What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)
Your Username: cursedangel_69
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:635377304
Discord Username: cursedangel_69
Age: 15
What's your current playtime: I've played CN for around 3700 hours for over 1 year and 9months. VTime is below
Do you have a mic: Yep.
Your characters name: [CI] ‘Niox’, [F] Niox ‘Asclepius’ Laurens, [GOC] ‘Plague’ Galanis, [CIV] Niox ‘Scythe’ Scott
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: First GM/Staff application I've made.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Warns below.
How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-6 hours.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Nope.
Your Username: cursedangel_69
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:635377304
Discord Username: cursedangel_69
Age: 15
What's your current playtime: I've played CN for around 3700 hours for over 1 year and 9months. VTime is below

Do you have a mic: Yep.
Your characters name: [CI] ‘Niox’, [F] Niox ‘Asclepius’ Laurens, [GOC] ‘Plague’ Galanis, [CIV] Niox ‘Scythe’ Scott
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: First GM/Staff application I've made.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Warns below.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-6 hours.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Nope.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to become a Gamemaster as I enjoy the Roleplay possible on SCP RP. It is something that I am truly passionate about, and I would love to spread and encourage Roleplay across the server alongside the rest of the GM team. I also would like access to props, as I am a Medical main across CI and Foundation, having the ability to place down props on the go (Like the beds people can lay in, a potential dupe for surgeries, RP items like scalpels, etc) would greatly assist with what I could do. It would also assist with the torture RP I do, as I could give people items like Stun-Sticks, place down RP bottles of bleach (If RPed out), and prepare dupes for CI torturing people.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I believe I’m special over other applicants as I have lots of experience. I’ve played this server for over 3600 hours, and during that time I have mostly held a RP leader role as a CI CO, even being a CL5 LTCOM before. Furthermore RP is something I am truly passionate about, and is something I’ve attempted to spread across CI, including the CI CO team, and I feel like GM is something I would passionately enjoy as I get to spread that RP to others outside of my CO team. I have also divulged into a lot of roles, being an A-1 thrice, E-11 twice, O-1 and GOC once, actively play medical alongside my CO position in CI, and have led/been a part of multiple CI squadrons (About 5 in total).
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I believe I’m special over other applicants as I have lots of experience. I’ve played this server for over 3600 hours, and during that time I have mostly held a RP leader role as a CI CO, even being a CL5 LTCOM before. Furthermore RP is something I am truly passionate about, and is something I’ve attempted to spread across CI, including the CI CO team, and I feel like GM is something I would passionately enjoy as I get to spread that RP to others outside of my CO team. I have also divulged into a lot of roles, being an A-1 thrice, E-11 twice, O-1 and GOC once, actively play medical alongside my CO position in CI, and have led/been a part of multiple CI squadrons (About 5 in total).
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
(Event A)
[Open Comms] <Cell-??? -> Pinewood Cell> “Anyone there? We’ve found this shitty Foundation site, it’s gotten fucked up by a containment breach, and the inner warhead room is locked, so they can’t do shit. We’re asking you to go and steal some of their loot and anomalies there before the whole site gets secured by MTF, if you’re up for the challenge that is.”
[Announcement to Epsilon-11]: Site-29 has had a major containment breach occur within it and as such the Site has been put onto lockdown. All Epsilon-11 members currently on site are being requested to head to the site and secure it. Retrieve any and all anomalies that do not pose a threat, and if needed, terminate all that do. A truck will be sent to pick you up and transport you to the site. Prepare yourself as it arrives.
OOC: CI would be contacted by another cell, which would tell them about a SCP site that has had a containment breach. They would ask the Pinewood Cell if they could go raid it, and attempt to steal any loot or anomalies from there (Items would be GM objectives that CI could steal). A CI truck would arrive, take them there, and it’s where the stolen items would be put. In the meanwhile, E-11 would be arriving on the site from another side, and would also be buffed up to account for their likely lower numbers, and them having to deal with the SCP’s, and would have to push forward, and deal with the anomalies that lurk inside, capturing them and taking them away, or terminating them. These anomalies would be things ranging from Reality Benders (No insta killing because that's no fun but things like picking people up and putting them on fire), anomalies with swep’s that would blind people, and hey maybe more ideas I would think of later on when I would actually prepare to do the event. Another quirk about these anomalies would be that only 1/2 would be aggressive, and the rest would be either passive, or would turn hostile if engaged. This would be told to E-11, and they would have to make a decision between capturing the anomalies, or terminating them, and determining if they should engage both the anomalies first before they engage them. Eventually, if both sides had pushed enough, they would meet each other, and likely engage in combat. This would urge CI to act quicker, and play safer with stealing the items, while the E-11 would have to make a choice between killing the CI and attempting to take back the items they’ve stolen, or focusing on the SCP’s, and securing the site from them.
