Hello everyone!
Thank you for your continued support. The introduction of SCP 22415 was crazy, and feedback has been amazing so far. We know there have been teething issues around the new dimensions and SCPs, but we are grateful for your feedback and will be making changes based on this. Thank you to @'Blue' for putting this month's news together!
Staff Promotions
Congratulations on everyone's promotions! And for those who weren't promoted this month, we wish you luck in the upcoming month

- @Naffen

- @Cheetah / RustyOsprey2
- @Arron 'Spectre' Shepard

- @bobby joe
- @Joshbond
- @Mitski
- @Neptune
- @Wrath
- @Prplex
- @Loviatar

- @Alex Honda
- @DWHJR/Hank Hughman
@Harold Hawks
- @Mason Connector
- @Geronimo
- @SimonL2002
- @Sunari "Nasus" Taiyo
- @Voxis
- @Humphrey II
- @Xavier Vangray
As always, we'll post changes as they happen on the SCP-RP Discord in #change-logs. This is a summary of this month's changes.
New Features

- Added Features
Loadout System Changes- CI - Dimensional Cartographer Added: CZ 75-B
- UNGOC - Dimensional Cartographer Added: S&W 659
- Added Personnel Tablet to UNGOC - Dimensional Cartographer
- Added Personnel Tablet to CI - Dimensional Cartographer
- CI - Deep Cover Added: Weapon Checker
- UNGOC - Assessment Team Added: Weapon Checker

