SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Ashton

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Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Ashton

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:196798861

Ban Reason: NITRP

Date of ban: today

Who banned you: A admin

Ban length: 3 week

What will you do to stop this from happening again: All i said is do you want to be on my rumble to kayla a real question cause i upload on rumble and she got mad and banned me for nitrp cause apparently i have been walking around calling people commies yes i have called people commies but its not all i do i still do roleplay and research and play as isd so i dont get how its nitrp i accept the toxic and the rest just not the nitrp and i think she has a personal bias towards me?

Why should you be unbanned: All i said is do you want to be on my rumble to kayla a real question cause i upload on rumble and she got mad and banned me for nitrp cause apparently i have been walking around calling people commies yes i have called people commies but its not all i do i still do roleplay and research and play as isd so i dont get how its nitrp i accept the toxic and the rest just not the nitrp and i think she has a personal bias towards me?
Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom
if she thinks i am nitrp why not ban me when i call people commies saying your a commie and asking if you wanna be on rumble still isnt nitrp as i am still roleplaying i got all the clips to back up that i still roleplay and me saying is are you a commie and wanna be on my rumble is like .1% of everything ive done ?
Appeal Denied

Hi @Ashton ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Your actions that you had committed over the course of the past few days before your ban were completely unacceptable. Not only were you minging and in turn getting job banned from different departments. But you also said some rather inappropriate things to Kayla and other people. Due to this you received the current ban for Severe Toxicity and NITRP, in which you forgot to mention the Severe Toxicity part in your appeal. Due to this your appeal will be denied.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks​
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