SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Broda (2)

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Broda

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24655601

Discord Username: brokage

Age: 30

What's your current playtime: (Just came off LOA and had IRL Emergency Prior. SSL Aware)

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Broda Kagen

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Never

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2 Hours (I tend to take a day off after two or three days played consecutively.)

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I was Senior Game Master multiple times within the Event Team and ran major storylines. I have also been event leader in various other communities ranging from private World of Warcraft Servers to Space Simulator Games.

To elaborate on the prior experience as Senior Game Master, I spearheaded the Head Game Master proposal on which is coming soon(tm) which will enable the Game Master Team more autonomy and co-operation within the community at large. I also authored the new Game Master handbook, something which took quite some time and with the help of Jeremy Siens who assisted with the pac3 section. Whenever I enter a position, I ensure I hit it with as much initiative as possible and view alternative ways on how to make something easier for someone to use or a guide of some sorts to make event running as smooth as possible. Speaking of guides, I also wrote the Game Master gitlab guide which can be found on the UK Discord section. In relation to my willingness to enable Game Masters to grow further, I gave out any and all pac3's and dupes I made after I finished with them into my dupe/pac3 dump to ensure others had a leg up when it came to their own roleplay enhancements and/or event series. I am a team player first and foremost and that has been highlighted in great detail from the footprints I have left during my times as Game Master. I will note something for those stating "Oh you just going to leave again." Yes, we will all leave. I had my reasons to leave and no one at any point in their time here should feel indebted or locked down by a game. Real life is challenging and always dynamic. What I can tell you is I am fully invested in creating engaging, fun and memorable stories like I did with the Cortex story line and the MC&D story which gained immense praise from Network Leadership. Hell, there is even a trailer (

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I'd like to return as a Game Master for multiple reasons. First, I am seeing a low point in Game Master enhanced storylines for the Foundation as a whole. We tend to get great stories for the UNGOC done by Cheesy who has the entire GOC lore memorised and the Insurgency tend to get more stories than the Foundation. This isn't a criticism as such, more so an observation and I am a strong believer in how Game Masters can make or break a server's engagement and roleplay. With my position as Ethics Member, It pivots me into a unique perspective to overlook the roleplay and storylines on the server. Currently, as aforementioned, we are in a low point where Foundation is in regard. I aim to bring about fresh, new and exciting stories for players to engage themselves with and I thoroughly enjoy running them frequently.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I am not special over other applicants, rather more experienced and unique in the way I tackle the roleplay I deliver to other players.

The server currently, as I mentioned in prior questions, has a low point in storylines being given to the Foundation specifically. I aim to tackle that by launching a new in-depth story that envelops multiple departments and attempts to keep the roleplay from being Clearance Level Four exclusive as it tends to lead in to. I aim to continue to develop the Game Master guides I previously created along with jumping at the opportunity to create more accessible dupes and pac3s I create. Teamwork is essential within the Game Master Team and I practise this quality whenever I help another Game Master. On top of this, I am heavily experienced in all my years of roleplaying on various games/communities and combined with my three years of play on Civil Networks which helps me deal with roleplay scenarios and storyline creation easier.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Interrogation Like No Other:

Marshall, Carter & Dark have declared a fire sale within Pinewood. This of course attracts the attention of the United Nations Global Occult Coalition, The Chaos Insurgency and The Foundation's Surface Units. A small plethora of items will be available for sale in an old cave once used by MC&D years ago for their grand auction. Due to MC&D's shady nature, those with a keen eye would notice a pen sat inside a small rectangle box that seemingly attracts your attention. The players would be invited to a bargaining session if they display interest in such item and the winner would walk away with it. However, those within the Foundation some time in to the event will be notified SCP-067 and an assortment of items are in-fact missing from a Containment Facility that got ransacked post-Insurgency raid. Reports suggest MC&D crept in during the aftermath and took a substantial amount of anomalous items, now circulating the black market. SCP-067 can work in most people's favour if they deem it necessary to learn more about an individual, but the results can be varied.

The event would conclude in the following ways:

Foundation: If Surface Operators manage to secure SCP-067 then after possible usage on any captured Group of Interest or even the MC&D Agent selling the item, the relevant Site will request its return post-haste as the victim Site has recovered from the Insurgency attack.

Chaos Insurgency:
If the Insurgency has control of SCP-067 at the end of the event, they'd have the opportunity to resell it back to MC&D for various equipment, secrets or other anomalous items in their catalogue due to MC&D's local management panicking as their involvement in ransacking post-Insurgency raid was discovered and loss of a consumer base is not good business.

UNGOC: If the UNGOC has control of SCP-067 then the opportunity for trying to destroy the item can come about, however, MC&D yet again would offer a similar deal to the UNGOC that the Insurgency would have been privy too as bad business equals little to no profit.