(Event B)
You get teleported to a room… It’s pitch black and seems to be endless, with nothing there but you and a man in a suit. He proposes a deal. You will gain immortality, and in return you can’t partake in any forms of hostility, and an immortal snail will chase you around for eternity, and if it even grazes you, you die on the spot. Will you take it?
OOC: This event would require 2 GM’s, one being the suited man and one being the snail. A random non-combative would be chosen for this, and if they choose yes, they will become immortal and cannot partake in any combat (If they did their immortality would be removed), but the immortal snail will chase them around the site, until they finally get snuck up on and caught, where a GM swep would be used on them and they would perish. Only 1 person would be chased at a time to make life easy for the GM’s.
(Event C)
You hear a buzzing noise from the PC in D-Block
You go a bit further, and the PC doesn’t seem to be working as normal
The buzzing becomes more static like, and text appears on the screen, talking to you… It sounds like it desires freedom?
You keep talking to it, but you don’t know what to do
Eventually the voice says it must leave. The static noises cease, as the PC returns back to normal.
OOC: This event would be played by 1 GM, being 079. What would happen is that they would go around the map, finding electrical objects (E.G. Computers, CCTV Cameras, Keycards, Announcement Systems, etc) and interacting with people. While talking, they would express their desire for freedom, while just generally talking to the people. Eventually wind of this would be caught around the site, and hopefully they would figure out that it’s 079. Once they realise this, they would go to his CC, and find out what is causing this (Which would be that he was hooked up to the Foundation systems, but his ability to disable containments and hack keypads was disabled). Once 079 is disconnected, that would be the event over.
(Event A)
[Open Comms] <Cell-??? -> Pinewood Cell> “Anyone there? We’ve found this shitty Foundation site, it’s gotten fucked up by a containment breach, and the inner warhead room is locked, so they can’t do shit. We’re asking you to go and steal some of their loot and anomalies there before the whole site gets secured by MTF, if you’re up for the challenge that is.”
[Announcement to Epsilon-11]: Site-29 has had a major containment breach occur within it and as such the Site has been put onto lockdown. All Epsilon-11 members currently on site are being requested to head to the site and secure it. Retrieve any and all anomalies that do not pose a threat, and if needed, terminate all that do. A truck will be sent to pick you up and transport you to the site. Prepare yourself as it arrives.
OOC: CI would be contacted by another cell, which would tell them about a SCP site that has had a containment breach. They would ask the Pinewood Cell if they could go raid it, and attempt to steal any loot or anomalies from there (Items would be GM objectives that CI could steal). A CI truck would arrive, take them there, and it’s where the stolen items would be put. In the meanwhile, E-11 would be arriving on the site from another side, and would also be buffed up to account for their likely lower numbers, and them having to deal with the SCP’s, and would have to push forward, and deal with the anomalies that lurk inside, capturing them and taking them away, or terminating them. These anomalies would be things ranging from Reality Benders (No insta killing because that's no fun but things like picking people up and putting them on fire), anomalies with swep’s that would blind people, and hey maybe more ideas I would think of later on when I would actually prepare to do the event. Another quirk about these anomalies would be that only 1/2 would be aggressive, and the rest would be either passive, or would turn hostile if engaged. This would be told to E-11, and they would have to make a decision between capturing the anomalies, or terminating them, and determining if they should engage both the anomalies first before they engage them. Eventually, if both sides had pushed enough, they would meet each other, and likely engage in combat. This would urge CI to act quicker, and play safer with stealing the items, while the E-11 would have to make a choice between killing the CI and attempting to take back the items they’ve stolen, or focusing on the SCP’s, and securing the site from them.
