SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Charles 'Dealer' Lupin

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Apr 2, 2022
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Charles 'Dealer' Lupin

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76363010

Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity

Date of ban: Tue Jan 21 22:15:44 2025

Who banned you: Victor Green (STEAM-0:0:147909941)

Ban length: 1 week

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I won't use any slurs even once on CN, even if there are no people nearby and even if Im not saying it to anyone and even if am just testing word blacklists...

Why should you be unbanned: First I will explain the situation of why that happened, since I think it's important to have the full picture. I was writing a message in comms while playing ISD when one of my messages got blacklisted, It seemed that I made a typo while writing down the word "think" and it somehow came out as close to a word chi*** that I had never met myself with before, since English is not my first. I took a screenshot of said blacklist and posted it on DC scp-memes. That's when I learned that it's actually some form of a slur, thanks Paul Arthur btw.

It was one of the first times I got my message blacklisted at least as far as my memory goes. I was kinda suprised and, in a dumb attack of curiosity, I typed in chat the F word, No one was nearby to hear it and after saying it once, I came back to my regular duties as ISD leaving it at that, After around 5 to 8 minutes I got pulled over to a sit while I was guarding primary for E-11. I got told that All Admins see the blacklisted messages and that I am getting banned for Severe Toxicity. Outside embarrassment I felt, I tried to explain that I did not mean to harm anyone's feelings and I did it away from people so they wouldn't see my message and no one did! Except for the mods currently online, but breaking rules is breaking rules…

While yes, I did say a bannable word, I did not use it to harm anyone's feelings or insult them in any kind of way. That was one of the main reasons why I was away from people while saying it. It was only a moment of dumb curiosity that led to this. I apologize to any people that may have gotten offended by my message but know that it was really not an act of hatred and that most of the time I'm being nice to people even if they are not nice back.


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023

Appeal Accepted

Hi @Arion ,

After reading through your appeal, checking the logs and looking into your warn history, I have decided the staff member did the right thing issuing the ban.

With this said, I do believe the ban length could have been altered slightly due to the fact there was no malicious intent and you do not have a history of Toxicity.

Please keep in mind, this kind of language is not tolerated on the server, regardless of the reason behind it.

For the reasons stated above, I will be reducing your ban length to 24 hours.

Kind Regards,
Kayla + Trickl​
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