Accepted SCP-RP Rule Suggestion: Airstrikes

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Feb 24, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
There should be a rule made that the GOC are not allowed to airstrike themselves (their own base)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
GOC do not die when the airstrike goes through the floor
Encourages raiding/combative RP instead of F or CI being absolutely flattened.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
GOC May need clarification of radius as to where they are allowed to airstrike

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Stops needless death, better combat rp on surface.
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Jun 3, 2022
watched UNGOC CPT bomb their base when they heard CI hacking the bulk the other day. Killed almost every single raider along with themselves.

The suggestion does not aid anything on the server other than crippling a small faction and making them an easy target. The A-10 is designed for danger close missions like airstriking a FOB.

The suggestion should be "Change the radius of the Precision Airstrikes damage" as that is what is causing issues, not the GOC utilizing what they have to their advantage. It has NEVER been FailRP from the moment the GOC were implemented (as unfair as it may seem).
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
There should be a rule made that the GOC are not allowed to airstrike themselves (their own base)
Isn't this already against the rules? It would kill everyone on top of their base and inside it (In that area)
Imagine if Foundation launched a mini nuke to stop a CI Raid
Surely this wont cause many staff issues as the airstrike radius can and will dip into the compound even when placed outside, which is it's ideal usage!

-Support, the incident today was one of the few times where friendlies are caught in an airstrike (without it being their fault or them running into the radius for 0 reason) and was not purposely supposed to hit into the bunker, as for other points saying "The walls would be hit", I assure you the GOC would rather damage their own building than have an LAV and 50 NU7 run inside their base. Making this a concrete rule will make surface combat RP more annoying as you already get a worthless sit called on you 20 times, takes 15 minutes, then declared not a rule break. This will just mean more and more sits when GOC airstrike outside their base. No thanks.

If someone has proof of a ton of airstrikes purposely hitting the bunker then I'd love to see them, but making a rule like this after 1 airstrike accidentally hits friendlies solely because it ruined an F raid is a bit stupid considering we are allowed to drop a giant bomb on it and airstrike it if an SCP is inside the courtyard, making this a rule will remove that functionality making the already useless 1000lb bomb even more useless as it will likely also be disallowed due to the way you have worded the suggestion. I think a few of you need to take into account you have not used the air support feature and so are unfamiliar with what accidents and such can occur * ESPECIALLY when someones in the middle of combat trying to use tac tab.
This ^^ The UNGOC would much rather have their embassy in a rural area blown up then having the Foundation or any other Faction storm inside their main bunker. I could understand if the main bunker area also gets damaged in said airstrike but it doesnt since its both underground and most definetly protection from a non nuclear blast.

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Heads up: We don't do this on US. It is MRDM to bomb your own base directly and kill everyone in your own faction.
On US, GOC bombs the front gate to prevent raids and we usually wait for hacking or gunfire to enter before doing so. Which is substantially different to a direct bombing of their own base.

Honestly? If no GOC are in the base, bombing it makes sense. Please ensure this is clarified, rather than just a blanket "do not bomb base lol".
Clearly there is a lack of communication within SL on US and UK then....

in no scenario would bombing your own base while your own men are inside of it be a resonable thing to do, especially if only to kill something along the lines of ten non-anomalous people who are sieging it - even if your men were in the underground section an airstrike would definitely block the exit to the base and leave all personnel inside trapped and left to die
They have the ability for a reason, it's not totally wrong to air strike your own base if all personnel are in a safe bunker and the enemy happens to group up in a huge formation that enables an effective air strike. To make this sound as fair as possible, cope and find a better solution, like attacking in waves rather then in one big cluster fuck.
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John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021
+/- Neutral.
I get it in some way since its not really fun for others if they bomb their own place.

They have the ability for a reason, it's not totally wrong to air strike your own base if all personnel are in a safe bunker and the enemy happens to group up in a huge formation that enables an effective air strike.
I would agree on this however i am not familiar with the GOC base so i dont even know if they have a breach shelter / bunker. If rules make it so they can only airstrike themselfes as a absolute last resort while they are in a bunker i can agree with that.
If rules make it so they can only airstrike themselfes as a absolute last resort while they are in a bunker i can agree with that.
Although I agree with this it would be hard to set a criteria and would be difficult to form a line on when to do this, with GOC using this strategy on both CI and Foundation constantly whenever they begin raiding
Jun 6, 2022
I will ensure that this is properly communicated to both U.K & U.S GOC Command, this has never been allowed and apparently just hasn't been enforced ever since being told it hadn't been allowed. There are numerous reasonings for this, such as it being way too overpowered to outright FailRP as you wouldn't bomb your own base. Simply doesn't make sense.​
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