Accepted SCP Healing Beams

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Carson Wolf

Well-known Member
Sep 3, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion will add beams that heal SCP's for CI

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Nope don't think so

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The positives are first that it will allow CI to plan for more than just a breach during a raid. Instead of breaching CI can steal a SCP like 912 for say and contain it by lowering its health then they will bring it back to base heal it up and weaponize it CI should do. Another positive is it will mean that staff will not have to always respond to tickets about needing health increased for an SCP and it can increase role-play with SCP's inside of CI base.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The beam could be abused by some people trying to team with SCP's but it could have a rule put into place where DELCOM+ need to approve the use of it only inside of CI base.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because it will overall bring new raid goals for CI than just breaching an SCP with this we now have a better reason to get out an SCP. Before we would barely be able to do anything because the HP of the SCP is so low so its really now longer a threat but with this it could change things.

Carson Wolf

Well-known Member
Sep 3, 2024
10 CI running around on anima with healing beams next to 682 will be wild ngl.
You realize the whole point of the healing beam is after we kidnap an SCP we would bring them back to base then heal them and weaponizes them right? No one expects this to be like TF2 medic the whole point of this is so we can actually re release an SCP after taking them

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
+/- Support
If theres an Limit on how much HP one can get as example 25-50%. Its fine but when theres no limit uh well something really annoying can Happen aka Foundation has really shit breach, one scp makes it to surface , ci captures and heals it, SCP goes back, maybe gets out again and this could repeat and repeat or maybe make an cooldown that would be fine too (I know this is unlikey to happen but even if the SCP breaches kills like 50 people, then gets his full HP back the same amount of people could just well die again what would just be boring af)
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