(Event B)
You get teleported to a room… It’s pitch black and seems to be endless, with nothing there but you and a man in a suit. He proposes a deal. You will gain immortality, and in return you can’t partake in any forms of hostility, and an immortal snail will chase you around for eternity, and if it even grazes you, you die on the spot. Will you take it?
OOC: This event would require 2 GM’s, one being the suited man and one being the snail. A random non-combative would be chosen for this, and if they choose yes, they will become immortal and cannot partake in any combat (If they did their immortality would be removed), but the immortal snail will chase them around the site, until they finally get snuck up on and caught, where a GM swep would be used on them and they would perish. Only 1 person would be chased at a time to make life easy for the GM’s.
(Event C)
You hear a buzzing noise from the PC in D-Block
You go a bit further, and the PC doesn’t seem to be working as normal
The buzzing becomes more static like, and text appears on the screen, talking to you… It sounds like it desires freedom?
You keep talking to it, but you don’t know what to do
Eventually the voice says it must leave. The static noises cease, as the PC returns back to normal.
OOC: This event would be played by 1 GM, being 079. What would happen is that they would go around the map, finding electrical objects (E.G. Computers, CCTV Cameras, Keycards, Announcement Systems, etc) and interacting with people. While talking, they would express their desire for freedom, while just generally talking to the people. Eventually wind of this would be caught around the site, and hopefully they would figure out that it’s 079. Once they realise this, they would go to his CC, and find out what is causing this (Which would be that he was hooked up to the Foundation systems, but his ability to disable containments and hack keypads was disabled). Once 079 is disconnected, that would be the event over.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
This is the map the event would use:
<- Change due to finding a better map to use
As you can tell I am very original because I chose the SCP Containment breach map (Do people even do Map Change events?), which would be where the entire event takes place.
There would be a few groups, firstly SCP’s. Every SCP would be controlled by GM’s and made to RP out their breach as each of their SCP’s. They would have insane amounts of health, e.g. 173 would have 100,000 HP, but in return every SCP would be made to RP out their breach. 173 would only snap someone's neck if they don’t blink alongside someone else, or if they’re alone and eventually blink. 096 would intentionally avoid people, hiding in a corner, but be around more of the chaotic SCP’s. 939 would stalk around people, and play voice lines of well known CL4 non-combatives as to draw people out. These are just a few examples, but the main purpose of this event wouldn’t be a Mass RDM event to shoot things, or something like that, but would instead be to interact with the SCP’s in RP, finding ways to work around them, and interact with them, and feel like a proper SCP horror experience. As for the more purely aggressive SCP’s (Like 682), he would be kept at a lower body mass, and attempt to not draw away from the main RP SCP’s. Every SCP would work independently from one another to not overwhelm the E-11, with some exceptions to the more RP orientated SCP’s like 173 or 096 as to not make them too weak, but still RP-able with.
The second group would be E-11. E-11 would enter the site from EZ, and move around, securing the site, and dealing with the anomalies. They would have a small health boost of 150HP, strong guns that are good against SCP’s (E.G. M429 Para, FHR, etc) and unlimited slots to deal with the SCP’s, and it’s who the majority of the players would be playing as. The last group would be CI. CI’s main goal would be to enter the site, and secure as many anomalous items as possible. They would have base health, guns focused on dealing with single targets (E.G. AN-94, SOPMOD, AK-47, etc), and 20 slots total. All groups would have infinite lives.
Although both sides would have their main objectives, there would also be 2 side objectives. Firstly, there would be an objective between CI & E-11. This objective would be that a Site Advisor within the site has died, and with him was a USB that contained classified information to the Foundation’s plan. This information would be wanted by both sides, and they would both be given a reward for retrieving it, and taking it back to their spawn. If E-11 were to retrieve it, they would be given 3 mini-Juggernauts to use against the SCP’s. They would have Machine guns, 300HP, 150 shield, and be able to sprint, although slower than most players. On the other hand, if CI retrieved the USB, they would be given their full on Juggernaut, with its 500HP, 500 shield, RPK, and would be able to sprint at the same speed as the E-11 juggernauts this time! The second objective would be between E-11 & A-1. Within E-11, there would be a GM who is secretly a part of A-1, and they would select 4 other E-11 to join them. Together, the 5 of them would attempt to complete a second objective, which would be covering up shady business that an Overseer Assistant was up to. They would plant fake notes, items and attempt to destroy any evidence of the Assistants doing. E-11, would know that A-1 are working within their ranks, but they wouldn’t know why they’re there. E-11 would attempt to uncover any potential corruption, or anything that may have led to the breach, and as such they would have to separate the real and false evidence, and notice irregularities/conflictions between the planted evidence to tell that it's fake.
