SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Harvey Bridger

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Jan 20, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Harvey Bridger

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:808706279

Discord Username: lil_pat.

Age: 15

What's your current playtime: 1 year

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name:

[Foundation]Harvey Bridger
[Foundation]Harold Bridger Jr

[CI]Gerald Partino

[CIV]Raymond Fisher

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes, it is my first

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
How many hours can you be on everyday: From around 4-10 everyday possibly more on weekends however depends.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Unfortunately, I do not have any past experience as a GM or Event Manager.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: As i would like to help create more RP which is unique and allows for other departments that don't usually get to take part to for once do so.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: First of all from my creativity which I have used in my lore which includes a wide variety of different scenarios in my character lore for my various characters. Secondly from my experience both in Foundation and also in CI which allows me to have the point of view of a CI and Foundation member.

I want to help with making quality RP that involves unique situations and is inclusive to all departments so that no one is left out or feels like an outlier.

I also would like to work on expand on helping with things such as SCP tests and Cross-trainings.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

The Nightshades

>> Incoming Transmission <<

Distress Level 5

Warning! There have been sightings of hostile forces by the name of “The Nightshades” heading towards Site 65. As a countermeasure, MTF Titan-1 is being deployed to Site-65.

[Foundation related]

These people will enter the site earlier on before the transmission above is received by people In-Game. They will be then be disguised as a group of mercenaries who would like to partner with the site in Getting Rid of CI once and for all.

They will then backstab them during their escort and head through CPC to Secondary and then attempt to enter the reactor where they will use the Reactor as leverage to ask for demands in return for not blowing up the reactor and While waiting for the demands, Titan-1 personnel prepare to help push the reactor half by using some of their elite tactics.

depending on how it goes the reactor could blow up due to the hostile detonating their charges or through it being damaged to far due to shooting.


At approximately 0800 there was a sighting of an old yellow-stained computer that used to be white and had changed an odd yellow color from years of use, which also seemed to have no brand at all and was simply just a random computer running an unknown operating system.

[Surface related]

Whoever gets it first either CI or GOC will be in a treat because this SCP seems to be a normal computer however it is more it randomly changes operating systems and language and may then start a new task such as finding a random news article about some random event such as an old woman robbing a store with a baguette.

It later on will tease them of his supposed background by typing specific locations or dates all for it to lead to some random event. It will continue to do so until it decides it has had enough and then attempts to hack into its mainframe.


At around 1900 there was a sighting of a little girl going through vents at least that's what the local para watch said, please respond Asap and ensure that force is used appropriately.

[Foundation related]

When she interacts with personnel she will act as if she is scared and doesn't know what to do, and when people get close to them she will whisper in their ear a question like do dead people go to heaven? Right before she kills him with her Reality Bender powers and then flees out of site where she then vanishes for now.

She then does this for a little and gets tired and falls asleep which will give E-11 the chance to capture The girl and put her into confinement for further testing.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):


This SCP is a large radio tower that emits a form of radiation that has a detrimental effect on local space-time/reality. The radiation that it emits is active for around 200 meters in all directions which causes a sort of dome of radiation to have emerged.

It would appear near the GOC base in the area which is heading more towards the foundation compound.

When confronted for long periods it would make people disappear when in reality it would teleport them away into random places that could be thousands of miles away. such as Pinewood Pub or F2 storage room. this will continue and only place them at random spots in pinewood or within the foundation but mainly pinewood.

Later on MTF Delta-4 “Minutemen” will be deployed and attempt to put a perimeter around this SCP so that further testing by both CI GOC and foundation can be attempted, in an attempt to see what this SCP has to offer

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

O-1| At around 0100 there was a brown envelope left by a masked man at the door of the ethics committee inside it contained information in regards to a top-secret EC Project that is currently active, they then get contacted by the person who left the document and they are called “6” they then say unless they find what they are looking for that this will be Transmitted so that both CI and GOC can see it. Their Job is to find what this masked figure is looking for in return he will not Leak a Cl5 EC project which he has his hands on, can they do it? That we shall see…

A-1| When leaving F3 A-1 Sgt Ravik was confronted by a man who was disfigured and had a massive chemical burn on the side of his face he supposedly 05-5 “The Tyrant” They then took him to question and asked him questions and whilst doing so F3 is raided by masked figures who raid the floor looking for this so-called 05-5 and well the next is to come depending on what A-1 do...

