[SCP-RP Discord] Tigers second appeal

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Jun 5, 2022
Your Discord name & tag: tigerman101

What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP RP

Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 715251724557746278

Date of ban (if known): Dont remember

Reason for ban (if known): Leaking executive team info

Who banned you?: NL

Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: yes.

Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal): I am very sorry for geting involved in the drama that lead to this ban, I would like to extend an apology to anyone who was negatively effected by my behavior. I made the post while i was very tired and was not thinking clearly. In the future I promise to never involve myself in this type of behavior again. I understand what I did was wrong and I will not do it again. I want to join a mtf some day and this would be a big help.

To add, yes I understand that my record is against me but I would like a chance to become a positive member of the community, as it has been nearly a year and I feel I have improved and wish to try again. Rejoining the discord would allow me to do things such as join MTFs.

If NL need more info about why/what I did please DM me, I understand the situation I posted about leading to my ban was private/sensitive and untrue I don’t want to start an more public drama or violate people’s privacy anymore than I did. So I’ve kept the details in the appeal vauge.
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