What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: Cooper"EGG-LORD"
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:439390626
Ban Reason: RDM [C] | Stacked bans
Date of ban: 24/03/25
Who banned you: John \\\"Void\\\" Apex
Ban length: 3.5 days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: i will not just kill people as i want as that is against the rules
Why should you be unbanned: i believe i should be unbanned as this ban came for a person i did not kill nor did they ask the person i killed if it was rdm if the had called the researcher i kill they would have known it was not rdm so should not have been a staff issue to begin with but a isd issue as i killed a researcher while they were getting arrested and the isd agent didnt like that and called a sit which i found unfair as the person i killed had no complaints with my actions. next the reason and lenth of the ban should be adjusted as that was my first ban i have only had warns which were two warns and i was told its 12 hours for your first ban. just the add the isd agent was extremely biased against as i tired to have a tribunal on him for arresting me earlier in the day
Your in-game name: Cooper"EGG-LORD"
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:439390626
Ban Reason: RDM [C] | Stacked bans
Date of ban: 24/03/25
Who banned you: John \\\"Void\\\" Apex
Ban length: 3.5 days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: i will not just kill people as i want as that is against the rules
Why should you be unbanned: i believe i should be unbanned as this ban came for a person i did not kill nor did they ask the person i killed if it was rdm if the had called the researcher i kill they would have known it was not rdm so should not have been a staff issue to begin with but a isd issue as i killed a researcher while they were getting arrested and the isd agent didnt like that and called a sit which i found unfair as the person i killed had no complaints with my actions. next the reason and lenth of the ban should be adjusted as that was my first ban i have only had warns which were two warns and i was told its 12 hours for your first ban. just the add the isd agent was extremely biased against as i tired to have a tribunal on him for arresting me earlier in the day
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