SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum

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Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125773529

Discord Username: jarno5038

Age: 22

What's your current playtime: It says 1 day and 8 hours but this is inaccurate as I have been playing the server for abt 2 years now with a half year break

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Foundation: Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Denied:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2 - 3 hours a day.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I have experience as a Senior Gamemaster. It was on this server and I was a part of the gamemaster team for about 1 year.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
The reason I would like to become a Gamemaster again is because I used to love creating events for players on the server. I am a really creative person and I like to use my SCP knowledge to create fun and interactive events. I always got really positive feedback on my old events that I used to do and I would like to continue this again. Furthermore I would like to also enhance the roleplay on the server. This can be small from placing a few props but also large by cooperating with players on the server to create storylines or create storylines from myself.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I think I would be special over other applicants due to my long tenure as a Gamemaster in general. The general experience I have in the server as Gamemaster but also as a 'normal' player has given me a great insight in what people like as events and what not to do. Furthermore my creativity would be a good addition to the team and I like working togheter with others to create better quality events.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1: A new sighting (CI, GOC, Nu-7, DEA & CGITV)

A CGITV has spotted a weird looking creature on the surface. It looks almost like a man combined with a fish? It is SCP-527 that has been spotted on surface. It looks like everyone is having a liking at this SCP. Foundation, CI & GOC want this one but who will get to him first and what will they once they have this SCP?

OOC: I would be using pac to recreate SCP-527 and I would wonder around on surface. This would be a passive event as SCP-527 is just a man with a fish as a head. He does not have any anomalous abilities but it would create a possibility for all parties to capture me and do tests or interviews.

2: The man that transforms (CI, GOC, Nu-7, DEA & CGITV)
Alert! High humes are detected near the radio tower. MTF, CI and GOC respond to the alert but are not able to find anyone there, yet the hume levels remain high. They do notice a melon in the corner that starts moving on its own?

OOC: In this event I would be a Type-Yellow SCP. This SCP is basically a shapeshifter that can transform into any object it wants whenever it wants. I would prepare by placing props around pinewood that I can transform into using pac. I would then proceed to run around pinewood basically making it a large prophunt with a twist. I would be semi-passive as in I would carry a small handgun that I can only use when I am being attacked and when I am in human form. If any faction captures me then they can do tests, interviews or terminate me. It is up to their discretion.

3: A highly classified surgery. (A-1, O-1, Nu-7, DEA, Medical & CI)
The Site Director has been having some troubles with his health. The Site Director needs his appendix removed due to appendicitis. This needs to be done by surgery but CI have also caught this information and are going to try and interfere in however they can. It is up to the MTF units to protect the surgeon and the Site Director whilst they do their surgery and make sure that the CI cannot interfere.

OOC: I would need help from players willing to volunteer and or other gamemasters to help me out. I would need the Site Director or someone who is willing to play as a Site Director from a different site to be the patient. Furthermore I could be the surgeon or someone else who will volunteer. I would also get some 'infiltrated' CI into the surgery, not for them to pull out a gun and just shoot everyone but for them to try and make 'accidents' during the surgery.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Site-65 got a radio transmission from Site 91. Site-91 is located in Yorkshire, UK. Site-91 is a xenobiological & containment site where they do research into biological SCP's such as SCP-7023, SCP-4023 and SCP-3623.
On the radio transmission they hear distant screaming and hear the following message:

Start Transmission
*Alarms going off on the background* Mayday Mayday this is LT Jackson from MTF Beta-7. Requesting immediate backup to Site-91, it seems we are overrun by some sort of monster! There are zombie like things everwhere! I am not making it out alive. We have important *gunshots* NO STAY BACK DEMON AAH *Noises of flesh ripping apart and screaming*.
End transmission

E-11 Commander Eastwood:
Listen up ladies. It looks like we are going to Site-91 to recover some files and find out what the hell is going on there. We had a radio transmission of our collegues from Beta-7 that they are overrun by an unknown entity. I also have confirmation that we will probally not be the only ones there. CI and GOC have a base nearby Site-91 aswell so expect company.

The Idea:
The idea is that the Site is overrun by fungal infection. This infections spreads all trough the body and takes over the controll. The fungi are very hostile to all life-form and it appears it escaped containment. The foundation has to go inside the facility to recover some documents about this SCP and they have to find a way to stop the infection from growing. It is optional that GOC and CI work togheter with the Foundation to prevent a XK-class scenario that would destroy the world. There would also be a boss battle with an original SCP (Non existent one) to get to the files themselfs.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
A new Ethics Member has been assigned to Site-65, however this member seems rather incompetent. He keeps throwing documents around and is accidentally infoleaking alot of stuff. It is Omega-1's job to try and contain this information and investigate if the person should be a member of the committee.

OOC: I would first inform the Omega-1 Command team of the event and do this event when there is enough Omega-1 online. I would be the Ethics Member and I would make mistakes by for example leaving documents laying around and attempting to sneakily abuse substances. The documents would not be a large infobreach as that would ruin the fun but it would it would be something small like some information about Class E being leaked on the document. It would be Omega-1's job to investigate me and fix the mistakes I make so that they can present this to the Chairman or even take action on their own. This is up to them.