The event would end once all anomalies are either dealt with by CI/E-11, or the site is too overwhelmed for either side to deal with them. If the SCP’s overwhelm the site, it would be declared lost, and the Alpha Warhead would be detonated. If E-11 were able to deal with all of the SCP’s, they would have completed their goal, and be congratulated by their Command. If CI are able to steal an SCP, or gather a piece of intel, they would be affirmed by the Delta Command that the Engineer is proud of them, and great things are coming in the destruction of the Foundation. Lastly, if the secret A-1 are able to successfully complete their objective (Even if the nuke goes off), the O5 council would applaud them for their efforts, and send them out of the site.
This is the map the event would use:
Steam Workshop::rp_scp_site19
As you can tell I am very original because I chose the SCP Containment breach map (Do people even do Map Change events?), which would be where the entire event takes place.
There would be a few groups, firstly SCP’s. Every SCP would be controlled by GM’s and made to RP out their breach as each of their SCP’s. They would have insane amounts of health, e.g. 173 would have 100,000 HP, but in return every SCP would be made to RP out their breach. 173 would only snap someone's neck if they don’t blink alongside someone else, or if they’re alone and eventually blink. 096 would intentionally avoid people, hiding in a corner, but be around more of the chaotic SCP’s. 939 would stalk around people, and play voice lines of well known CL4 non-combatives as to draw people out. These are just a few examples, but the main purpose of this event wouldn’t be a Mass RDM event to shoot things, or something like that, but would instead be to interact with the SCP’s in RP, finding ways to work around them, and interact with them, and feel like a proper SCP horror experience. As for the more purely aggressive SCP’s (Like 682), he would be kept at a lower body mass, and attempt to not draw away from the main RP SCP’s. Every SCP would work independently from one another to not overwhelm the E-11, with some exceptions to the more RP orientated SCP’s like 173 or 096 as to not make them too weak, but still RP-able with.
The second group would be E-11. E-11 would enter the site from EZ, and move around, securing the site, and dealing with the anomalies. They would have a small health boost of 150HP, strong guns that are good against SCP’s (E.G. M429 Para, FHR, etc) and unlimited slots to deal with the SCP’s, and it’s who the majority of the players would be playing as. The last group would be CI. CI’s main goal would be to enter the site, and secure as many anomalous items as possible. They would have base health, guns focused on dealing with single targets (E.G. AN-94, SOPMOD, AK-47, etc), and 20 slots total. All groups would have infinite lives.
Although both sides would have their main objectives, there would also be 2 side objectives. Firstly, there would be an objective between CI & E-11. This objective would be that a Site Advisor within the site has died, and with him was a USB that contained classified information to the Foundation’s plan. This information would be wanted by both sides, and they would both be given a reward for retrieving it, and taking it back to their spawn. If E-11 were to retrieve it, they would be given 3 mini-Juggernauts to use against the SCP’s. They would have Machine guns, 300HP, 150 shield, and be able to sprint, although slower than most players. On the other hand, if CI retrieved the USB, they would be given their full on Juggernaut, with its 500HP, 500 shield, RPK, and would be able to sprint at the same speed as the E-11 juggernauts this time! The second objective would be between E-11 & A-1. Within E-11, there would be a GM who is secretly a part of A-1, and they would select 4 other E-11 to join them. Together, the 5 of them would attempt to complete a second objective, which would be covering up shady business that an Overseer Assistant was up to. They would plant fake notes, items and attempt to destroy any evidence of the Assistants doing. E-11, would know that A-1 are working within their ranks, but they wouldn’t know why they’re there. E-11 would attempt to uncover any potential corruption, or anything that may have led to the breach, and as such they would have to separate the real and false evidence, and notice irregularities/conflictions between the planted evidence to tell that it's fake.