A Favour for Site-21

SCP-052 as of late has churned out more arrivals to our present day. Site-21 is requesting surplus D-Class and Field Agents from the External Affairs Department to delve into the problem by boarding the train. Upon arrival to 59th Street Station, the Site-21 liaison Agent will brief the D-Class and Agent's going aboard the train on what to typically expect. During such briefing, a new arrival from 1966 would appear. This individual would be in a state of panic upon realising the unusual modern day attire worn by the D-Class and the Field Agents. This individual would be gently apprehended and delivered to Site-65's Ethics Committee for interview and exploring the pathways to reintegration into society.

In order to not lose the Field Agents and the D-Class, they'd be fitted with a temporal tracker to signify the rough time they'd exit from. Upon entry, Agents and D-Class would be split in to two groups and sent to two different time periods. Each team would have to navigate such world and attempt to find out the root cause of this surge in arrivals from SCP-052.

The event would conclude in the following ways:

A Return: Field Agents and D-Class would discover the route home and return back a short time after departure with the Site-21 field team. They'd learn a tremendous deal and would have dealt with the issue in their relevant time period to slow down SCP-052 arrivals.

No going home: The mystery was never solved and as such there is no return. We'd learn through adjusted files in Foundation records that these individuals grew old and died, avoiding the Foundation's gaze till their twilight years for some reason. This would lead on to a small investigation as to why.

Reactor Meltdown

Site-65's reactor has been damaged beyond traditional repair due to the repeated tampering and containment breaches. Site Administration would receive notification from O5-11, stating that reactor levels on their external monitoring systems has reached critical and all resources available to remedy this will be at their disposal. Site Technical Staff and the Research Department would be summoned to an emergency meeting to begin a think tank on other ways to power the Site and/or bolster the reactor's performance to avoid a catastrophic meltdown. Throughout all of this, the Game Master would be using /csay to notify the Site of an impending meltdown and measuring reactor levels. If it is not too disruptive, small temporary blackouts may roll around adding to the atmosphere and immersion. Ideally, this event is run far from a containment breach and with Server Leadership helping it run smoothly.

The event would conclude in the following ways:

Success: Players would come up with a unique and justifiable way to repair and remedy the situation within the reactor, causing it to be more sturdy with future tampering incidents and containment damages.

Failure: The Site's power would catastrophically fail, setting a timer on a pending containment breach. If a breach is close to ticking over towards the end of the event and lines up with the failure parameter, then the breach would be tied in to such. O5-11 would intervene stating external engineering efforts will be applied to the reactor and routine check ups will be required going forward to ensure the methodology applied continues to work.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

Our Worst Fears


Synopsis: The United Nations Global Occult Coalition would receive a major incident alert, stating a small city in Canada has undergone complete evacuation due to a zombie outbreak. This however, is not your typical horror movie. A local Sarkic cult has gone unnoticed for years and as such fulfilled a major accomplishment, unleashing horrors beyond human comprehension. It all started with the kidnapping and disappearances of city folk, something that wasn't too difficult to cover up due to a city's large population. When their time came, the underground labyrinth of tunnels erupted with flesh filled abominations butchering and assimilating civilian and police officer alike. The anomalous community was shaken by such an act and as such major efforts to dampen information on the incident went in to effect with a major taskforce being deployed by the UNGOC and Foundation. With a mission aligned, the two groups would work together in overcoming the terror that had been unleashed.

Mission Intel:

Whilst both groups share a mission, they would each have their own goals to accomplish.

Foundation: The Foundation would field Mobile Task Force Nu-7 'Hammer Down' in its full combative capabilities with airpower and armoured vehicles. The deployment of a battlefield nuclear weapon would be in play depending on how the successes and failures of the mission occur. Alongside MTF Nu-7, you'd have Mobile Task Force Epsillon-11 for the containment and apprehension of anomalous flesh horrors and External Affairs for recon and espionage to locate potential survivors.

UNGOC: The UNGOC are primarily concerned with the far reaching effects of this incident and would be going in heavy handed. Various suits would be deployed to combat this threat, but their initial concern is the power plant meltdown near the bridge causing far worse damage to the human survivors. The UNGOC would deploy a lore accurate mech (Orange Suit) to vanguard their efforts.

Phase One:


The UNGOC and Foundation would brief in the Farmhouse and assign appropriate resources which were delivered by rail behind the farm. It would be up to the players on how they'd approach this threat but Game Masters would be ready and available to slow the pace down if another group shot ahead too far. A small intel report will come in about a local group of survivors at the police station down the road. Within this group would be an undercover Sarkic cultist who would attempt to subvert your presence and report back to the rest of the cult. If you discover him, the intel would lead to Phase Two.

