SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Garry man

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Garry man

Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 10, 2023
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Garry man

Your SteamID: 76561199216011491

Ban Reason: Fear Rp FailRP LTARP NITRP

Date of ban: March 4th 2025

Who banned you: Geometric

Ban length: 1 Week 3 days (i think)

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I got blacklisted from guard for messing around to much. Then i became a teccy then i kept messing around. An ISD Attempted to arrest me i ran around while laughing at him missing me. Then he caught me. Called an admin and i was banned. I also killed a guy since he was metagaming. Didn't get banned for that. Just feel like i should bring it up. I just like goofing around sometimes but it got out of hand and i really should have stopped when i was told but i kept going since i thought it was funny. I really like this server and the community around it. You are all pretty decent people and i just want to play/rp again

Why should you be unbanned: I'll stop messing around and take the role serious. If you guys unban me here and i mess around you guys can permaban me. I really want to RP i was jst baked last night and was goofing around i just wanna play the server is all. This isn't really a good reason for an appeal whatsoever i just really wanna play the server. Since it's the only actually GOOD one there is.
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SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 11, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi, @Garry man

After reading through your appeal and chatting with the staff member involved, we have come to the conclusion that all of the violations that are listed in your ban reason are valid.

Due to the above, no action has been taken in regards to removing these reasons from your ban record, however we believe your ban could be reduced due to the staff member issuing an incorrect ban length.

Therefore, we will be reducing your ban length meaning you will be able to join the server again 8 days from the date and time of your original ban.

Please keep in mind that if you continue to break these rules, harsher punishments will be given to you.

Kind Regards, Cece & Dingle​
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