What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)
Your Username: Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125773529
Discord Username: jarno5038
Age: 22
What's your current playtime: It says 1 day and 16 hours but this is inaccurate as I have been playing the server for abt 2 years now with a half year break
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Denied: https://civilnetworks.net/community/threads/uk-dutchs-gamemaster-application.14469/
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: https://prnt.sc/g_86VCTO5AHM
How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-3 hours everyday
Your Username: Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125773529
Discord Username: jarno5038
Age: 22
What's your current playtime: It says 1 day and 16 hours but this is inaccurate as I have been playing the server for abt 2 years now with a half year break
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Denied: https://civilnetworks.net/community/threads/uk-dutchs-gamemaster-application.14469/
[UK] Dutch's gamemaster application
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: The reason i want to become a Gamemaster is because i want to share my creativity with others and roleplay out events i have listed. I used to be a Senior Moderator and i was in the Event Team. I really enjoyed helping out with events and...

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: https://prnt.sc/g_86VCTO5AHM
How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-3 hours everyday
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I have experience as a Senior Gamemaster. It was on this server and I was a part of the gamemaster team for about 1 year.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
The reason I would like to become a Gamemaster again is because I used to love creating events for players on the server. I am a really creative person and I like to use my SCP knowledge to create fun and interactive events. I always got really positive feedback on my old events that I used to do and I would like to continue this again. Furthermore I would like to also enhance the roleplay on the server. This can be small from placing a few props but also large by cooperating with players on the server to create storylines or create storylines from myself.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I think I would be special over other applicants due to my long tenure as a Gamemaster in general. The general experience I have in the server as Gamemaster but also as a 'normal' player has given me a great insight in what people like as events and what not to do. Furthermore my creativity would be a good addition to the team and I like working togheter with others to create better quality events.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Event 1 The Flood Lamps (Research & D-class)
Site-23 Has contacted us and are moving SCP-205 to a containment chamber here on site. This is because Site-23 Is experiencing water damage and they needed a temporary chamber. Testing is to be resumed and protocols are to be followed at all times.
OOC: I will be playing SCP-205 togheter with another volunteer. I would place a light and make our characters full black trough pac. We would then ‘play’ a scenario from a movie and when interacted with, turn towards the personell and be ‘hostile’ (Like hitting them a couple of times).( https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-205)
Event 2 The Red Ice (E-11, Research & D-class)
A doctor notices a red ice like substance on the floor. He approaches it and decides to touch it, causing the red ice to consume the doctor. E-11 and research are called to the incident to figure out what is going on.
OOC: I would be invisible and I will be playing as SCP-006. SCP-006 is a red ice that consumes any liquid it touches and replaces it with said ice. I would grab the ice prop that we have on the server and make it red, also making puddles using props or red chemicals. I would then act on how the players interact with it. E-11 & RSD will have to find a way to potentially contain/destroy it. (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-009)
Event 3 The Surgery (GOC)
A GOC Major has been diagnosed with acute appendicitis and is going to need his appendix removed. There is no active surgeon in the FOB so a different FOB has send a surgeon to remove the appendix. The surgeon experiences a car crash due to the driver becoming ill and it is communicated to the FOB. GOC are then sent to the crash site to extract the surgeon and the driver and return to the FOB. GOC are also going to be assisting with said surgery.
OOC: I would need 2 volunteers to play as the driver & the major. I would instruct the major to call to high command for the reason above and then I will order the driver to ‘crash’ our vehicle, where we would stay in place untill we get rescued by the GOC. Once rescued they can treat the driver if there are any medical GOC avaible or I will treat him myself. Once that is finished I would perform surgery on the major togheter with the avaible GOC.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
(Map) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2450400248&searchtext=scp
Site-65 got a radio transmission from Site 91. Site-91 is located in Yorkshire, UK. Site-91 is a xenobiological & containment site where they do research into biological SCP's such as SCP-7023, SCP-4023 and SCP-3623.I have experience as a Senior Gamemaster. It was on this server and I was a part of the gamemaster team for about 1 year.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
The reason I would like to become a Gamemaster again is because I used to love creating events for players on the server. I am a really creative person and I like to use my SCP knowledge to create fun and interactive events. I always got really positive feedback on my old events that I used to do and I would like to continue this again. Furthermore I would like to also enhance the roleplay on the server. This can be small from placing a few props but also large by cooperating with players on the server to create storylines or create storylines from myself.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I think I would be special over other applicants due to my long tenure as a Gamemaster in general. The general experience I have in the server as Gamemaster but also as a 'normal' player has given me a great insight in what people like as events and what not to do. Furthermore my creativity would be a good addition to the team and I like working togheter with others to create better quality events.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Event 1 The Flood Lamps (Research & D-class)
Site-23 Has contacted us and are moving SCP-205 to a containment chamber here on site. This is because Site-23 Is experiencing water damage and they needed a temporary chamber. Testing is to be resumed and protocols are to be followed at all times.
OOC: I will be playing SCP-205 togheter with another volunteer. I would place a light and make our characters full black trough pac. We would then ‘play’ a scenario from a movie and when interacted with, turn towards the personell and be ‘hostile’ (Like hitting them a couple of times).( https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-205)
Event 2 The Red Ice (E-11, Research & D-class)
A doctor notices a red ice like substance on the floor. He approaches it and decides to touch it, causing the red ice to consume the doctor. E-11 and research are called to the incident to figure out what is going on.