Alpha-1 + Foundation staff:
A weird glob of goo has formed at Floor 3 lobby. This goo appeared from under the seat and looks anomalous. Alpha-1 has taken notice of this and approached the goo. The goo jumped on the operative covering him in it and suffocating him, spreading the goo further into the Floor 3 lobby. Research and medical have been called up to floor 3 to find out what this thing is whilst Alpha-1 has to prevent unauthorized acces into floor 3 by 'curious' personell.

OOC: I would be invisible placing a prop that looks like goo somewhere in Floor 3 lobby. The goo will attack once touched and cover the person in the goo actively suffocating them. I would use an SCP swep for this. The goo will spread to the infected persons location of where he died and will remain there untill touched again. It is up to research to find a way to combat this and medical to attempt to analyze what this is and what it does to the human body. Alpha-1 are going to have to do security of the research/medical and do crowd controll to all the people who come up to Floor 3.

The commanders have heard of a new GOI within pinewood. They have been dispatched to gather some information and this new GOI and establish relations. However this GOI seems to be working alot closer with the UN and Rangers then expected.

OOC: I would be heading towards pinewood as a member of the FBI UIU. This is a small organisation that is basically the same as the foundation but us incredibly underfunded. I would be posing as an agent and I would be meeting with the GOC and local rangers. It is Nu-7's job to investigate and find out I am UIU. They can even put on relations if they wanted to.

Weird noises can be heard from SCP-966's chamber. A researcher was about to do a test on SCP-966 with a D-class so the researchers sends in the D-class. Something immaculate has happend and it appears that there are 3 966 subjects inside the chamber, but they are not all invisible. One appears small, one is regular and the other looks different and taller. An alert can be heard stating: SCP-966 has breached containment and screaming of the researcher can be heard over comms.

OOC: A triple breach has occured with 3 instances of 966. It is E-11 task to locate these 966 instances and recontain them. Only 1 of the instances is invisible and can walk trough doors, the other 2 are visible and break doors. This way it is still balanced. HP will be reducted depending on the amount of E-11 on site. I would be with 2 other volunteers roleplaying as 966. We would not go straight towards the surface as that is 'normal' gameplay loop but we would wander around HCZ.

Chaos Insurgency:
There is an unexpected visit from a mysterious man. This man calls himself the Salesmen and he is going around making deals with different groups. Only this time the Salesmen has a catch. He sells furniture but it is not normal furniture. It seems that the furniture have weird anomalous effects.

OOC: I would dress myself as a man with a top hat and go by the Chaos Insurgency base. I would knock on the door and tell them that I am selling furniture with a twist. For example a bath that will give you immense pain once stepped inside, but it does not physically harm you. CI are able to buy objects and these will remain there for a 1 - 2 hours.

A plane was crashing near Pinewood. The pilot was from the Canadian Air Force and had to drop the package so it would not dissapear in the possible fire. The CAF send out an distress call to the UN and have asked them to locate and secure the package that was dropped.

OOC: I would place a container with a blinking light somewhere on surface. I would then do the announcement of a burning plane flying over pinewood for everyone to see, after I would contact the GOC for them to retreive the package. CI and Foundation also see the plane so they can investigate it if they want too. The Canadian Air Force would pick up the package by truck after about 20-30 minutes and reward the group who has the package with some money or they can refuse the money and improve the relations with the Canadian Air Force.​
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+Major Support

  • No way, Dutch is back and gunning for GM, this is crazy.

  • I mean yeah, there's probably concerns about it being too soon after coming back but as far as my memory goes, I recall Dutch being pretty good? I don't see any real reason to decline the app unless there's things I'm not aware of, which is entirely possible.

  • + Active

  • + Have only had good interactions with this individual

  • + Current and past CL4 positions = Used to generating RP (As well as... You know, previous GM experience.)

  • + Suited for the position

  • + Event ideas are good
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Neutral leaning towards + support

You have previous gm and even sgm experience.
I will be honest you where not the most crazy gm out there you at least knew how to make events that where interresting enought.
Altought, this application has terrible formating (white on white with same size on everything hurts my eyes), the event ideas themselves are good enought to me so I would not mind you comming back to the gm team at all.
Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
Neutral leaning towards + support

You have previous gm and even sgm experience.
I will be honest you where not the most crazy gm out there you at least knew how to make events that where interresting enought.
Altought, this application has terrible formating (white on white with same size on everything hurts my eyes), the event ideas themselves are good enought to me so I would not mind you comming back to the gm team at all.
Thanks for your feedback francois.
I have changed the format now.
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May 7, 2022

Wsg Dutch, so im giving you a +Support because your app has solid ideas that can be deveveloped. Another reason im giving you a +Support is your experience as SGM as I think that previous experience will be great in this new start as GM.

Gl Dutch

Hi Dutch,

This is a lovely application, and of course, I would have expected nothing less from a really good former SGM. The events are interesting but dont have a script, which shows you allow for players to RP in their way. The missions also show you understand some key IC and OOC aspects to each respective group.

It would be really nice to see you back on the GM team!
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