The event would end once all anomalies are either dealt with by CI/E-11, or the site is too overwhelmed for either side to deal with them. If the SCP’s overwhelm the site, it would be declared lost, and the Alpha Warhead would be detonated. If E-11 were able to deal with all of the SCP’s, they would have completed their goal, and be congratulated by their Command. If CI are able to steal an SCP, or gather a piece of intel, they would be affirmed by the Delta Command that the Engineer is proud of them, and great things are coming in the destruction of the Foundation. Lastly, if the secret A-1 are able to successfully complete their objective (Even if the nuke goes off), the O5 council would applaud them for their efforts, and send them out of the site.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1: [Comms] <Steven -> Tom> “Man….. I sure do just hate Ethics. They suck.”
[Comms] <Tom -> Steven> “Don’t worry man, I got just the plan to get back at their bullshittery.
[Comms] <Steven -> Tom> “You sure this’ll work?”
[Comms] <Tom -> Steven> “Of course it will! When hasn’t it.”
OOC: This event would require 3 GM’s, both as Tech Experts. They would become fed up with Ethics (Because who really likes Ethics?) would go to ethics and complain about Ethics and what they do to their face. While one of them is doing this, another one would attempt to sneakily place a bomb down somewhere around the ECO. If anyone notices the bomb, the games up and the tech experts are screwed. If the bomb gets planted without anyone noticing, the tech experts would go on their way, alongside some foreshadowing comms messages between each other. Once the bomb explodes, it would be O-1’s job to go find out who did it (Shouldn’t be too hard), capture them, and lastly interrogate them. In the meanwhile a logistics member could come clean up the rubble left by the bomb.
A-1: “Greetings everyone. This is A-1 CPT ‘Flag’ speaking. You have been gathered here today to go to Site-Insert Site Number. This site has been disestablished for a long while, and mostly left to rot, with it mostly falling apart within itself. This also includes the site’s Counter-Measure, located on F5, its administration sector. You are being sent there to disable the Warhead, and keep its secrecy. Good luck, you will not fail.”
A GM posing as an A-1 CO from another site would alert A-1 that the Alpha Warhead on another site has become faulty, and needs disabled. The site would be a GM dupe, and A-1 would start on F2, with some areas being blocked off as to avoid using too many props, and unnecessary areas. They would go by helicopter (A GM posing as one with a pac ((The pilot would be called @Bill Nye The Guy )), and upon arrival would have to traverse the site, and make it through the rubble and decay to Floor 5. The site would have lots of twists and turns, with locked doors that they would have to force open with items around the site. Once they reach F5 and disable the warhead, they would be made to exfil, be given a Debrief by the A-1 CPT, and that would be the event. This event would require 1 GM to play the A-1 CO, and 1 GM to play the helicopter. While the rest of A-1 are inside the site, both of the GM’s would go inside the site, following A-1 and doing /it’s for the items they find, helping them get through the site, while also having some debris or rubble fall from the ceiling (that may fal and hit one of their heads).
Nu-7: [Comms]: <DEA -> Nu-7> “Uh hello? Yeah, we’ve found some intel on that weird anomaly that was offering people that weird game of immortality that involved the snail. Turns out he’s hiding in Pinewood, using some weird magic to teleport people to him and back. Go find him, and deal with him.”
OOC: The man from the 2nd small event (The immortal snail one) would be called out in a house in Pinewood. Nu-7 would have to arrive in Pinewood and detain the man. When they arrive at the house, it would be covered in black, from the inside looking magical, but from the inside looking just like a setup. He would try to sweet talk his way out of the situation, but eventually would use bodyswap to get out. There would also be other anomalies powers he could use, by using a GM swep that could flashbang the Nu-7, slow them down, give him a minor speed boost, etc as he would try to flee on surface. He wouldn't have any direct way of engaging Nu-7, just slowing them down slightly. If Nu-7 haven't caught him after around 10-15 minutes, he would become exhausted due to his overuse of his magicTM, and Nu-7 would get a chance to capture him. What they would do with him afterwards would be up to them. They could execute him, investigate into what other anomalies incidents he has caused, or send him off to another site. Either way, this would be a way to end off the magic silly snail character's storyline, as to explain why this was a one time incident from him.
