SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Jax

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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
- mrjaxontwitch
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
- 544 hours
- 15
In what country are you located?:
- England
Time zone:
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
- overseer assistant 'Jax'
Chaos name (include your rank):
- N/A
Civilian name:
- N/A
Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:1:606186424
Discord ID (name#0000):
- mrjax5364
Do you have a mic?:
- yes
What server are you applying for?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- first GM application
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- N/A
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- 3 - 4+ depending on the day
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- I do not but I have had a lot of good RP ideas and I like making RP situations (one of the reasons I applied for OSA) and I think with how active I am I will be able to make a lot of good RP for some departments which don't get much because of their gameplay loop at the moment and this will encourage people to go to these jobs and make a positive impact on the community.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- overseer assistant and I since getting the role have helped and been a lead in 2 big projects and try to take a leading role in driving the roleplay forwards
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- i want to become a game master because i like to roleplay and have found that some of the current gameplay loops have became quite repetitive so i am trying to change this up and make the roles more interesting. As well as this I like taking big roles in RP situations and like the interactions a lot with the community and i try to make their days and time on the server as fun and entertaining as possible because i think these traits will make me a good addition the the GM team.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
- I am different from other GM's and candidates because I have some very unique ideas with blend in with lore and can be explored and extended if players like the event which will allow for a smaller event to turn into a bigger more inclusive event and I will also try my best to include multiple departments to help with inclusivity and so they can have a range of options and decide themselves where they want the RP to go and I will try and add on to there ideas and make a event where the players decide where it wants to go to keep the players entertained and engaged at all time (this will only be on some events and it will not completely change the course of the event so its not like 2 different events in 1 event). I also like to include lore into my RP so i will try and add to SCP existing lore and do it on things which are widely unknown and try to make them find out what this group or anomaly or whatever it is is about and what it/ they can do/ will do.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
- SCP-??? also known as 'The Man in the Shadows' is a highly elusive entity which is summoned through a ritual. The ritual involves saying the phrase 'Where in the shadows do you lay' three times in a row. The successful summoning is shown by a creepy response from the entity saying 'In the shadows where you're not looking'. Once summoned SCP-??? manifests as a tall, vague figure that appears to be a tall dark shadow in the shape of a man. The entity is known to relentlessly hunt the individual who summoned it as well as any others present during the summoning. The main effect of SCP-??? is the psychological torment it has on its victims. Within seconds of its appearance victims report an overwhelming sense of dread, paranoia and hallucinations of the entity lurking just out of direct sight. The aim of this is to contain and research on the entity making sure it can no longer terrorise site-65.
- 'The Businessman' is a highly influential and wealthy individual who has played a vital role in the making of Site-65 one of the Foundations main research and containment facilities. Several years ago he approached the Foundation with an offer of they chose how much they wanted in return he would get the benefits of knowledge and power. Driven by his passion for power and wealth. His investment provided the necessary funds to construct and develop Site-65 making him the main investor of the facility. 'The Businessman' has requested a tour of Site-65 to review the progress and impact of his financial contributions. This visit is important as it marks his first return to the site since its initial construction phase. He aims to discuss how his money has been allocated, assess the advancements made and understand the overall benefits his investment has brought to the facility. He is very hard to impress and any let-downs and failures could make 'The Businessman' angry which will not end well so make sure the site is perfect.
- 'The Investor' is a very influential person known for his immense wealth and investments in the Chaos Insurgency (CI). For decades he has been the main financial supporter of the Chaos Insurgency (CI) funding their research and activities with his vast resources. In return he demands cutting-edge advancements in technology, chemistry, and the utilization of SCP anomalies for his personal benefit. This relationship has allowed the Chaos Insurgency (CI) to expand their capabilities significantly while providing the Investor with unique and powerful resources. The Investor's motivations come from his desire for power, longevity, and influence. He uses the Chaos Insurgency to access forbidden knowledge and anomalous items that the Foundation contains. Through a combination of chemical treatments, technological improvements, and anomalous objects and creatures he has managed to extend his life far beyond natural limits living for centuries and maintaining his physical and mental health. The Investor's recent return to CI's operations is driven by his need to assess progress, retrieve new resources, and ensure that his investments continue to give him the wanted outcomes. His visit is a high-stakes event both for the CI who rely on his funding and for the Foundation which must constantly adapt to counter the threats posed by his and the CI's activities. How will this play out and what will happen if he gets angry.
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
- SCP-262 "The Coat of Immortality" event: SCP-262 "The Coat of Immortality" is an anomalous item that grants its wearer near invincibility. Due to the immense power and potential danger of SCP-262 it is kept in a highly secure and hidden location when not in use by 'The Administrator'. This location is a semi-transparent house deep within a remote forest. The house is equipped with state-of-the-art motion detection systems that are directly linked to the Foundations Council and 'The Administrator' ensuring immediate notification of any security breaches. For centuries the Chaos Insurgency (CI) has been unaware of the exact location of SCP-262. However recent breakthroughs have revealed the existence and location of the hidden house and 262. This knowledge has prompted the CI to plan an aggressive operation to capture SCP-262 fully aware of the artefacts potential to turn the tide in their favour. Upon learning of the CI's impending assault the Foundation initiates the SCP-262 Event protocol a comprehensive defence strategy aimed at protecting the artefact at all costs. The security of SCP-262 becomes the Foundations top priority given the potentially catastrophic consequences if it falls into the wrong hands.
List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: The primary mission for Omega-1 is to secretly retrieve SCP-262 and deliver it to the Ethics Committee. The Committee believes that the Chairman due to his vital role and dedication to the Foundation deserves the coat the most. However this mission must be carried out with absolute secrecy. Detection by Alpha-1 could lead to severe internal conflict putting the operation at risk and the structure of the Foundation. Omega-1 operatives must blend into the defence against the Chaos Insurgency assault while secretly securing SCP-262 and ensuring its secret delivery to the Ethics Committee for their evaluation and use.
A-1: The primary objective for Alpha-1 is to secure SCP-262 and ensure its safe return to the Council and 'The Administrator' at any cost. This mission is of utmost importance as SCP-262's powerful protective capabilities are crucial for the continued survival of 'The Administrator' and the stability of the Foundation. Given its significance the coat is reserved exclusively for Level 5 personnel and select trusted Level 4 operatives. Alpha-1 must establish a high level plan around SCP-262's protection. Preventing any unauthorized access and actively stopping Chaos Insurgency forces attempting to take the coat. If initial defenses are compromised Alpha-1 must have a back-up plan to securely transport SCP-262 to an even more secure location ensuring absolute security and minimal exposure are critical and Alpha-1 operatives must avoid internal conflicts particularly with other Foundation operatives to prevent ruining the mission. Alpha-1 must ensure the safe retrieval and protection of SCP-262 safeguarding the leadership and stability of the Foundation.
Nu-7: NU7 are called to confront the ongoing threat posed by the Chaos Insurgency (CI). their primary objective is to kill as many CI operatives as possible. Tasked with this crucial mission their focus remains on combating and neutralizing the immediate danger CI poses to Foundation assets and personnel. Operating with precision NU7 deploys specialized teams equipped to handle high-risk engagements. They understand the critical importance of containing CI to prevent the potential catastrophic consequences of their actions including the acquisition of SCPs like SCP-262 NU7's commitment to swift and decisive action ensuring the preservation of Foundation secrecy and global stability amidst the relentless pursuit of anomalous threats by CI is nothing to be messed with.
E-11: E-11 is tasked with the containment of SCP SCP-262. Their mission is driven by a dedication to understanding and containing anomalous artefacts for the benefit of the foundation. SCP-262 makes a new opportunity for scientific inquiry and potential application in advancing Foundation objectives. E-11 approaches SCP-262 with care to make sure nothing bad happens. containment measures to ensure the artefact's secure handling during research. They seek to unravel its anomalous properties conducting thorough experiments to elucidate its capabilities and any inherent risks. E-11's ultimate goal is to understand SCP-262 and to devise protocols for its safe uses in supporting Foundation operations. Reinforcing their commitment to containment and safeguarding against potential threats posed by such powerful anomalies.
CI: CI relentlessly pursues SCP-262 viewing it as a vital SCP for increasing power. To CI SCP-262 represents an unparalleled opportunity to gain an upper hand in global anomalous affairs. They seek to understand it and question why it is guarded so heavily compared to other anomalies. For CI obtaining SCP-262 isn't just about possessing its power but also about using it to infiltrate and disrupt Foundation operations worldwide aiming to exploit its properties for their own. Their strategy revolves around destroying Foundation defences and to achieve their goals while unravelling the secrets behind SCP-262s containment protocols to gain an advantage in the ongoing conflict with the Foundation. (because they will be outnumbered they might get more juggernaut/s and other things to try an level the playing field)
UNGOC: GOC responds to the Foundations call for assistance regarding SCP-262 acknowledging its potential global ramifications. While officially collaborating with the Foundation some GOC members see SCP-262 as a prize that could enhance their own operational advantages. Despite the risks involved in taking such a powerful anomaly there are voices within the GOC who believe securing SCP-262 could boost their influence and efficacy in managing global anomalous threats. This internal tension highlights the delicate balance between cooperation and individual ambition within the GOC as they navigate their role alongside the Foundation while simultaneously trying to use SCP-262 for their own strategic interests.
Foundation Staff: these personnel are very curious and annoyed on what this is and why it is so important, as well as why it has been hidden from them so they want to try and see for themselves what it can do so they need to try and retrieve the coat without the knowledge of anyone else so you can use it for yourself. but make sure your not caught or who knows what the council and its operatives will do to you. The researches will work very closely with E-11
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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024
Jax, Before I read it, Please format it better, Try putting events in between spoilers to make it easier to read.

