Accepted SCP Nu-7 Model Repost

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: New models for MTF Nu7 (which were custom made) instead of the current MW3 ones (The pack - Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Nu7 get a new, sleek model which will match with every other model in foundation
  • The model removes the Nu7 logo and other insignia which might cause infobreachs
  • Allows Nu7 to develop a RP cover story as the insignia is replaced with Canadian Spec Ops
  • Creates uniformity between all MTF as the camouflage is similar to Omega-1 and Alpha-1
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Would possibly make other players want newer models for their own group(?)
  • They dont look like Lore Nu-7 Models
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: I believe the models should be changed as every other MTF in the server has had models changed to better fit their duties, as such Nu7 should have their models updated to the proposed ones to allow for better RP and less infobreachs with the insignia. The proposed models will also allow for Nu7 to furthermore create a better basis that they are Canadian Military instead of having civilians question the logo of the hammer or other foundation logos on top of it.

Furthermore due to the recent addition of DEA models the Nu-7 Models look very similar to DEA’s
DEA Models next no Nu-7^
ERT Model ^
New Nu-7 Proposal ^

The previous Denial was due to the fact the Nu-7 Models look similar to both ERT and O-1 models. I should add . We can understand this however DEA now are regularly mistaken for Nu-7 even within the facility. Now Imagine how that is on the surface. The Model Change will just give Nu-7 something new since our weapons never got buffs and the DEA have better weapons than us. Its a new Model update which Nu-7 has not got in a long time.

Thank you for reading again
(Yes this was mostly copied from steven)


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
people who made the models are very awesome guys :cool:
Dec 25, 2021
DEA and Nu7 look nearly identical. The only similarity between Nu7 and O1/ERT is having white-ish uniforms, which even then, the camo patterns are different and the tone of color is different, not to mention the helmets, vest, and models themselves are completely different. The exact same cannot be said for DEA and Nu7, as they have the same exact color scheme, no pattern, and minimal difference in equipment.

Just add the models in. They're small in file size for an entire regiment, unique, and high quality. There's no reason not to anymore, there's no more excuses to be made that are reasonable.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
+support this better get accepted there is no reason not too

Jack "Fubar" Daniel

Game Master
Trial Game Master
Game Master
Feb 10, 2023
We need this in Nu-7, theres no reason that is shouldnt be accepted; we need that camo on surface since we are in the middle of canada. Dont see how ERT and O-1 have winter camo, since they are inside most of the time. We also need this even more now that Nu-7 and DEA look too similar on surface and even side by side, and DEA operate differently when they go on surface compared to Nu-7; so if there is a order by DEA to not leave base, but theres a Nu-7 member outside he may be mistaken for a DEA agent and just cause confusion.

MTF Nu-7 CPT [Holding]
UNGOC SGT [Holding]
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