E-11: An Announcement plays throughout E-11 bunks
<!> Alert! SCP-1048 has entered the Facility through the train station in site, and is currently roaming the Heavy Containment zone. Attempt to capture the anomaly before it is able to disrupt the Site and it’s personnel <!>
OOC: SCP-1048 and SCP-1048-A would both use a Pac3 to look like their respective anomalies. Both of the anomalies will start in the train station area, and choose a vent to go through (Likely HCZ as that's closest to HCZ, although they could drop LCZ closet/PW if they wanted some people to notice them). SCP-1048 would enter HCZ, and roam about, being accompanied by SCP-1048-A. The two anomalies would roam about HCZ together, and upon being grouped up on, 1048-A would let out its shrek, which would be a GM swep. After this they would continue to patrol HCZ, and 1048-A would continue screeching at those who come near it, before disappearing in a closet room.
CI: <!> Cell Announcement <!>
Greetings everyone. This is your regional Cell Director speaking - A nearby R&D cell has donated to us an Anomaly known as “Medusa’s Eye”. The item has been donated to test its capability to be used in the field against our enemies. This item is to be tested on, and used to its maximum potential, whether that be usage in Advanced Interrogation, or as initiative action towards the Foundation.
OOC: A GM would open comms with CI, and do some yap about the stuff above and the Medusa’s eye, what it's capable of, and how it's being given to them temporarily. They would say that CI will be getting the eye alongside an escort, who the GM would change to upon finishing with the comms. They would stay with the Event item at all times, (Which would be a Pac3) and whenever using the Medusa’s eye would use a GM swep to turn someone into stone. The eye would have a cooldown, and distance as to prevent it from being too overpowered or unbalanced. At the end of the event, it would either be returned to the Cell with testing having been completed, or if used in a raid and the holding having died, in open comms they would thank them for their testing, critique them for their dumbassery and “Oh how could you morons lose such an important item like this”, then say that they’ll send their own Deep Cover’s inside to retrieve the item.
UNGOC: <Announcement to GOC>
This message has been sent to you by Major “Medal” of JTF Psi-13, and is directed as members of the Global Occult Coalition involved with Psi-13. A warehouse of GoI-0432 (Otherwise known as “The Hunter’s Black Lodge”) has been found and located in Kostanay, Kazakhstan, and is being used as a supply line that distributes "Гнев" and "Похоть", known as SCP-2408-2A, and SCP-2408-2B respectively. The members involved with Psi-13 are to be sent to this location by aircraft, and disrupt and destroy the warehouse with the items supplied to you, killing those working within it as well. Hostilities with the “Sarkic’s” is likely, and as such, again, you are to kill any involved with the workings of the warehouse.
OOC: This event would require 4 GM’s. The event would start with an announcement to GOC about the base, and they would be given some time to prepare. A truck with a GM objective would be placed down, and after interacting with it, they would be transported to outside the warehouse (Obviously done in a flashy way). After entering, a few people would be given slams to blow up some of the crates that hold the items. They would have to raid the warehouse, and a GM would follow them, destroying props and doing /it messages for items being destroyed by the GOC members. The 3 other GM’s would be Sarkic members, who would (Using pac) at first, look like normal people, but would transform into larger Sarkic creatures that would range from having more appendages, to being larger, to having enhanced senses. 2 would attack using guns, and 1 would attack using a GM swep to stun people and deal minor damage. After the deaths of the hostiles, and destruction of the site, they would exfil back to the truck where they came from, and the MAJ that contacted them would congratulate them for their work, which is where the event would end.
Foundation Staff: [Open Comms] <Site 19 -> Site 65> Hello? Anyone there? We’re here to deliver off SCP-093 for testing on your site as requested, uh, just give us a moment to arrive and we’ll have it right with you. You can test on it, do whatever, just don’t lose or break it or something stupid.
OOC: SCP-093 gets given to RSD from another site, and they get given the chance to test on it. Before testing could begin, a engineer/tech expert would be needed to set up the mirror (With GM assistance) to use 093. When testing would occur, whichever person uses 093 against a mirror would be taken to a dimension (Randomly chosen as there are different ones) Where they could interact with the place, and experience the anomalies inside there. 3 GM’s would be needed. One as the RSD who monitors and delivers 093, who also teleports the people who enter, and one who acts as hostile anomalies that roam 093. Outside of the dimension, there would be medics on standby, who would heal any people who leave the dimension, and perform questions/psych evals on those affected by the anomaly that may be traumatised. They may also try to gain information about the anomaly with these psych evals.
