Denied SCP Hacking Update Suggestion

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 9, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- This suggestion will add a new option to pick in hacking a SCP out called "Silent Breach" and this will allow an SCP to be hacked out without any sort of alarm to alert E-11 although it is a Clearance 5 Hack (Impenetrable) And can only be done once. If you fail the Clearance 5 hack, There will be an alarm set to directly where you are hacking. Another change will involve the normal Clearance 4 hack saying "Breach SCP" will alert E-11 of a SCP being hacked but will not Show their direct location of what SCP they are breaching so that they will have to do sweeps instead of everyone just holding the door at the Containment Chamber. Hacking upgrades will also decrease the level by one for both the "SCP Breach" and "Silent Breach".

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- This will make CI able to have the choice of going loud for SCPs or going more stealth for raids such as Deep Cover.
- This will also make E-11 being required to perform sweeps of where CI is instead of B-lining straight to the containment chamber

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- I am not too sure how the other regiments will feel about this although in my opinion would make this more fair for everyone

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- Ever since the alert for E-11 if a SCP is being breached is very annoying for some of the regiments and other jobs that involve hacking out SCPs But with this update, This will give people being able to decide what they really want for their breach. This is good because people could go low risk for low reward or a high risk for a high reward




Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Levi,
Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
We have recently changes to SCP breaches since we believed they were far to common
Having Silent breaches would make code blacks happen More often - which would then lead to More Code blacks Which takes away from RP
We are at the end of the day an RP server

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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