SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Artyom Pavlovich

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New Member
May 18, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Artyom Pavlovich

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104836670

Ban Reason: MRDM / Spawncamping

Date of ban: Sat May 18 14:01:32 2024

Who banned you: \\\`verlocity\\\` T2 (STEAM_0:0:529816945)

Ban length: At first 3 days, when tried to connect 2 weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not cook and overreact to a minge throwing my pans along with 200$ of food into the class D block void repeatedly.

Why should you be unbanned: Because i didnt MRDM, i only RDMed one minge, the minge who went out of their way to ruin my game by throwing my stuff into the void. An unban isnt in order perhaps but atleast a shortening to a reasonable time instead of 2 weeks.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Hi @Martanovai ,

I was the staff member that issued your ban initially for 3 days and as explained to you in the sit I had to contact a higher ranking staff member to extend it to the full 2 weeks

A sit was called against you for RDM by another d class, upon going to said d class and starting to talk to him I watched you walk up to him with a Knife and kill him for seemingly no reason. Upon taking him and yourself to the staffroom and asking why you stabbed for seemingly no reason, you explained to myself that "he threw my pots and pans in the void". Then, I checked logs to see if you did indeed kill the the d class that called the sit as when I asked him for evidence he said he didn't have any. Upon seeing the logs I saw that you had killed the same d class 7 times repeatedly in the span of a 4 minute time period, which is classified as MRDM (Mass RDM).

- Verlocity

Sean Hanson

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Oct 15, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi Mart,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

So in this situation, I do understand that a minge can be very annoying, but that is why you should have called a staff member to deal with the guy throwing your pants in the void. But since you took it upon yourself to kill the guy seven times, repeatedly, in four minutes, it makes it look like you just killed him every time you saw him. and due to your handling of the situation on your own. You must also take the punishment for it. MRDM can still count. Even if it was only the same guy, So your appeal is to be denied.

Seeing as this is a 2 week Ban. you will not be able to re-appeal it.
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