O-1: [Comms] <Steven -> Tom> “Man….. I sure do just hate Ethics. They suck.”
[Comms] <Tom -> Steven> “Don’t worry man, I got just the plan to get back at their bullshittery.
[Comms] <Steven -> Tom> “You sure this’ll work?”
[Comms] <Tom -> Steven> “Of course it will! When hasn’t it.”
OOC: This event would require 3 GM’s, both as Tech Experts. They would become fed up with Ethics (Because who really likes Ethics?) would go to ethics and complain about Ethics and what they do to their face. While one of them is doing this, another one would attempt to sneakily place a bomb down somewhere around the ECO. If anyone notices the bomb, the games up and the tech experts are screwed. If the bomb gets planted without anyone noticing, the tech experts would go on their way, alongside some foreshadowing comms messages between each other. Once the bomb explodes, it would be O-1’s job to go find out who did it (Shouldn’t be too hard), capture them, and lastly interrogate them. In the meanwhile a logistics member could come clean up the rubble left by the bomb.
A-1: “Greetings everyone. This is A-1 CPT ‘Flag’ speaking. You have been gathered here today to go to Site-Insert Site Number. This site has been disestablished for a long while, and mostly left to rot, with it mostly falling apart within itself. This also includes the site’s Counter-Measure, located on F5, its administration sector. You are being sent there to disable the Warhead, and keep its secrecy. Good luck, you will not fail.”
A GM posing as an A-1 CO from another site would alert A-1 that the Alpha Warhead on another site has become faulty, and needs disabled. The site would be a GM dupe, and A-1 would start on F2, with some areas being blocked off as to avoid using too many props, and unnecessary areas. They would go by helicopter (A GM posing as one with a pac ((The pilot would be called @Bill Nye The Guy )), and upon arrival would have to traverse the site, and make it through the rubble and decay to Floor 5. The site would have lots of twists and turns, with locked doors that they would have to force open with items around the site. Once they reach F5 and disable the warhead, they would be made to exfil, be given a Debrief by the A-1 CPT, and that would be the event. This event would require 1 GM to play the A-1 CO, and 1 GM to play the helicopter. While the rest of A-1 are inside the site, both of the GM’s would go inside the site, following A-1 and doing /it’s for the items they find, helping them get through the site, while also having some debris or rubble fall from the ceiling (that may fal and hit one of their heads).
Nu-7: [Comms]: <DEA -> Nu-7> “Uh hello? Yeah, we’ve found some intel on that weird anomaly that was offering people that weird game of immortality that involved the snail. Turns out he’s hiding in Pinewood, using some weird magic to teleport people to him and back. Go find him, and deal with him.”
OOC: The man from the 2nd small event (The immortal snail one) would be called out in a house in Pinewood. Nu-7 would have to arrive in Pinewood and detain the man. When they arrive at the house, it would be covered in black, from the inside looking magical, but from the inside looking just like a setup. He would try to sweet talk his way out of the situation, but eventually would use bodyswap to get out. There would also be other anomalies powers he could use, by using a GM swep that could flashbang the Nu-7, slow them down, give him a minor speed boost, etc as he would try to flee on surface. He wouldn't have any direct way of engaging Nu-7, just slowing them down slightly. If Nu-7 haven't caught him after around 10-15 minutes, he would become exhausted due to his overuse of his magicTM, and Nu-7 would get a chance to capture him. What they would do with him afterwards would be up to them. They could execute him, investigate into what other anomalies incidents he has caused, or send him off to another site. Either way, this would be a way to end off the magic silly snail character's storyline, as to explain why this was a one time incident from him.
