SCP-RP (UK) - Ace's Game Master Application

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Ace 63

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Nov 21, 2023
What server are you applying for:
Your Username:
Ace 63

Your SteamID:

Discord Username:


What's your current playtime:
920 Hours

Do you have a mic:
No, I have been authed to apply without one.

Your characters name:
Ace Linguini "Spades"

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first GameMaster Application

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
Minor Glitching 1/1/24
Toxicity 1/13/24
Metagaming 1/16/24
FearRP 2/26/24
Inappropriate Conduct 4/25/24
FailRP 8/1/24
NLR 9/14/24

How many hours can you be on everyday:
5-6 Hours
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I used to Co-Manage 2 Roblox RP servers.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
Over my time on CN I've been in a lot of odd jobs. I've tried every MTF, CI and basically everything on foundation and nothing quenched that need for creativity. When I joined CI I saw that GMs made RP actually fun to take part in. I decided I would want to do the same for anyone in the same position I was. Nearly a year of CN goes by fast when RP is engaging and I want to make people able to immerse themselves and have a good time doing proper RP thats been molded to be exactly what it needs to be.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I believe I could be better than other applicants for a few reasons:

● I have experience in nearly every job on foundation.
● I understand what makes RP engaging
● I love to write and make soul grabbing stories and ideas.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
The Phantom Protocol
IA find a suspicious and encrypted document in their offices and are tasked with deciphering it, upon deciphering they find that it details several illegal (and unethical) experiments conducted by rogue researchers, IA will disguise as members of the group to infiltrate the operation and find out more before they go on an assault and arrest all of the researchersl. For now, IA will go to the event after disguising as a member that they have arrested and have started interrogating them whilst the undercover IA is trying to pretend to be the member of rogue researchers. IA will find unethical treatment of foundation personnel in an attempt for what the researchers call "true testing", eventually IA will stumble across a series of documents about the groups intentions, past tests and more (Whilst the researchers are being distracted by IA disguised as other members of the site (For example a party or a gift, IA will be told to think of something with their own creativity) After enough evidence is found IA setup for the next meeting of the group and arrest every single member, interrogate them and eventually execute them.

Orange Mystery

CI have been raided and 4-5 of their operatives have been kidnapped, an informant has told Chaos that their men have been turned into D Class, CI will be told to go for a stealth approach (To hopefully keep from disrupting RP too much E.G using 914 to disguise quietly) CI will then have to avoid suspicion and retrieve the 4-5 CI that were captured. They cannot take more due to not having a vehicle big enough to bring more so CI will need to interrogate the D Class they believe are CI through a series of tests. All whilst attempting to avoid mass detection from foundation. CI will try to hide or disguise the D Class they took and bring them back to base, CI will put the people they captured into their uniforms, the retrieved D Class will be able further interrogated to see if they captured the correct D Class through a lie detector test. D Class who were CI will be able to continue as CI however D Class will be released in civilian clothing.

Operation Echo
DEA believe there is a group of Parawatch that have orchestrated a big group of civilians in an effort to bring down the foundation through mass social engineering and promises of freedom. DEA are tasked with disguising as journalists or bloggers and infiltrating the group and planting fake documents and information to cause confusing about the leaders and ruin their credibility, through anti-propaganda and a misinformation campaign against the group DEA will convince civs the leaders are wrong without arousing suspicion on who is disguised. On open comms DEA will post negative things about the group and slowly disband it using the media after a protest DEA and the Leaders of the group have to go to a press conference addressing pinewood as the CaF and need to throw the last blows to the group, however, the spokesperson at the conference will be a Class F'd, disguised D Class. Why? A special agent will be tasked with killing the D Class and the two leaders to avoid suspicion that the killings were done by DEA as why would they kill their own agent? With the leaders dead and group disbanded DEA secures the victory.

How would I do these events as a GM?

