SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Bobby Mclovin

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Bobby Mclovin

Civil Gamers Expert
May 18, 2023

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Bobby Mclovin

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:681457741

Ban Reason: Cheating and toxicity

Date of ban: 2025-01-07

Who banned you: 'Tulp'

Ban length: 16 weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I havent done anything wrong.

Why should you be unbanned: This is a false ban and i have not said the n word i said digga which means bro in german and i have not even cheated on garrys mod i dont even know how to download a cheat and i would never do that. I also asked if i could see when i apparently cheated but the mod just said no im not gonna tell you what you did or what the person who reported you has for name. I even to show all of my files and what programs had been up today and it was only medal, discord, steam, garrys mod, google chrome, and spotify. I showed him everything i have on my pc. I have never used cheats and i will never use cheats in my entire life. The only things i did today was going online at 6 am and then playing d class and the type blue researcher. at 8 am the first person joined and i was scp-079 and he breached me out for some reason and then i was breached for like 1 hour and i was flying close to people and made noises and i turned off the lights and destroyed all the doors from d block to scp 914 and to surface. I dont even know what i did wrong, i did not cheat and i didnt say the n word like wtf. Im pissed of this bullshit becuz i am innocent.
Aug 27, 2022

Hey Bobby Schlat

Thank you for taking the time to make a appeal

First I will say something about the severe toxicity, you were playing with another ISD member and involving yourself in inappropriate and Derogatory Language. the following things were said,

Another player said F N-word and you replied with I agree, 3 min later you were talking about Server leadership members that like to dress like characters and do crossplay or have different sexuality etc. that you hate them and you shit talk about them all the time, Little later you were in the armoury section and were randomly saying the N-word.

use of third-party software

We received reports of you using third-party software, after looking at the evidence with another Hmod we decided to call an SL member as required after a discussion. The SL member gave us Permission to issue a ban as the evidence that was provided was deemed "cheating" after the SL member review.

Like I stated in the sit I can't provide any details about the evidence or the method etc.

Hope this clears things up,
A member of Server leadership or network+ will review this appeal as soon as possible.

Best Regards,


Bobby Mclovin

Civil Gamers Expert
May 18, 2023
i have never used third party things/cheats on gmod or anything so i dont what you guys found maybe it was medal maybe it was teamspeak overlay idk.
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