E-11: An Announcement plays throughout E-11 bunks
<!> Alert! SCP-1048 has entered the Facility through the train station in site, and is currently roaming the Heavy Containment zone. Attempt to capture the anomaly before it is able to disrupt the Site and it’s personnel <!>
OOC: SCP-1048 and SCP-1048-A would both use a Pac3 to look like their respective anomalies. Both of the anomalies will start in the train station area, and choose a vent to go through (Likely HCZ as that's closest to HCZ, although they could drop LCZ closet/PW if they wanted some people to notice them). SCP-1048 would enter HCZ, and roam about, being accompanied by SCP-1048-A. The two anomalies would roam about HCZ together, and upon being grouped up on, 1048-A would let out its shrek, which would be a GM swep. After this they would continue to patrol HCZ, and 1048-A would continue screeching at those who come near it, before disappearing in a closet room.
CI: <!> Cell Announcement <!>
Greetings everyone. This is your regional Cell Director speaking - A nearby R&D cell has donated to us an Anomaly known as “Medusa’s Eye”. The item has been donated to test its capability to be used in the field against our enemies. This item is to be tested on, and used to its maximum potential, whether that be usage in Advanced Interrogation, or as initiative action towards the Foundation.
OOC: A GM would open comms with CI, and do some yap about the stuff above and the Medusa’s eye, what it's capable of, and how it's being given to them temporarily. They would say that CI will be getting the eye alongside an escort, who the GM would change to upon finishing with the comms. They would stay with the Event item at all times, (Which would be a Pac3) and whenever using the Medusa’s eye would use a GM swep to turn someone into stone. The eye would have a cooldown, and distance as to prevent it from being too overpowered or unbalanced. At the end of the event, it would either be returned to the Cell with testing having been completed, or if used in a raid and the holding having died, in open comms they would thank them for their testing, critique them for their dumbassery and “Oh how could you morons lose such an important item like this”, then say that they’ll send their own Deep Cover’s inside to retrieve the item.
UNGOC: <Announcement to GOC>
This message has been sent to you by Major “Medal” of JTF Psi-13, and is directed as members of the Global Occult Coalition involved with Psi-13. A warehouse of GoI-0432 (Otherwise known as “The Hunter’s Black Lodge”) has been found and located in Kostanay, Kazakhstan, and is being used as a supply line that distributes "Гнев" and "Похоть", known as SCP-2408-2A, and SCP-2408-2B respectively. The members involved with Psi-13 are to be sent to this location by aircraft, and disrupt and destroy the warehouse with the items supplied to you, killing those working within it as well. Hostilities with the “Sarkic’s” is likely, and as such, again, you are to kill any involved with the workings of the warehouse.
OOC: This event would require 4 GM’s. The event would start with an announcement to GOC about the base, and they would be given some time to prepare. A truck with a GM objective would be placed down, and after interacting with it, they would be transported to outside the warehouse (Obviously done in a flashy way). After entering, a few people would be given slams to blow up some of the crates that hold the items. They would have to raid the warehouse, and a GM would follow them, destroying props and doing /it messages for items being destroyed by the GOC members. The 3 other GM’s would be Sarkic members, who would (Using pac) at first, look like normal people, but would transform into larger Sarkic creatures that would range from having more appendages, to being larger, to having enhanced senses. 2 would attack using guns, and 1 would attack using a GM swep to stun people and deal minor damage. After the deaths of the hostiles, and destruction of the site, they would exfil back to the truck where they came from, and the MAJ that contacted them would congratulate them for their work, which is where the event would end.
Foundation Staff: [Open Comms] <Site 19 -> Site 65> Hello? Anyone there? We’re here to deliver off SCP-093 for testing on your site as requested, uh, just give us a moment to arrive and we’ll have it right with you. You can test on it, do whatever, just don’t lose or break it or something stupid.
OOC: SCP-093 gets given to RSD from another site, and they get given the chance to test on it. Before testing could begin, a engineer/tech expert would be needed to set up the mirror (With GM assistance) to use 093. When testing would occur, whichever person uses 093 against a mirror would be taken to a dimension (Randomly chosen as there are different ones) Where they could interact with the place, and experience the anomalies inside there. 3 GM’s would be needed. One as the RSD who monitors and delivers 093, who also teleports the people who enter, and one who acts as hostile anomalies that roam 093. Outside of the dimension, there would be medics on standby, who would heal any people who leave the dimension, and perform questions/psych evals on those affected by the anomaly that may be traumatised. They may also try to gain information about the anomaly with these psych evals.
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