Denied [SCP-RP] Senior Researcher core overhauls

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion introduces Senior Researcher as the first CL3 whitelisted role, giving researchers a leadership progression path, while refining Biohazard Researcher as a level-capped, specialized position. The aim is to balance leadership opportunities and advanced specialization within the Research Department.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I believe so but I don't remember

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Clear Progression for Researchers:
Senior Researcher creates a clear stepping stone for CL3 personnel who want to grow into leadership roles. It motivates researchers by giving them a tangible goal to strive for.
Specialized Opportunities:
Biohazard Researcher remains a non-whitelisted, level-capped role for those who excel in advanced, high-risk research without the added responsibility of leadership.
Improved Standards and Engagement:
The whitelist for Senior Researcher ensures that only qualified individuals take on leadership roles, setting higher standards for the department while fostering mentorship and collaboration.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Difference in gameplay loops across UK and USA, this would effect each server differently

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Enriches Leadership:
By introducing Senior Researcher exams, leadership roles are earned through merit, ensuring only qualified and dedicated individuals step into CL3 positions. This raises the overall quality and professionalism of the command team.

Optimizes Research Slots:
This system helps free up positions currently held by inactive or non-contributory members, ensuring that every role in the Research Department is filled by someone actively working toward its goals.

Empowers Executive Researchers:
Executive Researchers are given a stronger presence within the department, with their authority and responsibilities more clearly defined, allowing them to better lead and shape the team.

Motivates Junior Researchers:
Junior Researchers are provided with clear goals and a structured path for advancement, giving them opportunities to grow within the department and make meaningful contributions.

Offers Specialization Opportunities:
For those who prefer research over leadership, the Biohazard Researcher role offers a rewarding alternative, allowing individuals to focus on high-level, specialized projects while still contributing significantly to the department.

Balances Gameplay Differences:
This system considers the unique differences in gameplay between the USA and UK servers, providing a solution that works across both without disrupting their respective focuses.
If you're talking about creating a test similar to the Jr Researcher one, it would be passed easily by majority of Sr Researchres and not serve much of a point other than just being a hassle.

If you're talking about a !jobapprove, although research is active there are times where there are not a lot of CL4, if not even no Exec/Dors on to do the !jobapproves. Alongside RP, Documentation, RSD Punishments etc... It would simply be too much to try to handle creation of documentation, google docs, google queestionnairs etc... and upwards of 15 minutes per training.

By making Sr Researcher CL4 I don't mean making the position a CL4 and obtainable through levels, I mean renaming Exec to Senior and bumping up the naming. Although my idea isn't the best suggestion it was kind of just thrown out there...

It does more harm than good.
I'm talking about a crafted test Exec researchers can announce like tryouts.
Like others have already stated, the level requirement up until senior then applications onward is likely enough progression. Your suggestion would bring the departmental structure more in line with those of ISD/DEA, but those steps feel necessary because there's not much you can do, on paper, to truly demonstrate your experience in the department. Most, if not all, senior researchers are unknown to the general player base because the most dedicated players usually advance to executive; given their good standing in the department.
Dec 25, 2023
What does this mean when it says "refining Biohazard Researcher as a level-capped, specialized position", is that an added suggestion of making it technically a CL2 role? or just only for very specific SCPs?

Generally I agree that the server is a bit too based in the "XP levelling system", which often doesn't rely on a person doing any RP or any interesting tests to level up - creating situations where the majority of any test done on a CL3 SCP is done just to sample them by a person who only plays Senior Researcher to sample and gain chemicals for their other roles - and not actually to create RP or do tests.

I think making Senior Researcher RP / test whitelist only would be good, although I think there are better in-RP ways of stopping the above problems I currently have with the Senior Researcher role.
What does this mean when it says "refining Biohazard Researcher as a level-capped, specialized position", is that an added suggestion of making it technically a CL2 role? or just only for very specific SCPs?

Generally I agree that the server is a bit too based in the "XP levelling system", which often doesn't rely on a person doing any RP or any interesting tests to level up - creating situations where the majority of any test done on a CL3 SCP is done just to sample them by a person who only plays Senior Researcher to sample and gain chemicals for their other roles - and not actually to create RP or do tests.

I think making Senior Researcher RP / test whitelist only would be good, although I think there are better in-RP ways of stopping the above problems I currently have with the Senior Researcher role.
Most of the solutions are not doable, as a previous discussion with Yeke shined some light on some do's and don't. This is the most subtle start to change I could imagine, without so many extra steps the causality isn't worth the work.

My simplified idea would be:

Biohazard Researcher
* Transitioned to specifically Biohazardous testing, all Biohazardous testing needs one of these personnel to engage with.

Senior Researcher
* Would still retain authority over all Jr personnel, including Biohazard Researcher