Phase Two:


Players would have to split off at this point to focus on their relevant tasking, although armed with the knowledge the Sarkic Cultist gave them, the initial threat of a power plant meltdown and the routine assault by the flesh abominations make it difficult to act on such information. Once the power plant has been dealt with, the path ahead becomes much more clear. However, you'd be facing large waves of abominations assaulting your groups as you press forward.


I'd like to expand more upon this but it would be too much spoilers. I'd love to actually run this map change event as I feel the server could handle it now.

The only factions present would be:

Foundation (E11/Nu7/Research/DEA)
UNGOC (All main roles plus a few extras)

Game Masters/Staff will play survivors and Sarkics.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

Omega-1: Mission is issued following the vote from the Committee on a Site Director at Site-33 following the misuse of an SCP to turn other colleagues insane. Site-33 is a memetics focused containment facility and as such precautions will be required. Omega-1 will be deployed to clear the Site of anyone under Clearance Level 3 of any exposure to dangerous memetics and kill the Site Director. This must be kept under wraps and CCTV must be disabled to avoid the O5 Council from knowing about Omega-1's deployment. The cover up will be down to the regiment.

Alpha-1: Due to the pure hatred between MTF Alpha-1 and the Insurgency, their paths cross once more as the CI attempt to dismantle the regiment's loyalty to the Overseer Council. Lodged in a battle of will and loyalty, Alpha-1 will be deployed to an abandoned radio post that plays host to the Insurgency Cell attempting to drive a wedge between the Overseers and their loyal soldiers. This can only end two ways and the players will be in control of that conclusion, enabling future roleplay from this incident.

Epsillon-11: Checkpoint duty, boring. Patrols, boring. Eldritch abomination fracturing reality, time to gear up. E-11 will be immediately notified of a tear in reality that can be passed through freely. Initial observations claimed they heard whispers and small enticements of violence. With E-11's trained mental psyche they are the primary selected task force to go deal with this threat. Upon entering via the riftway, they'd be surrounded in a similar dimension to that of their reality, only darker and filled with more shadowed figures. E-11 will be required to seal the rift and at their own discretion, terminate the one responsible to prevent it from happening again.

Chaos Insurgency: The Insurgency is not all sunshine and Kalashnikovs, other Cells will pry on their territory and prey too often than not. A Cell appears nearby setting up shop underneath the lake house, taking aim at Site-65. Initial reaction would be positive, until they begin to undermine everything within the pre-existing Insurgency cell causing strife and chaos upon chaos. The players will be given the choice on how to deal with this issue, whether through bringing a bit of order to chaos or letting it go uncontrolled upon the locale, effecting relations with institutions like the UNGOC for a long period of time.

UNGOC: The Chair Site-65 is playing host to an international summit of anomalous communities. This is something the UNGOC feels is not appropriate for a research institution like the Foundation to be having. Delegates from anomalous groups such as The Horizon Initiative would be arriving one by one to discuss matters on a global scale and possible deals of peace etc. The UNGOC would be tasked into intercepting these delegates, peacefully, and attempting to convince them that the summit is being held within their FOB as the UNGOC is quite rightfully the global spearhead for the anomalous. The Foundation could end up noticing this but no hostile conflict may take place as this is purely a diplomatic powerplay.

Foundation Staff: The thread between dimensions starts to weaken and a figure similar to SCP-22415s starts to manifest in front of everyone. Reports come in that all three mannequins have locked themselves inside their office, seemingly terrified. Site Staff would be expected to investigate and explore this matter with the resources available to their individual departments. Site Staff would also randomly begin disappearing into this nightmare realm and must figure out a way to survive if they are taken. Information from survivors is key to tackling this threat.

Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
No complaints,

Broda is an undoubtedly experienced gamemaster, they've had a wide array of successful small events, storylines and major events. I've witnessed first hand his expertise, being a great dupe maker, story teller and teamwork specialist. The application itself is solid, giving insight on how the different player factions will involve themselves within the event is always neat. Map Change is solid, while I personally dislike the map change even being in the application process, you've done a neat job at drawing out a 1. Firm map change idea, 2. Player locations, where POI's would be etc, 3. Map Choice, a small bonus, but this map is begging to be used for an SCP-Canon event. The missions themselves are fine, not many complaints.

It'd be stupid to not accept such a prominent GM,

Best of luck,

- Julien White
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+Major Support

  • + Active.

  • + Have only had good interactions with this individual.

  • + Prior & significant experience in the GM team, as far as an SGM - And numerous different occasions as prominent RP leadership roles, including presently.

  • + Absolutely stellar event proposals by every measurable metric; Clearly demonstrates exceptional and thorough understanding of the mindset required of a GM, and beyond.