E-11| When exiting the E-11 bunks they find a note that has a clue leading to the next location when they get to the next one all they find is a chest and when examined and touched it reveals a massive sort of goblin that has powers like that of a reality bender and whilst having such powers also steals a lot of stuff and will attempt to steal E-11's stuff…

Nu-7| Compound randomly has some visitors saying that they are here for the party and when they are asking more questions they are distracting them to get behind them so that they can kill them silently. They plan to look for an asset in the Storage room on F2 which is why the raid occurs and now it's up to Nu-7 to kill and stop these hostiles from getting what they want.

CI| When in their base they hear a bell ring and it leads them to kill house when they get there they find a fish monger called Peter Ludver who is selling fish but whilst also doing so he is selling random items of value some high some low and now All CI must do is see what can happen next maybe they can be rich from trading from nothing to something however for now we shall just see.

GOC| There is a strange emission of light coming from Pinewood when they get closer they find out it seems to be a star of some sort which distorts everything near it GOC must now attempt to contain it for further testing. when interacted with it will cause random things to occur such as a tree falling down and a car driving by itself toward them.

Foundation Staff| SCP-662 is a small silver handbell, It calls upon a man called SCP-662-1 Mr deeds a British caucasian man who is a butler and performs menial duties such as cleaning and cooking for example. He will not act hostile nor take part in any hostile actions. The bell will be located in d-block and they may do what they please with Mr. Deeds until intervention by E-11 occurs to allow for further testing.
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+/- Support

+ You're an awesome person, and good at RP
+ You've held your fair share of CL4 roles

/ The app itself is a little underwhelming and lacking some details on events, could you maybe elaborate on some?
/ Mr Deeds event has been done a couple times already to my knowledge, not really your fault, but its worth noting

- A couple events seem a little bit.. power-trippy..
- I'd say around half of the events seem a bit rushed..

Formatting is also a bit of an issue, again, not at your own fault, the form system is weird. It'd be great if you could possibly edit it to make it a little easier to read for some people!

Please give your app a little re-read and try to add some extra details about how the event may be performed by you as the GM and what you'd do! Maybe a little extra detail on some events too? I'll update my reply in response to any edits you make!

Good luck!

+/- Support

+ You're an awesome person, and good at RP
+ You've held your fair share of CL4 roles

/ The app lacks some direction with what the GM would do.
/ Mr Deeds event has been done a couple times already to my knowledge, not really your fault, but its worth noting

- A couple events seem a little bit.. power-trippy..
- A few of the events seem a bit rushed..

It's better, but still a bit off. I'll still give you neutral for now, but edits can always be made!

Good luck!
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Neutral Leaning - support

Hi Harvey,

I'm an overly big fan of the events you are putting forward due to how vague they are or not having too much RP behind them. Such as the reactor shoot out which happens on a nigh bi-hourly basis what with CI and Code 5's. They also seem quite scripted, and you seem to have an exact plan for how everything should go. Realistically, you should only provide a sort of opening and let players decisions guide the event, being able to make its own conclusions yourself when it reaches a natural end.

The App is also lacking any nice format and is quite hard to read, it doesnt matter too much, i just like to complain.

I wish you the very best of luck!
Jan 20, 2024
Neutral Leaning - support

Hi Harvey,

I'm an overly big fan of the events you are putting forward due to how vague they are or not having too much RP behind them. Such as the reactor shoot out which happens on a nigh bi-hourly basis what with CI and Code 5's. They also seem quite scripted, and you seem to have an exact plan for how everything should go. Realistically, you should only provide a sort of opening and let players decisions guide the event, being able to make its own conclusions yourself when it reaches a natural end.

The App is also lacking any nice format and is quite hard to read, it doesnt matter too much, i just like to complain.

I wish you the very best of luck!
just updated format
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