- New whitelisted SCP, SCP-22415 which you may apply for in Misc Applications
- Added 7 new dimensions
- Added the reworked Security Sector
- Added the reworked Ethics Commitee area
- Added the reworked O1- Bunks
- Added Job Approval requirement to Combat Medic
- SCIPNET Experiment Logs have been reset on all SCPs as per the change-vote.
- Added a new Pocket Dimension minigame
- New Security Sergeant whitelisted job
Weaponry Changes: - Decreased magazine capacity for the Barret M82 and SVD from 10 to 5. (-50.0%)
- Reduced damage output for the Barret M82, SVD, DSR, and AMR2 from 275 to 168. (-38.9%)
- Screen recoil for AMR2 and DSR increased by +4900%. (Equalized with other snipers)
- Increased DSR recoil. (Equalized with other snipers)
- RPM decreased by 20.0% for Barret M82, SVD, and AMR2.
- Modified Kriss Vector Stats Recoil: Reduced Screen Recoil: Reduced Spread: Increased Mag Size: 25 -> 33
Chemistry Changes: - Added 6 new chemicals
- Added 8 new chemical recipes
Job Changes: - Senior Researcher Level Requirements: Research: 10 -> 15
- Biohazard Researcher Level Requirements: Research: 10 -> 20
- Modified Jobs UNGOC - Thaumatologist: Increased Reality bending energy from 50 to 75
- Removed dradio from all Foundation, UNGOC, Chaos Insurgency & Civilian jobs
- Added Rift Bridge F4 entity to cartographer jobs
- Researcher Total Level Requirement: 20 -> 0
- Senior Researcher Total Level Requirement: 30 -> 0 Research Level Requirement: 15 -> 20
- Biohazard Researcher Total Level Requirement: 40 -> 0 Research Level Requirement: 20 -> 25
- Added Job Approval requirement to Combat Medic
- Added weapon checker to: MTF A-1 Red Right Hand - Commander MTF E-11 Nine Tailed Fox - Containment Specialist MTF E-11 Nine Tailed Fox - Biohazard Specialist MTF E-11 Nine Tailed Fox - Officer MTF E-11 Nine Tailed Fox - Commander MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Specialist MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Officer MTF Nu-7 Hammer Down - Commander MTF O-1 Law's Left Hand - Commander CI - Strike Team
- Decreased Jr. Researcher total lvl from 5 -> 0
- Increased paycheck amt for all research jobs by 20 (except Thaumatologist, Cartographer and Chemist)
- Modified Site Director job description.
- Increased UNGOC Regiment Hard Cap - 50 > 65
- Updated Site Director Description to reflect recent changes
- Site Advisor Replaced: M1911 -> P320
- Site Manager Replaced: M1911 -> P320
- Site Director Replaced: MP443 -> .44 Magnum
New/Changed Models for: - Updated E-11 Operative model
- Updated E-11 Containment Specialist model
- Updated E-11 Biohazard Specialist model
- Updated E-11 Breacher model
- Updated E-11 Officer model
- Updated E-11 Commander model
SCP Changes: - SCPs (Not including 22415) are kicked from dimensions after 60 seconds if they entered via a rift
- SCP-106 enters the instance of the target when teleporting to them
- SCP-106 can sprint when inside a dimension
- SCP-106 swep right click opens menu to enter any dimension opened via rifts, or any 22415 dimensions, or to exit the current dimension
- Renamed SCP-939 and SCP-939-02 to "SCP-939-19" and "SCP-939-53" respectively
- Fixed issue causing VWar teams to take 60 seconds to load instead of instantly when loading in to the server
- Fixed vguns spam requesting gun config data when it's not necessary
- Fixed vkeycards spamming code aborts when not using a keycard
- Fixed some lua errors with dimensions
- Fixed vcraft error when drawing empty substance container
- SCP-106 can no longer attack players outside of it's current realm
- Fixed not taking fall damage in realms
- Fixed not taking crush damage in realms
- Fixed not taking crush damage in realms
- Fixed ADB not killing SCPs in realms (I think??)
- Fixed server error upon dissolving SCP
- Fixed damage triggers not damaging players in instances
- Some optimizations to low FPS caused by instances
- 096 bucket entities are baseline instance only
- PAC big data no longer uses slow in-game net messages
- Whitelisted trusted domains for PAC urls
General Fixes:
- Small optimization for afk system
- Optimized network performance for transmitting chemical contents in vials
- Pressing the X back button on a keycard with a code will exit when the code has 0 entered digits
- Using 914 removes you from the dimensions
- Dispensers do not exist in dimensions
- Reduced dimension collapsing timer from 5 minutes to 2 minutes
- Fixed instance placer swep overriding quarantine placer
- Switching dimensions drops the entity held by the gravity gun
- Foundation dimensional cartographer can now be credited, and credit relevant jobs (equal to researcher)
- Reduced credit XP amt from all groups, excluding Research
- Increased credit cooldown on all groups, excluding Research
- Reduced all credit group cooldowns to 600 seconds (from previous 800/1800s depending on the role)
- Updated VKeycards to support special access to keycard scanners from cardholders, regardless of their clearance level.
- Keycards can now be configured to open for specific jobs alongside clearance level
- Keycards will play an "override" sound effect when special access is granted
- Rotated the doors in the Security Captains office so they open in a better way
- Increased the brightness in the Research Executive Office
- Rotated the door from the A-1 CO Office to make the keycard scanner more accessible
- Removed the medical beds in CI Base
- Fixed one of the GOC chairs putting you out of the map (hopefully?)
- Updated VContext to use new website link rather than old one, updated the rules link
- Disabled console messages when players are added/removed from instances (metagaming concern)
- SCP-1162 spawned items will only exist in the instance of the player who interacted
Rules Changes
- Rule additions / clarifications
- New rule header "6.7 Rift Bridges & Dimensions" [a & b]
- 4.3 - Combative Personnel Includes GOC and CI Dimensional Cartographers
- 4.4 - Non-Combative Personnel Foundation Dimensional Cartographer
- Added Clarification 1.05: Foundation Dimensional Cartographers are Non-Combative staff, and may not directly engage in combat with hostile individuals or GOIs. However, they may assist allied personnel in entering and leaving alternate dimensions in order to perform their duties. Some examples of these are raiding a GOI, defending against a GOI raid, assisting in SCP recontainment efforts, etc.
- SCP-22415 - May not team in raids, however is able to take non-combatives to safetyWe have expanded this so there's no confusion -May not assist combative personnel in their duties, unless assisting them in safe movement through the facility. This means they cannot be asked to assist in moving combatives to a better combat vantage point, they cannot assist combatives in entering containment chambers, and they cannot assist in raids.
- Reclassified Ruling 2.07 Liquid Anima to 2.07 Pacifist Chemicals (with more information)
- Added 2.16 Self-Inflicted Airstrikes
- Provided an explanation on LTARP in Rule 1.16 LTAP & LTARP
- Added UNGOC to 7.4 Regimental Hard Caps
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