Hi everyone!
I hope everyone's month and start of 2023 went great! There have been a lot of changes this month, and next month has a lot more to cover!
This past month has been fantastic to the server with new changes such as the Site Command and Site Administration changes, a whole load of new rule clarifications for PAC3 use, and others!
As always, we'll post changes as they happen on the SCP-RP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
Congratulations on everyone's promotions! And for those who weren't promoted this month, we wish you luck in the upcoming month

- Requis
- Yeke
- Alpha

- Luft
- Mercer

- Zeus
- Red
- Pyro
- Ryan
- Jason Taylor
- Grayman

- Derek
- Jack

- Second
- Nohacks
- Perseus
- Blondie
- Licht
- Claire
- Scotsman
? New Features ?
- Added Features;
- USA Server Upgrade;
- New in game market place (accessible through /market)
- Series 1 Weapon Skins Case
- Removing a substance from a fridge, centrifuge or other container now generates a staff log
- Better UI style for NPC conversation interaction
- Added Character Bio subsection to the forums
- Added Server Lore subsection to the forums
- Added /whitelistlookup command to lookup all users which are whitelisted for a specific job
- Increased TS3 cap from 300 -> 350 slots

- Site Command & Site Administration Changes;
- Reduced Site Director slots to 1
- Site Director has had their M1911 swapped for MP443
- Added Site Manager Job with 2 slots
- Renamed Co-Director rank to Site Manager
- Removed Overseer positions: O5-5, O5-6, O5-7
- Reduced Ethics Committee Member slots to 3
- Reduced Overseer Assistant slots to 2
- Reduced Ethics Assistant slots to 2
- Introduced hard cap of MTF Alpha-1 and Omega-1 to 25 players
- IA Directors are now appointed by the Ethics Committee
- Site Advisors are now appointed by the Site Director
- Chief of Security is now appointed by the Site Director
- Director of Medicine is now appointed by the Site Director
- Director of Research is now appointed by the Site Director
- "Do you want to be Foundation Command" modified to state roles as O5-1 to O5-4
- O5 Council Application modified to reflect roles of O5-1 to O5-4
- General Changes;
- Removing a substance from a fridge, centrifuge or other container now generates a staff log
- Dispensed items are now deleted after 1-2 minutes if they are not picked up
- Added Clipboard to O-1 Operative
- Added Clipboard to A-1 Operative
- Added Clipboard to O-1 Enforcer
- Reduced Combat Medic armor to 50
- Reduced Nu-7 Medic armor to 50
- Reduced Chaos Insurgency Chemist armor to 0
- Reduced Chaos Insurgency R&D armor to 25
- Reduced Chaos Insurgency Medic armor to 50
- Reduced UNGOC Medic armor to 50
- Reduced UNGOC Chemist armor to 0
- Reduced UNGOC R&D armor to 25
- Increased Containment Specialist armor to 100
- Increased Ranger armor to 50
- Added an Attachments Dealer in Pinewood Ranger's Station
- Added a new-player friendly interactive NPC in Security Bunks
- Added a new-player friendly interactive NPC in Researcher Break Room
- Added Executive Biohazard Researcher with 1 slot
- Reduced slots of Executive Researcher to 3
- Corticosteroids now cure healing effects to prevent misuse of overpowered combos
- Liquid Anima transparency reduced to 60 seconds to prevent confusion on if a player is under the effects of anima.
- Tylenol now cures duration increase effects to prevent unintended misuse.
- Fixed Director of Intelligence spawning in the wall
- Fixed Intelligence & IA agents and operatives spawning in the wall
- Updated network billboard decals to feature MRP USA
- Increased HK417 Magazine Size to 30
- Added the following directories to SCIPNET;
Added Foundation/Site_65/Departments/Medical/Evaluations/Sentient_SCPs
Added Foundation/Site_65/Departments/Medical/Evaluations/Sentient_SCPs/ Clearance 1
Added Foundation/Site_65/Departments/Medical/Evaluations/Sentient_SCPs/ Clearance 2
Added Foundation/Site_65/Departments/Medical/Evaluations/Sentient_SCPs/ Clearance 3
Added Foundation/Site_65/Departments/Medical/Evaluations/Sentient_SCPs/ Clearance 4
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Fixed bugs;
- Fixed M240b being held upside down
- Fixed UNGOC Medic not being able to access medic mod
- Fixed exploit allowing players to drop and holster one-time-use and permanent weapons
- Fixed exploit allowing cheaters to gain extra HP, armor, speed and jump boosts
