What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: Garry man
Your SteamID: 76561199216011491
Ban Reason: Fear Rp FailRP LTARP NITRP
Date of ban: March 4th 2025
Who banned you: Geometric
Ban length: 1 Week 3 days (i think)
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I got blacklisted from guard for messing around to much. Then i became a teccy then i kept messing around. An ISD Attempted to arrest me i ran around while laughing at him missing me. Then he caught me. Called an admin and i was banned. I also killed a guy since he was metagaming. Didn't get banned for that. Just feel like i should bring it up. I just like goofing around sometimes but it got out of hand and i really should have stopped when i was told but i kept going since i thought it was funny. I really like this server and the community around it. You are all pretty decent people and i just want to play/rp again
Why should you be unbanned: I'll stop messing around and take the role serious. If you guys unban me here and i mess around you guys can permaban me. I really want to RP i was jst baked last night and was goofing around i just wanna play the server is all. This isn't really a good reason for an appeal whatsoever i just really wanna play the server. Since it's the only actually GOOD one there is.
Your in-game name: Garry man
Your SteamID: 76561199216011491
Ban Reason: Fear Rp FailRP LTARP NITRP
Date of ban: March 4th 2025
Who banned you: Geometric
Ban length: 1 Week 3 days (i think)
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I got blacklisted from guard for messing around to much. Then i became a teccy then i kept messing around. An ISD Attempted to arrest me i ran around while laughing at him missing me. Then he caught me. Called an admin and i was banned. I also killed a guy since he was metagaming. Didn't get banned for that. Just feel like i should bring it up. I just like goofing around sometimes but it got out of hand and i really should have stopped when i was told but i kept going since i thought it was funny. I really like this server and the community around it. You are all pretty decent people and i just want to play/rp again
Why should you be unbanned: I'll stop messing around and take the role serious. If you guys unban me here and i mess around you guys can permaban me. I really want to RP i was jst baked last night and was goofing around i just wanna play the server is all. This isn't really a good reason for an appeal whatsoever i just really wanna play the server. Since it's the only actually GOOD one there is.
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