Also, Please explain what these "Unknown" Things are in a OOC section so we have a better view at the event.

thanks for the advice i have made some changes which should make it more readable


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024
= Pending Waiting on feedback response : This application is fairly lacklustre,

You should expand on the event ideas and change the colouring of some of these missions : I can't read the O1 section at all.

- Good luck, Julien White

thanks for the advice i have made some very big improvements so feel free to leave an updated responce


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 5, 2024

- You failed to explain what truly is happening and some parts does not make sense without said explaining
- I can not see O1 section
- Overall not a good app

You can improve with formatting and explaining what is happening, And I wish you all the luck.

i have made big improvements so feel free to leave an updated response

Deleted member 6811

Would be good with game master role and a little practice.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
Hello Jax, I was not particularilly interested by the ideas presented in your application.
Furthermore, you seem to have misunderstood the "example mission" part of the application, as these do not directly refer to the map change event, this is understandable as the wording on the application template is terrible and copied from MRP.

I personally do not put much stake into the map change events on applications, as it seems ridiculous to ask someone who has not even been a GM to come up with the biggest possible Event the GM team could run, from nothing. But sadly the rest of the application does not give me much of anything to work off.

The GM team is very close to hitting its maximum capacity, thus i believe we need to be a bit more selective with whom we elect to fill the last 1-2 spot(s), and your application simply does not demonstrate enough of the qualities i look for in prospective game masters for me to be able to support it.

Best of luck.
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