SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Jay 'Ghost' Jackson

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Jan 2, 2022

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Jay 'Ghost' Jackson

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:232302008

Ban Reason: NITRP/Stacked warnings

Date of ban: 30-11-2024

Who banned you: Verlocity

Ban length: 2 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I wasn't even on when i got banned, and i don't even know for what reason i was banned for. It says NITRP, but i didn't do nothing. I had no way to defend myself at this point. But what i will doe next time. Is not do what i did wrong. I will do better, become better. And show more maturity. I won't be doing stupidness anymore. Neither will i do what i did.

Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned, since i am always a good player. I am nothing like the old me. You can ask many of GSD who i am and what i do, i bet that positive things will come out, and i will behave myself even better now. I won't do the stuff i apparently did wrong. I feel like this ban was not my intention to get. I might've done something i shouldn't, and i will prevent this from happening by just not speaking ingame. I have no clue what i did wrong. Thank you for your time.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Hello @Jay Afton
I am the on who issued your ban, and I will explain my side of the story. I received a sit regarding you about FailRP, Powergaming, FearRP, Mixing. In this sit I was given clips / evidence of you as a D class speaking while gagged while being tested. Mixing about how you were a captain and how you were going to demote the gensec who was escorting the test. Furthermore there was other clips provided that show you breaking FearRp while on the same test and also powergaming. After this, since you had logged off the server I was going to warn you when you were next online, but after speaking to a member of SL they said to ban you for NITRP and stacked warnings.

Kind Regards,

PS: The SL that handles this, dm or speak to me for evidence of the situations that are spoken about.
Jan 2, 2022
Hello @Jay Afton
I am the on who issued your ban, and I will explain my side of the story. I received a sit regarding you about FailRP, Powergaming, FearRP, Mixing. In this sit I was given clips / evidence of you as a D class speaking while gagged while being tested. Mixing about how you were a captain and how you were going to demote the gensec who was escorting the test. Furthermore there was other clips provided that show you breaking FearRp while on the same test and also powergaming. After this, since you had logged off the server I was going to warn you when you were next online, but after speaking to a member of SL they said to ban you for NITRP and stacked warnings.

Kind Regards,

PS: The SL that handles this, dm or speak to me for evidence of the situations that are spoken about.
Okay, i will dm you, could we discuss this aswell together, since i had no chance to defend myself at this point


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Aug 25, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hello @Jay Afton ,

After speaking with the staff member involved and looking at the video clips regarding the rule breaks committed i have come to a verdict regarding this appeal,

This will be denied, 4 different rule breaks were committed by you in the small span of 5 minutes, You showed a complete disregard of server rules and was also shown to be toxic to the players involved due to which you were then banned for Stacked Warnings for FearRP, Mixxing, FailRP and Toxicity.

In regards to the FearRP warn, From the clip provided, You completely ignored an order whilst under gunpoint, Saying comments such as "i dont see the gun" to loophole around this knowing fully well you were breaking the rule, due to that fearRP was broken.

In regards to the Mixing, From the clip provided, You were mentioning your IC position of GenSec Captain as a D-Class, threatening to demote the guard in the clip, Due to that, Mixing was broken

In regards to the FailRP warn, From the clip provided, You were talking while gagged, Being told multiple times to stop yet continuing to talk, due to this, FailRP was broken.

And lastly, in regards to the Toxicity warning, Your conduct across the video clips provided was toxic, talking about demoting the guard and bringing up your captain position OOC, whilst also going off on both the guard and Thauma, due to that, Toxicity was broken.

All of that constitutes to a Stacked Warnings ban as well as a NITRP ban due to your conduct and intentions across the video clips provided.

Due to the above, no action has been taken in regards to your ban appeal.

furthermore your ban will be extended to 1 week

Kind Regards, Revolutionary​
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