  • + Excellent fit for the position.
To my recollection, I've had surprisingly little interaction with Broda in the context of events, even for the brief time our tenures in the GM team overlapped - But my understanding from what I'm able to remember of the material I've seen is that Broda's strength is storylines; They will come up with an idea and flesh it out in such a way that it can be seamlessly and sensibly continued later on in some fashion. I don't recall ever having experienced any of Broda's events myself, but my understanding is that they are well enjoyed and celebrated by the community. Clearly a very powerful and creative mind shaped by years of practice and experience, and it seems like the veneration is well-earned.
(Note the little text I posted under this no longer reflect my opinion but I will not delete it just so people can have context to Broda's answer.)

I really do hope this time you don't end up repeating the same cycle,
it's a shame that every time you joined the GM team with plans to change stuff you end up leaving the server.
It almost seems like an endless cycle with how many times you leave and join back that I trully do wonder if you even trully get to enjoy your time here.
It's clear that you are motivated to bring good rp to this server but at the same time you have held ECM and O5 so many times but not in a good way, by that I mean you have gotten the position and left again so your record of held position litteraly is an indicator of you not being able to remain for long in this server, altought each time you did get those slot you provided what you promised and I will give you huge credits for that.
I do think your a good roleplayer, your app is good (altought the formating is light but i'm not gona -support you for that, it's cheap) and it's clear that you care, but I do hope that your plan as a GM is to stay and contribute to the server like you hope to do this time, and not to leave the team hanging with a new empty slot that maybe could have been filed with someone that wishes to stay.
Hope my rant made sense, all of this asside I am certain you will be a good gm, you know how to rp and have proven it too many times for me to remember by now.
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I really do hope this time you don't end up repeating the same cycle,
it's a shame that every time you joined the GM team with plans to change stuff you end up leaving the server.
It almost seems like an endless cycle with how many times you leave and join back that I trully do wonder if you even trully get to enjoy your time here.
It's clear that you are motivated to bring good rp to this server but at the same time you have held ECM and O5 so many times but not in a good way, by that I mean you have gotten the position and left again so your record of held position litteraly is an indicator of you not being able to remain for long in this server, altought each time you did get those slot you provided what you promised and I will give you huge credits for that.
I do think your a good roleplayer, your app is good (altought the formating is light but i'm not gona -support you for that, it's cheap) and it's clear that you care, but I do hope that your plan as a GM is to stay and contribute to the server like you hope to do this time, and not to leave the team hanging with a new empty slot that maybe could have been filed with someone that wishes to stay.
Hope my rant made sense, all of this asside I am certain you will be a good gm, you know how to rp and have proven it too many times for me to remember by now.

I'll have to repeat myself for the 50th time on this leaving point as it is starting to annoy me greatly.

I have been on SCP RP UK for around Three Years. I am permitted to take time away to focus on IRL, Careers and try other games if I approach burnout. I've never left the team hanging and if you read my application you will see the sheer amount of stuff I have contributed not just to the server but directly to the functionality of the Game Master team.

Handbook completely redone off my own back. Head Game Master proposal done off my own back and close to being released after a lot of effort was put in to getting this approved. Gitlab guide done off my own back. Dupe/Pac3 dump done because I don't leave the GM Team hanging as I am a clear and evidenced team player.

I do stay and I do play. I am sorry Napoleon but I just outright disagree with "it's a shame that every time you joined the GM team with plans to change stuff you end up leaving the server." Just literally look at everything I have had a plan with and carried out on.
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I'll have to repeat myself for the 50th time on this leaving point as it is starting to annoy me greatly.

I have been on SCP RP UK for around Three Years. I am permitted to take time away to focus on IRL, Careers and try other games if I approach burnout. I've never left the team hanging and if you read my application you will see the sheer amount of stuff I have contributed not just to the server but directly to the functionality of the Game Master team.

Handbook completely redone off my own back. Head Game Master proposal done off my own back and close to being released after a lot of effort was put in to getting this approved. Gitlab guide done off my own back. Dupe/Pac3 dump done because I don't leave the GM Team hanging as I am a clear and evidenced team player.

I do stay and I do play. I am sorry Napoleon but I just outright disagree with "it's a shame that every time you joined the GM team with plans to change stuff you end up leaving the server." Just literally look at everything I have had a plan with and carried out on.
Fair answer. Appreciate you taking the time to answer to this.
You can conscider my previous statement retracted and my support unchanged.
Dec 25, 2023

Gamemaster Application - Accepted

Hello @Broda,

Thank you for putting the time into making an application.
Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application!

Congratulations! Please contact an Event Team Supervisor (myself or @Bananolas) to proceed with the next steps.​
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