(SCP-RP UK) Diago,s Intel Ambassador Application

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Active member
Apr 10, 2022
Steam ID:
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Steam ID: 76561199257381714
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Discord name:
My Discord is Diago'#0042
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About Two Months
Age: 13
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Diago
Civilian name: Jermey Kinder
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes I Do
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
-I Have received 5 Warns
- 1 AFK no other kicks
-0 Bans

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
- The Reason I am applying for intelligence ambassador is I want to help the intelligence department by running many missions and helping new intelligence agents in their daily duties. I would be able to do this if I was made intelligence ambassador.
What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
- What makes me suitable for intelligence ambassador is the fact that I'm very active in the community also I have a lot of ideas for operations that could be very beneficial to the intelligence department and I also have vast experience in the field of missions with the intelligence department, all these factors is why I think I'm a suitable candidate for intelligence ambassador.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document suitable?:
- I Have written no documents inside the Intelligence department this is a thing I will improve if I get Intelligence ambassador but I do understand what makes a document good and that is good spelling and grammar and amount of text.
What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
-To Oversee every intelligence agent on-site at the time and make everything run smoothly inside the Intelligence department also they are required to fix problems inside the Intelligence department and also to run missions to pinewood etc.
Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in Diago Was born on 1999/05/24 in a small town just outside pinewood he was a fairly good student in school getting good grades he lived on his own from 17 as both of his parents died a few months earlier they disappeared randomly into the woods and were never seen again after this event he joined a private military firm and worked there for 4 years Until recruited by the ███ foundation he first started as a gensec until the intelligence department took interest in him for his extreme interest in the department and recruited him he quickly became an astounding member of the intel department and soon applied for intel ambassador.

BTW I know my lore is bad I'm just not the best at writing stuff.
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Reactions: Dennis Fred


Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2022

- Minge
- Got removed from CI for minging and insulting people

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
-/+ neutral leaning to support
+I’ve personally had good experiences with him
+I see him active as intel

-unsure of leadership skills
-has received 5 warns
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Active member
Apr 10, 2022
-/+ neutral
+I’ve personally had good experiences with him
+I see him active as intel

-unsure of leadership skills
-has received 5 warns
-from what I’ve seen kicked out of ci for insults

if your weren’t kicked out of ci I will correct myself
It wasn't insults as he changed his pos to the right thing

Dennis Fred

Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2021
+ I've had good experiences with him
+ was professional when I was a IA and when he leaded us in the IA training he did a very good job doing it

- unsure if he still minges


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022

+ Support

+ Active IG
+ Nice guy
+ Lots of experience in intelligence

- Short application

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
= Neutral

+ Active IG
+ Plenty of experience
+ Great RP

+/- Not sure if you still minge
+/- Decent share of warns
+/- Used to be associated with Xeno


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2022
I personally think that you should play a bit more and get used to more serious RP before taking on a CL4 role.


Active member
Apr 10, 2022
I Can fully assure you that I have had plenty of serious RP inside the intelligence department I Have been active in intel for two weeks now.
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Game Master
Game Master
Jan 23, 2022

Application Accepted

Hi @Diago

Thank you for taking the time to make this application, after much deliberation it has been decided to accept your ambassador application, we believe you have the capabilities to make intel a better department and will be expecting
such, do not be worried as we will tell you what we need/expect. Welcome to the empi- Team.​
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