Event 1: I would write a few documents using a Ceaser Cipher and some 64 bit encoding that details unethical testing E.G studying what happens if you asked 682 if he hates a dead human (as he hates all living things) and a few other things that I wont spoil for when I do the actual event. There will be a small key at the end of the document telling IA what to use to decrypt it. Ill make a few dupes of meeting rooms, surgery rooms and such. A few professional researchers will be asked if they want to be in the event and will be told to change their names to names on the documents. In the dupe of a meeting room I will have a cabinet with documents of the past tests. IA will study these tests and find a timetable for when the next meeting occurs, this will be the one where they infiltrate it secretly first, after the meeting they will host another in around 30 mins where IA and possibly A-1 and O-1 can arrest the researchers and interrogate them, they can just execute them with chemicals, poison or their guns id then delete all the dupes!

Event 2: I'd ask 4-5 CI if they would like to take part in the event, once I've got my cast, Id model them to D Class and put them in D Block, as an event role id tell them in open comms as a tip that CI have been made into D Class (along those lines) Id inform the COs before hand on the truck being too small, limitations, how the event should go and how they should attempt to make it go. Id supervise the event to make sure it all goes smoothly, CI will make it to D Block hopefully avoiding detections, recover the D Class they believe are CI through some on the spot questions and thinking, CI will rush the d class to 914 for them to get disguises (I would try to make the 914 sound not go off so the event isn't ruined in 3 seconds) CI will RTB the d class and use a lie detector prop that has a bodygroup for lie and truth (I'll try and make it myself I'm pretty shit at making stuff like that but it'll be good to try) CI will send the d class out to surface with civ disguises and the D Class that were CI that were recovered will be put in uniform and that would be the end of the event.

Event 3: First, id send an announcement in the event-announcements channel at a specific time and try to tell people to hop on civ before the event. Id make a dupe of some kind of stage for the leaders to talk, voice reach would be amplified (if thats even possible), DEA that are on surface would see the event and listen in for a bit before sending the information to foundation and DEA CL4 will be in charge of figuring out good propaganda ideas to spread over open comms. Civs will most likely naturally get bored and flag off around the point where the propaganda gets out, this would line up with the event idea, the Civs left will be very rowdy in open comms asking for a press conference or some kind of addressing of the allegations, DEA will get the idea to use a disguised and Class F'd D Class (Assuming they have some Class F, if not it will just be RPd out) they will be disguised using 914 and brought to the conference, a special agent will be told to shoot the D Class and leaders (Leaders will be told to not move so the Special Agent can shoot them with no issue) Civs will say that the CaF orchestrated the attack and a disguised DEA will say in open comms that if that was the case why would the agent be killed too. Event would be over and the server will carry on as normal.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

A Hume Bubble has been expanding rapidly after multiple Hume Bubbles were placed upon each other by a group of researchers leading to some kind of super hume, this leads to a reality split. One side is normal and the other side is reversed, damaged and has no lighting systems. Both sides have to research and contain the hume bubble before the reality explodes and is reset (Basically a nuke) external GOIs will be scrambling to understand what has happened. On both realities devices will be placed to allow communication between both sites (im not 100% sure how I would be able to execute this but with some further studying of Lua I should be able to make something to accomplish this.) Players on both sites must share their findings and find that the humes are nearly the exact opposite and what they need to do is shift the humes to be identical, on the damaged and reversed site the hume bubble is lower than it should be and on the normal site the hume bubble is bigger than it should be, more humes must be placed on the damaged reality to stabalise it and scrantons must be placed on the normal realities hume. The server will have 1 hour to fix the reality split or else it implodes resetting the current RP and resetting the reality split.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
A group of parawatch have stolen an ECA and the ECA has spilled a little bit too much about the committee to the parawatch. Parawatch will threaten to leak the information to UNGOC and CI, jeopardising reputations of the site so, Omega-1 need to go in stealthy and covert. First an O-1 must take out a parawatch and dispatch of him before any word gets out that his disguise has been taken. The person who is disguised will scout out locations before the rest of Omega-1 kill the parawatch and recover the ECA.

