imposing presence, peak target for chaos

O5 - dancing in nuke room and dragging A1 wherever they go
Ethics - pestering IA for not doing their job right
(I don't have much interaction with them so ignore dis)

Harpooner 2295 & 073 - you just die. I'm sorry.
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