[SCP-RP UK] 'Explosive' Site Advisor Application

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Active member
Feb 16, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:448268049
Discord name: sirplasticexplosive

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 42 Days ingame [Started playing on December 2022]

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Dan 'Explosive - Dave 'Kaboom'

Civilian name: John 'Explosive' Smiths

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 COM [Just under 2 months]
Overseer Assistant [2 months ish]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I wish to expand upon my duties within the site itself, giving me the ability to assist the site both functionally and in creating enjoyable RP. Secondly, I feel that my time in Nu-7 has been served, after 8 months of making my way through the ranks of the regiment. Furthermore, I wish to continue providing for the site, but in a non-combative sense with passive RP, utilising my leadership experience to aid the entire site.

Additionally, I feel that I can give both fair and unbiased views on monthly reviews and give valuable feedback on departments/MTF’s so that they can improve within the future.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I believe as both an OSA and Commander I hold valuable and enough Senior CL4 experience to hold the role of Site Advisor.
- I hold valuable experience in both document writing and leading.
- I am active on site and externals [Discord]
- I am there when people have questions and need help

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
As a member of Site Administration it is very high in the Chain of Command with O5, Ethics and Assistants [If ordered] being above them. With Site Administration being this high in the CoC it holds a lot of responsibility and members must be professional at all times when on this role which I believe I can do.

- SA is responsible for the handling of advanced armoury and authing/handing it out to MTF's when a Code-5 gets out of hand.
- SA also creates monthly reviews and are assigned as Liaisons for MTF's and departments.
- They are there for all members of site who have questions or concerns they wish to raise/ask.
- They are there for GSD when there is no CPT/ Dpt. Chiefs are available to auth sweeps during a Code-2
- Handling GOI's such as MC&D with licences and ensuring treaties and relations to certain GOI's [UNGOC] are not broken.
- Ensuring departments and MTF's are up to date with site policies and they keep their departments up to code and up to the standard that is expected.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Link Here

Snevv Kilag

Active member
Mar 14, 2023

+ Support

* Competent and great Nu-7 Commander
* Excellent Leadership skills
* Has the ability to balance being both goofy and professional
* Has made my time in Nu-7, so far, very enjoyable
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Karol 'Negotiator' W.

Blacklisted Player
Jan 29, 2023
Fattest + Support I can give
Best Pal in Nu-7 great CO, great COM and the best MAJ
Definitely deserves a spot in Site Admin
o7 Explosive my man
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Jimmy Wrecking

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022
Finally, something I wished you had done when I was in charge... Oh well. Still a good applicant! +Support.


Well-known Member
Feb 17, 2022
+Good Cl4 experience
+Active & Friendly
+Nu-7 Commander
Aug 17, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Explosive.

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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