A rampant SCP has been unleashed upon pinewood, nobody knows how to recontain it however, O5 realises that this SCP was thought to be dead and was encrypted by the past O5. A-1 need to decrypt the SCP Document (Considering this is a group of players that are good at RP the encryption will be quite difficult) They will pass the decrypted document on to E-11 and the SCP will then be contained. A-1 will be expected to decrypt the document and provide information to E-11.

During a CI raid, CI dropped one of their devices (a cryogenic gun that works as a static fluid placer that won’t be able to be used since it is broken) the gun is broken and is causing some electrical difficulties and some deaths (Acts as a non-infectious SCP 009 effect. Nu-7s job is to set up a perimeter to ensure no CI recover the gun before the gun is taken by foundation and securely stored. Nu-7 will be expected to hold all enterances, do ID checks and defend against any attack.

A previously thought to be low-risk anomaly, SCP 427, is exhibiting strange behaviors (Having its effects go off without people touching it directly) E-11 will have to find some way to steralise 427 without being infected. This could be a mass amount of containment beams, heating up 427 a ton using slams/explosives for example and a few other ways of fixing 427 to its original state. E-11 will be expected to experiment with SCP 427 to try and cleanse it with the above methods through trial and error.

Foundation will procure a set of classified documents revealing assets and information of GOC and C.I. The information is stored on a digital file storage and must be recovered before it is archived in SCPiNET. IRU will be tasked with hacking into the digital file storage within a set amount of time before foundation uses the information on their next raid. IRU will need to find a communication point in the site and will need to use their TE5 to do 3 CL4s and delete the document folder.

UNGOC discovers that a group of PMC got their hands on a weapon that can place down humes. GOC evaluates that the weapon must be destroyed and so must the group of PMC. UNGOC will go on a high risk mission to destroy the device and kill the PMC, The PMC will have increased health to make the mission somewhat challenging. Once the mission is completed UN must create a cover up of the event.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application!
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Dec 25, 2023
Very cool guy.

But Ace, is there anyway you'd be able to further explain some of your event ideas even in just a sentence or 2? Mainly how the CI hacking event will happen, or what the Nu-7 are expected to do to protect the "cryogenic gun"?
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Game Master
Game Master
Oct 13, 2023
+/- neutral

+ You seem to know what events you would like to do
+ its formatted well and easy to read
+ its clear you know how to rp

- You seem to lack the understanding of what a GM's role is on the server
(i dont want to dig in to you to much but)

For you:

O-1 Event, I dont know where a GM would play a role there? This just seems like RP that a normal para could do.
A-1 Event, Its a cool idea but at the very most this would be an RP enhancement where the gm would do /its and the players respond
NU-7 Event , "non-infectious SCP 009" This whole event sounds cool-ish but you just discribed what NU-7 do on a day to day with a faulty version 009?
E-11 Event: Now i think this will be your saving grace. SCP-457 has been known to blow up in the past even when under rain (and since its a gen 1 scp its not very well writen so hats off to you for being able to come up with this) But Its not unexplainable for SCP-457 to be able to ignite people through walls/ make them explode. So yeah this would be a fun event for E-11
Ci event: Just seems like a normal DC tbh
UNGOC event, Ngl its a cool idea but you need to invovle some big name's think Valraven or any other GOI that specializes in Gun running

Now please dont be upset by this but you have potential, you just need to study up on what a GM does in the server and where they fall in the RP structure

Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
+ Support

I think the application is fine, there is a clear amount of effort put into formatting and making it look appeasing to the eye.

As for how you are within game, you are active, passionate towards RP and I see potential in you.

Good Luck,

- Julien White

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Accepted

Hello @Ace 63 ,

Thank you for putting the time into making an application. Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application!

Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to proceed with the next steps.

Congratulations, and welcome to the team.​
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