SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Madman

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Jun 24, 2022
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Madman

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:100005184

Ban Reason: Fail rp (C) LTARP

Date of ban: September 7 2024

Who banned you: kayla

Ban length: 1 day

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I didn't know this after i made this ban appeal but i will communicate with them on my internet going down.

Why should you be unbanned: so i was letting them sample me and then my internet went down for a bit and when i found the solution the system booted me out and i just decide to watch videos and then after 30 mins of watching a video i ended up getting banned, so i tried to communicate with the person who banned me but they are not responding so i am making a banned appeal. I honestly don't care about the ban length as it is a day i just want the warn and ban remove from my records as it was not my fault for my internet to go down and hopefully this get accepted.
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Appeal Denied

Hi Madman,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

So, you, Kayla, and I had a conversation about this incident, and you mentioned that the US doesn't enforce these kinds of bans/warnings as frequently (since you're a US player). However, even if they don't enforce them as often as the UK, it's still stated in the rules regarding LTARP (Leaving to Avoid Role Play) and Fail RP. Therefore, I will not be removing the warning or ban. If you're unsure whether you're allowed to do something, make sure to make a sit and ask the staff or look in the rules.

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