[SCP-RP UK] Deacon's Executive Researcher Application

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Jun 19, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
-First joined the server April 2022. I have 471 hours on record.


In what country are you located?:
-N. Wales

Time zone:

Character name(s):

Civilian name:
-Nathan ‘Deacon’ Greer

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes. I exclusively use my mic unless typing in OOC or LOOC.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-A-1 SPC (Holding)
-RRT SGT (Holding)
-SCP-096 (Holding)
-Nu-7 LDR-CSG (Held twice)
-CI-A (Held three times)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-One warn for FailRP and one warn for RDM

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:
-I have a lot of fun when it comes to RPing as a researcher. I like interacting with the D-Class and the guards, and I enjoy coming up with new and interesting ways to perform tests on both inanimate and player-controlled SCPs. When I’m not busy with MTF or AOD duties; Researcher is my go-to RP job.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I am very capable of performing interesting and informative tests. I also have good knowledge about anything research and SCP related so I would be able to assist with pretty much any questions and give advice on how to write excellent documents. I also have what I think to be pretty decent standards when it comes to writing documents, so I would be able to grade other people's documents appropriately and give feedback on improvements if needed/asked for. I tend to get along well with other researchers and often find myself being asked to assist with tests by Junior Researchers, and (regular) Researchers.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?:
-No idea, but I think my all documents are excellent ? For real though I think I have 3 documents graded as excellent? I don't know how to check.

An excellent grade document consists of decent grammar, a clear objective and result, having a good format, and most importantly; putting maximum effort into the document when making it. A single page of basic text isn't gonna cut it. All information must be as accurate as possible to the test performed and it is highly encouraged to get the names of those participating in the test, including D-Class, other researchers, gensec guards, mtf guards etc.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The responsibilities of an Executive researcher include watching over other researchers' experiments making sure everything is being done in an appropriate manner, as well as guiding and helping other researchers with any questions or inquiries they may have. Executive researchers are also responsible for encouraging submissions of research documents as well as responsible for grading said documents after tests are done.

Executive researchers may also conduct experiments and tests on CL4 SCPs to gain data and results on otherwise restricted SCPs to gain further knowledge to assist with future breaches and potential tests.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Born into a Catholic family, [Name redacted] was never really into science as a young boy until one Christmas SCP-4666 killed all his family and tried to kidnap him. [Name redacted] escaped and since then has been studying scientific anomalies to understand just what killed his family. Due to his skill in finding these anomalies he was picked up by the foundation at the age of 19 as a researcher and has quickly excelled in the field of Anomalous Studies and become an esteemed Biological Analyst. [Name redacted] was present during the mass breach at Site-19 as well as the breach at Site-02. Despite going through so much trauma, Dr.[Name redacted] still maintains a happy demeanour and professional attitude during his work at Site-65.

Due to the heavy redaction of his past- He has since taken up the code-name ‘Deacon’ due to his religious beliefs despite his scientific occupation. This also especially draws him towards SCP-073 and SCP-076 also know as Cain and Able respectfully.

[I hate writing backstories.]

Deacon report lol.png
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Active member
Jul 25, 2022
~Neutral/Soft Support
Probably a me problem, but I haven't really seen you as researcher
+ Good application with effort and decent lore
= An established player with a track record of proper role-playing

Good luck!


Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022

- I don't really see you play as a researcher
+ Good application
+ Mature
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Well-known Member
Jul 7, 2022
+ Support
+ Nice effort put into the application
+ Mature if he wants to be
It's Deacon what else can i say
EDIT: personally I've seen him as a researcher from time to time and i believe he has proper abilities for it
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Super Administrator
Super Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Group Moderator
Jul 25, 2022

+ Active
+ Friendly
+ Good Interactions
+ Gordon Ramsey Pac

=/= Haven't seen you on Researcher alot.

Hello Deacon! It is surprising to see you go for Executive Researcher, since I have not seen you on researcher that often. Despite that, I think you will do great in this position if you get it, I wish you best of luck and you should make me a goated Ethics Assistant pac sometime xoxo <3
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
+Support (updated from neutral)
+Capable lore, well presented.

-Questionable research experience
-Questionable Activity in research

Research has a lot of execs currently, and while this doesnt mean we are going to stop recruiting, this does mean we have to be a bit more picky with who we recruit to not overstuff the department.

Hello Deacon, im very happy to see you make an Executive Application, though this did come entirely out of left field when i saw it. While i know you are quite good at the jobs you already hold, my only concern is that i am not too familiar with you being specifically on research.

While i dont oppose your application, i do think People who apply for Executive should generally be well recognized as Researchers by the wider ScD. I havnt talked with other Executives, who may be more familiar with you on research, but for my part, when i see you i do not think "Researcher" . The Fact this is echoed by a lot of people in this thread also adds to my concern.