Like others have already stated, the level requirement up until senior then applications onward is likely enough progression. Your suggestion would bring the departmental structure more in line with those of ISD/DEA, but those steps feel necessary because there's not much you can do, on paper, to truly demonstrate your experience in the department. Most, if not all, senior researchers are unknown to the general player base because the most dedicated players usually advance to executive; given their good standing in the department.
Where I would agree with this statement, I think the bigger picture is the 4 other jobs that are left in the dust to achieve this.
If people want a more expansive and enriching gameplay then all pieces of the puzzle need to be moving so everyone is enjoying themselves equally.
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Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2024
neutral +/-
Don't see why it needs a whitelist, considering research credit is very easy to obtain. It's already hard enough to get the Exec position due to actually needing to show effort and hard work.
neutral +/-
Don't see why it needs a whitelist, considering research credit is very easy to obtain. It's already hard enough to get the Exec position due to actually needing to show effort and hard work.
If you like research you'll more than likely get exec
Whitelist changes would benefit obtaining interested individuals and create a nice transition from Jr to Sr
-The main argument i here is that making senior researcher whitelisted will make it so that it interests people in progression? Sorry but how in the hell does that interest people in advancing in leadership progression.
-What about the people who don't want leadership positions but would like to continue on with standard testing like it is now, you said earlier that it would be fine because they just need to get permission to do said tests but that becomes incredibly tedious to make people have to get permission every time to carry out a test and it would most likely have to involve creating a test document and getting it signed for basically every test they do wasting a lot of time.
-The main argument i here is that making senior researcher whitelisted will make it so that it interests people in progression? Sorry but how in the hell does that interest people in advancing in leadership progression.
-What about the people who don't want leadership positions but would like to continue on with standard testing like it is now, you said earlier that it would be fine because they just need to get permission to do said tests but that becomes incredibly tedious to make people have to get permission every time to carry out a test and it would most likely have to involve creating a test document and getting it signed for basically every test they do wasting a lot of time.
Senior researcher holds no merit? It's a level capped job within RSD that ANYONE can get contributing or not. If the main goal is to get executive why do we have three other jobs that do nothing other than create an artificial roadblock via levels instead of contributing. Research is supposed to be tedious, it's a RP focused group..

There's plenty of content besides Senior researcher, you have biohazard and researcher. All jobs can do any type of test with the proper paperwork, otherwise we have three jobs that contribute nothing to the rsd.
Senior researcher holds no merit? It's a level capped job within RSD that ANYONE can get contributing or not. If the main goal is to get executive why do we have three other jobs that do nothing other than create an artificial roadblock via levels instead of contributing. Research is supposed to be tedious, it's a RP focused group..

There's plenty of content besides Senior researcher, you have biohazard and researcher. All jobs can do any type of test with the proper paperwork, otherwise we have three jobs that contribute nothing to the rsd.
1.Junior Researcher acts as the starting point on for new players it teaches them the basics on how to do tests with the safe SCPs, going over crediting, learning how to write documents, how to handle working with D-class and GSD, how to upload documents. The basics of research.
2.Research acts as the expansion point for players after they have spent time on the job doing tests and leveling up, it gives people a wider array on SCPs to test on and allows them their first journey into HCZ and testing on more dangerous SCPs teaching them how to run tests safer and gaining more familiarity with a wider range of SCPs.
3.Senior Research acts as the deciding point for players they now know how to carry out tests properly, have become familiar with HCZ and are now granted the ability to test on almost all the SCPs now that they are ready for it. This is the point in which people decide if they want to just perform tests on SCPs for fun or if they want to take things more seriously and progress down the path of leadership in RSD and apply for executive. This is the essentially the playground point of research where people can mess about and perform all kinds of tests they want without things being needlessly tedious, tediousness should exist because there is an actual reason behind it not simply because it's RP, for example 008 testing is tedious to get because of the ethical quandaries and potential risks within the test itself providing a valid reason for the tedious process where as performing a test on 049 such as an interview has no ethical quandaries and pose little risk.

The level progression works because of the fact that it is players actually gaining experience within the department so they know how to carry out tests better and better with senior researcher being the point in which they have basically gotten every part of the job down.

The main goal isn't to get executive, the main goal of research is to do tests. It's like progressing in ranks to unlock new classes in MTF because they are more fun to play than the default but without wanting to become part of leadership. Fun should not be rank locked.
1.Junior Researcher acts as the starting point on for new players it teaches them the basics on how to do tests with the safe SCPs, going over crediting, learning how to write documents, how to handle working with D-class and GSD, how to upload documents. The basics of research.
2.Research acts as the expansion point for players after they have spent time on the job doing tests and leveling up, it gives people a wider array on SCPs to test on and allows them their first journey into HCZ and testing on more dangerous SCPs teaching them how to run tests safer and gaining more familiarity with a wider range of SCPs.
3.Senior Research acts as the deciding point for players they now know how to carry out tests properly, have become familiar with HCZ and are now granted the ability to test on almost all the SCPs now that they are ready for it. This is the point in which people decide if they want to just perform tests on SCPs for fun or if they want to take things more seriously and progress down the path of leadership in RSD and apply for executive. This is the essentially the playground point of research where people can mess about and perform all kinds of tests they want without things being needlessly tedious, tediousness should exist because there is an actual reason behind it not simply because it's RP, for example 008 testing is tedious to get because of the ethical quandaries and potential risks within the test itself providing a valid reason for the tedious process where as performing a test on 049 such as an interview has no ethical quandaries and pose little risk.

The level progression works because of the fact that it is players actually gaining experience within the department so they know how to carry out tests better and better with senior researcher being the point in which they have basically gotten every part of the job down.

The main goal isn't to get executive, the main goal of research is to do tests. It's like progressing in ranks to unlock new classes in MTF because they are more fun to play than the default but without wanting to become part of leadership. Fun should not be rank locked.
In a perfect world that exists,.but sadly the department isn't utilized in this way. You may have done this but the majority hasn't. People normally blow through the levels to get to senior Researcher for more access to scps to sample. Majority of RSD is sampling documents not mainline tests. I don't know how UK functions but in USA thats 100% how it functions. The people who end up doing actual tests are the people that go on to be executive researchers. Everybody else stagnates in the three jobs. More importantly, only senior researcher because of the clearance level that you get as a senior researcher. Nothing more.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Dusk ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We as content feel this is not neccessary as research is in a good spot progression wise and it doesn't need to be changed.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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