[SCP-RP UK] Charles Whitmee Ethics Committee Chairman Application #2

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+ Support

Charles has had a very good track record within his time in the site. I've observed his abilities to create RP and do well within his various positions, I have no doubt that with the backing of the previous ECC and a clear and thorough understanding of the roles that ECC attains that he would be a great candidate for this position. I believe he will do very will if he was to obtain this position and from interactions with him and a very detailed application that he should be accepted. My only pet peeve is that you could add some further lore for your character although your current personnel file is sufficient of course.

Good Luck,
Sep 14, 2022
Amazing Ethics Member. During my time with O-1, he demonstrated amazing prowess and humbility. 9/10 dentists recommend this man for ECC.
man that was a long scroll of other +supports, never thought id reach the end.
Man has THREE PAGES of +supports and only like, two -supports. Accept this man already!
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Hi Charles, I'm going to be very honest with the reasons for my -Support

You have been an Ethics Member for quite some time, that is true and agreed upon generally with the replies here. However, during this lengthy time I've only seen a few good policies/roleplay created by you. The time spent = quality produced just doesn't reflect well for me, nevertheless someone trying to become Chairman. Becoming Senior Clearance Level 5 isn't a popularity contest, its about being the best possible candidate for the role and having the relevant experience and drive to make the most of the position. As a Chairman, you'd be top of the ladder alongside the O5-1 holder and would be expected to run and manage a tremendous amount on a daily basis. Based on my observations of you and recent experiences in certain meetings, I just don't believe at this time you hold the traits and qualities to lead and manage.

I do wish you the best of luck and if successful, More than happy to give you pointers and guide you on where you need to go from an Ex-Chairman position myself. But as of this moment I stand by my personal viewpoint.
Hi Charles, I'm going to be very honest with the reasons for my -Support

You have been an Ethics Member for quite some time, that is true and agreed upon generally with the replies here. However, during this lengthy time I've only seen a few good policies/roleplay created by you. The time spent = quality produced just doesn't reflect well for me, nevertheless someone trying to become Chairman. Becoming Senior Clearance Level 5 isn't a popularity contest, its about being the best possible candidate for the role and having the relevant experience and drive to make the most of the position. As a Chairman, you'd be top of the ladder alongside the O5-1 holder and would be expected to run and manage a tremendous amount on a daily basis. Based on my observations of you and recent experiences in certain meetings, I just don't believe at this time you hold the traits and qualities to lead and manage.

I do wish you the best of luck and if successful, More than happy to give you pointers and guide you on where you need to go from an Ex-Chairman position myself. But as of this moment I stand by my personal viewpoint.
I agree with Broda, will have to leave my -Support on this

John Yakuza

Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2023

I don't interact much with this community but this is one of the few people i still have great hopes for and respect. Man has never given me up, never let me down. Never ran around and deserted me. Never made me cry. Never said goodbye. Never told a lie and hurt me.

John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021
I have seen you gone from IA Ambassador to IA Director and to ECM. You are very dedicated and qualified in what you do. I always enjoyed working with you on projects. You are able to think about things from a lot of perspectives and by that thinking critical about decisions and plans. With you experience, maturity and dedication you are the best fit for ECC.

Best of luck
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