The matter of the crowded team (We currently have about 14 Executives counting the 5 people on the "Excused" list who are not active execs but retain their whitelists to hop on the job whenever) is not one for me to be concerned with, this is Penningtons issue and he decides when and if we stop recruiting, but luckilly with research, there is always more work to do.
Also o5 can never again whine about us "not being active enough" lmao.

I will gladly accept you on the team if your application is accepted, if not, i would reccomend spending more time in research and trying to become a recognized face in the department before Re-applying.

Best of luck.

Edit : Instead of keeping this as a neutral indefinitely, ill just be looking at your activity over the coming days and will form and opinion based on that.

After enough time, i have seen deacon is very dedicated to research and i feel confident supporting him
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Jun 19, 2022
Hey fellas, thanks for the comments so far. I appreciate all of them. (y)

Just to address the lack of activity on researcher real quick; I have indeed been rather inactive as a researcher for the past week or so due to trying to juggle meeting staff requirements/MTF requirements and dealing with a lot of real job stuff. So during that time I have been on as a researcher during "downtime" on the server.

These past few days however I have been on the server exclusively as a Sr. Researcher doing tests and writing documents to show my dedication to becoming an Executive Researcher. My research level is actually my second highest level after D-Class so I have put time and effort into Researcher during my whole time on the server- its just been a bit awkward with timings lately.

Here is a pic of me with the rest of the science team during a code black from a few days ago. I'm the handsome devil in red>>
unknown (1).png
Mar 1, 2022
+ Support

+ From what I've seen, he knows what he is doing.
+ Mature, and kind.
+ Great interactions.

+/- Your activity on researcher is questionable, and so is your experience in that area.

Deacon, I've known you ever since I was a private in Nu-7, and what you did in those tryouts will probably be part of my memory, presented in lore. I want to see you in the department, but just know, these spots are competitive nowadays. From your Leadership Path, I presume your old leader spirit will be of a huge bonus to us. This, however, has another side to it, which is as I've specified, your questionable activity, and experience as a researcher. That being said, I myself, feel like you will be a superb edition to the squad.
I've made important things on my note bold, so Pennington, please take note. Thank you.


Active member
Apr 10, 2022



+ Mature, and kind.

+ Great interactions.

+One of the MOST Mature and friendly Person on the server
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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
+Support (Leaning Towards Neutral)
Good Experiments


Good Interactions

Good Application

Personally I've only seen you conducting experiments and not actually helping other researchers
When on site you are very professional and mature. Your experiments are always a wonder to watch and are interesting.

However, your activity is lacking a lot. As an Executive you need to be active. I understand you have other roles which are also important that you have to deal with. But, if you wish to be an Executive you've got to ensure that you will balance your activity between your other roles.

Your application is solid. You understands what it means to be an Executive. As I have said, although your activity on the research role is questionable I hope to see you on the team. I am confident that if you improve your time played on as a researcher and you are also frequently assisting other researchers you will be an amazing asset to the team.

| Executive Researcher Dr. Alec "Brewer" Bennett [COG-3 Lead] |
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Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022
Support +

Presents Self Professionally from testing i have monitored
+Application well presented
+Conducts interesting and meaningful experiments from what i have seen

=Activity as a researcher is questionable
=Only ever seen conducting research (Capability of lecturing/helping unknown to me)

Executive Researcher Bailey M
SCP-096 Whitelist
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Deleted member 2482

~ Neutral
+Capable lore, well presented.

-Questionable research experience
-Questionable Activity in research

Research has a lot of execs currently, and while this doesnt mean we are going to stop recruiting, this does mean we have to be a bit more picky with who we recruit to not overstuff the department.

Hello Deacon, im very happy to see you make an Executive Application, though this did come entirely out of left field when i saw it. While i know you are quite good at the jobs you already hold, my only concern is that i am not too familiar with you being specifically on research.

While i dont oppose your application, i do think People who apply for Executive should generally be well recognized as Researchers by the wider ScD. I havnt talked with other Executives, who may be more familiar with you on research, but for my part, when i see you i do not think "Researcher" . The Fact this is echoed by a lot of people in this thread also adds to my concern.

The matter of the crowded team (We currently have about 14 Executives counting the 5 people on the "Excused" list who are not active execs but retain their whitelists to hop on the job whenever) is not one for me to be concerned with, this is Penningtons issue and he decides when and if we stop recruiting, but luckilly with research, there is always more work to do.
Also o5 can never again whine about us "not being active enough" lmao.

I will gladly accept you on the team if your application is accepted, if not, i would reccomend spending more time in research and trying to become a recognized face in the department before Re-applying.

Best of luck.

Edit : Instead of keeping this as a neutral indefinitely, ill just be looking at your activity over the coming days and will form and opinion based on that.
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