SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Edward 'Sigma' Chad

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Sigma Chad

Well-known Member
Aug 15, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Edward 'Sigma' Chad

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:861418935

Ban Reason: FearRP Stacked Bans

Date of ban: 4/11/2024

Who banned you: Edward Skyfall

Ban length: 1 Week 3 Days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Honestly, my last FearRP warn was 2 months and 20 days ago. I understand FearRP and when I see a guy pointing a gun at me and if I don't have a gun out I stop and interact with them normally, if i'm going 1-1 i shoot them, just i understand.

Why should you be unbanned: The reason I got banned is Icouldn't see the goc I cant see his model he's too dark the 682 chamber and he was somewhere under the stairs i didnt see him pointing a gun at me I couldn't see a gun I saw him with a gun right when coming to the stairs I even have post process turned on for brightness to see better but still it doesn't work it was too dark. My friend Jayol West was there he didn't see him too he told me on the pm
first he asked me "Hey where did you go what happened and I told him I was in the sit and he asked me why and I said for FearRP he told me he didn't see him too" as I said if I saw him I would stop and I wouldn't shoot him, and the biggest problem of this is the admins who don't even understand. I told them bro your model is so dark and the chamber is so dark my post process is turned up and I still couldn't see you but he still doesn't care. Never saw an admin that takes someone's complaint they just say go on forums. Even he knows that the chamber is too dark but will not admit it he didn't listen to me as I was saying it and went straight to banning me. By the way when he came to stairs it was too late I was reaching for my gun btw behind the rock wall, sorry for what happened not saying that the admin is guilty but next time please listen to players not only the admin that banned me but to some of them I know I made a problem that lead to making him lose something maybe RP or something but players need to be understood in some cases try listen to them and see yourself. If I was banned for same reason but in a different situation I wouldn't make the complaint I just made, I can wait, but this time it's a misunderstanding. Hope I get the another chance thanks.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
Hello @Edward Chad , thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I was hiding within the corner of 682's CC as i was with 2 other GOC Members. I saw the researcher walk past and called it out however given I didn't see what potential rank they were I assumed it may have been an Executive or potential D-class doing some late night exploration and I was in the process of refunding myself from HP and Armor lost from a sit, I saw you and approached you walking within inches of you before issuing an order, to which you back peddled to outside the chamber and pulled out what I assume is a 914ed augur, gunning me down.

This in my opinion constitutes fearRP as you had no weapon when the order was issued, while I may have been hard to see initally when we came within mere inches of each other I did not feel like there was a suitable condition to be unable to see me the whole time especially as I was in your line of sight for most of the interaction until you turned and equipped your augur.

While you and your friend Jayol may have been travelling in a pair, I had no reason to believe that he was aware of my presence enough to back you up and I believe at the point of me trying to fearRP you he had already entered the containment chamber and was no longer counted in the fearRP equation.

I will be providing my POV below as part of this, Starting from me seeing you enter the room having just refunded my HP and failing to do my armor.

POV Found Here

To Answer a small portion of your appeal separately for full clarification.
Never saw an admin that takes someone's complaint they just say go on forums.

At the time of me taking this sit. Kayla and cheetah both were on the server as the only other two staff members, I had requested them in staff chat to take the sit as an escalation so someone who was unbiased would weigh in. However both were not monitoring the game as they were handling other matters.

Kind regards, Merrick/Lawbreaker

Sigma Chad

Well-known Member
Aug 15, 2024
Hello @Edward Chad , thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I was hiding within the corner of 682's CC as i was with 2 other GOC Members. I saw the researcher walk past and called it out however given I didn't see what potential rank they were I assumed it may have been an Executive or potential D-class doing some late night exploration and I was in the process of refunding myself from HP and Armor lost from a sit, I saw you and approached you walking within inches of you before issuing an order, to which you back peddled to outside the chamber and pulled out what I assume is a 914ed augur, gunning me down.

This in my opinion constitutes fearRP as you had no weapon when the order was issued, while I may have been hard to see initally when we came within mere inches of each other I did not feel like there was a suitable condition to be unable to see me the whole time especially as I was in your line of sight for most of the interaction until you turned and equipped your augur.

While you and your friend Jayol may have been travelling in a pair, I had no reason to believe that he was aware of my presence enough to back you up and I believe at the point of me trying to fearRP you he had already entered the containment chamber and was no longer counted in the fearRP equation.

I will be providing my POV below as part of this, Starting from me seeing you enter the room having just refunded my HP and failing to do my armor.

POV Found Here

To Answer a small portion of your appeal separately for full clarification.

At the time of me taking this sit. Kayla and cheetah both were on the server as the only other two staff members, I had requested them in staff chat to take the sit as an escalation so someone who was unbiased would weigh in. However both were not monitoring the game as they were handling other matters.

Kind regards, Merrick/Lawbreaker
I understand it was a late night, people were leaving the server to go sleep or idk, on your clip you can see that its so dark in there "not your problem ofc" for me too idk how my post process color is turned up i saw your model you jumpscared my ass you was too dark I couldn't even see you on the side of my eye tbh I wondered how the fuck did you spawn there we were before there me and Jayol to try and breach 682 and we came back we were on the entrance we didnt move from and we came back like 20-30 seconds later and then saw you. It would be better if there was lights or anything there not for only these situations but someone cant see just like me. Thank God you have cilentside Post Process turned on so they can adjust how they want it because if it was 0.00 to me I would totally get lost or smth because of the darkness even in the other games I have to turn on the brightness like a lot. By the way it would be dumb to wait 10 days for such an inconvenience I know it's not your problem because of the model and darkness and everything that happened but maybe I can get understood,and my FearRP warns will expire like in 10 days because i think it was in August 13 or 14. Thank you for response mate.


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hello @Edward Chad
Thank you for taking the time to make the appeal and giving as much detail as you have.

Upon reviewing your appeal, the evidence provided and speaking with the staff member involved, the FearRP warn is valid. While the lighting in 682's chamber may not be as optimal as other areas, all models are still visible. To further confirm this, another staff member uninvolved went to 682's chamber with a Strike Team model and confirmed that the model is infact visible.

Going back to the clip, you can see at the start that you turned to look directly at the GOC for a solid 2 seconds, once the verbal order was given to stop moving you neglected to follow that order and instead continue running to arm yourself and open fire on the GOC.
Due to this your appeal has been denied and you can wait out your ban.

Kind Regards,
- Kayla​
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