- Fixed exploit allowing cheaters to kill themselves at any time
- Fixed exploit allowing cheaters to chop their hands off at any time
- Fixed exploit allowing cheaters to gain D-Class / Support XP
- Added short cooldown to name changes to prevent cheaters spamming the screen with name changes
- Fixed exploit allowing arresting anywhere
- Fixed client errors when playing vcraft chemistry equipment sounds
- Fixed client errors when vguns explosion happens
- Fixed client errors when death ragdoll is created
- Fixed client errors with tesla gates
- Fixed client errors with sample syringe
- Fixed vkeycards timer related errors
- Fixed error when 7722 has weapon stripped
- Fixed error when repairing non-turret entities
- Fixed entire player list being printed in the console all the time
- Fixed D-Class quest giver
- Fixed SCP sample quest
- Added script that blocks logging into SCP-RP UK and SCP-RP USA simultaneously.
- Fixed VMarketplace not showing weapon WR float when hovering an item listing
- Fixed VMarketplace allowing players to list items at or below the minimum commission price
- Fixed marketplace harmless error when switching pages
- Fixed SCP-178 not spawning in it's Containment Chamber
- Fixed Money Roulette server booster description to reflect correct roulette ranges ($2,500-$7,500 per player)
Removed Features
- Removed "Doctor's Chosen One"
- Removed Duration increase cure from Tylenol
- Disabled vmap
? Rules Changes ?
Throughout this month, many rules have been either updated, added, or removed! Those include extra clarification on PAC3 rules, and others.
Updated;- Updated 5.1 - All PAC3 creations must fit within the lore of SCP-RP. ‘Excessive’ PACs (ones that go far beyond what is considered reasonable in RP) must be justified and approved in the Character Bios section with the PAC request tag. This is designed so that we can ensure you are using your PAC to create roleplay, with an interesting backstory.
- Updated 5.2 - Creations must not contain any items that cause offense or harm.
- Updated 5.3 - You can only change the height of your character using “Size” and the value may only be between 1 and 1.1.
- Updated 5.4 - PACs may have modified body mass, however it must be proportionate to realistic proportions i.e. having extremely thin legs and excessively large arms is not permitted.
- Updated 5.5 - All PACs should fit the role specified, i.e. a D-Class would not wear a tuxedo nor would a researcher wear combat attire.
- Updated 5.6 - PACs may use sound as long as it is conducive to roleplay, is not spammed, does not cause issues with volume or content, and has a reasonable sound distance, there are no instances where a sound should be heard map wide, across floors or through multiple walls.
- Updated 5.7 - PACs may not be massively oversized or have excessive movement of props that contribute to lag.
- Updated - 3.2(b) Foundation Raiding - Alpha-1 may not leave their bunks for 1 minute on death whilst CI are raiding floor 3. Additionally, Omega-1 may not leave their bunks for 1 minute on death whilst CI are raiding the Ethics Committee
Added;- Added 5.8 - Weapons may not be re-skinned or changed to look like a different type of weapon.
- Added 5.9 - Animations - PAC animations can be used without approval, however they must be appropriate for roleplay, and not contribute to lag or be used excessively.
- Added 5.10 Lights - PACs may utilize lights however they must not be excessively bright and they are prohibited from having shadows enabled.
- Added 5.11 Authorisations - If a PAC has been approved for one player, this does not automatically approve it for others. ‘Excessive’ PACs must undergo the process in 5.1 again.
- Added 5.12 - SCP PACs are allowed for RP purposes, however must maintain the logic and integrity of the character being played i.e. SCP-999 cannot look like a humanoid, these must be approved by a member of SL in game for the scenario presented.
Staff Rulings;- Added - 1.15 Resisting 035 - You are not allowed to resist SCP-035's control.
- Added - 1.16 Use of Cyanide / Bleach - Taking Cyanide or Bleach to avoid an arrest is FailRP.
- Added - 4.01 Blindfolds - You are still subject to FearRP, if you've been placed under FearRP and blindfolded.
- Removed - 1.08 Job Abuse - You're not allowed to swap onto an SCP for someone to breach you.
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