OOC: I would be invisible and I will be playing as SCP-006. SCP-006 is a red ice that consumes any liquid it touches and replaces it with said ice. I would grab the ice prop that we have on the server and make it red, also making puddles using props or red chemicals. I would then act on how the players interact with it. E-11 & RSD will have to find a way to potentially contain/destroy it. (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-009)
Event 3 The Surgery (GOC)
A GOC Major has been diagnosed with acute appendicitis and is going to need his appendix removed. There is no active surgeon in the FOB so a different FOB has send a surgeon to remove the appendix. The surgeon experiences a car crash due to the driver becoming ill and it is communicated to the FOB. GOC are then sent to the crash site to extract the surgeon and the driver and return to the FOB. GOC are also going to be assisting with said surgery.
OOC: I would need 2 volunteers to play as the driver & the major. I would instruct the major to call to high command for the reason above and then I will order the driver to ‘crash’ our vehicle, where we would stay in place untill we get rescued by the GOC. Once rescued they can treat the driver if there are any medical GOC avaible or I will treat him myself. Once that is finished I would perform surgery on the major togheter with the avaible GOC.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
(Map) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2450400248&searchtext=scp
On the radio transmission they hear distant screaming and hear the following message:
Start Transmission
*Alarms going off on the background* Mayday Mayday this is LT Jackson from MTF Beta-7. Requesting immediate backup to Site-91, it seems we are overrun by some sort of monster! There are zombie like things everwhere! I am not making it out alive. We have important *gunshots* NO STAY BACK DEMON AAH *Noises of flesh ripping apart and screaming*.
End transmission
E-11 Commander Eastwood:
Listen up ladies. It looks like we are going to Site-91 to recover some files and find out what the hell is going on there. We had a radio transmission of our collegues from Beta-7 that they are overrun by an unknown entity. I also have confirmation that we will probally not be the only ones there. CI and GOC have a base nearby Site-91 aswell so expect company.
The Idea:
The idea is that the Site is overrun by fungal infection. This infections spreads all trough the body and takes over the controll. The fungi are very hostile to all life-form and it appears it escaped containment. The foundation has to go inside the facility to recover some documents about this SCP and they have to find a way to stop the infection from growing. It is optional that GOC and CI work togheter with the Foundation to prevent a XK-class scenario that would destroy the world. There would also be a boss battle with an original SCP (Non existent one) to get to the files themselfs.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1 have been called to the medical bay due to a disturbance. Once O-1 arrive they see a large graffiti saying: ‘’Death to ethics!’’ Meanwhile O-1 is in medbay an alert has been called from C.A.S.S.I.E. saying that some research supplies have gone missing from the inventory. It is up to O-1 to find out who wrote this and recover the stolen supplies.
OOC: The story would bet hat I used to be an executive researcher who got demoted to senior researcher by a tribunal. I would set up research supplies infront of PW breachshelter and steal supplies wich will be called out by C.A.S.S.I.E. I would need a volunteer who will play as C.A.S.S.I.E. The supplies will be consisting of ingredients to create napalm. Disclaimer that I will not create the bomb but I will threaten ethics with it.
Alert! It appears someone has hacked into the mainframe and has unauthorised acces to the foundation communication systems. Alpha-1 has been dispatched to locate and intercept this hacking and find the person in question.
OOC: I will be playing as a CI who is disguised and is stationary somewhere in HCZ. I would have a laptop with me and I will be relaying non-vital communications towards CI with twists. For example I will start with sending small parts of sentences send into the CL0 comms or I will add random characters as its a ‘beginner’ hack. Depending on the time I will eventually start leaking CL3 comms towards CI from the preset (F – CI).
A weird blob has been sighted at the medical bay, a curious doctor approaches it and it jumps on the doctor covering him in the sludge & suffocating him. Other medical personell observe this and call E-11 to the incident site, whilst remaining cautious. E-11 are going to have to find a way to recontain or destroy this anomaly.
OOC: I would place a prop that looks like a blob/goo and color it black. It would react to touch and will suffocate people once touched. It will leave a trail from the point of contact to where the person collapses. The blob will not insta-kill, but it will take around 1 minute for it to kill said person. E-11 are going to have to find out a way to contain this SCP and prevent it from spreading.
A armored car has been spotted driving into pinewood, but there is something odd about this vehicle. It has no logo’s or anything but it does have a large turret on the roof. It does not appear to be from CI or GOC? Nu-7 are tasked with observing said person driving the vehicle and gather information on who they are. They are also tasked with capturing said individual alive.
OOC: I would introduce the GOI called GRU divison ‘P’. This is basically a russian version of the foundation but it was really large during WWII. Currently it is underfunded and is not a real ‘threat’ anymore to the foundation. I would interact with civvies whilst speaking broken english with a russian accent. I will allow Nu-7 to capture me and give them an intro to GRU divison ‘P’ (https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/groups-of-interest#gru-division-p)
A message from the foundation has been intercepted by one of the commanders at the local CI cell. The message states that a new batch of D-class are being transported into the foundation for testing. It is up to the local CI cell to make a plan to ambush said transport and rescue the D-class.
OOC: I would need 5 volunteers for this. There would be 2 guards and 4 D-classes in the transport. CI are instructed to ambush said transport and take the D-class back to the CI base for example information gathering, being used as labrats in tests or maybe even use the D-classes who were extracted in the next CI raid. This is up to CI.
An urgent message has come in from the ranger station. They require assistance from the GOC because the rangers have found a beeping explosive device inside the station. GOC are sent out to defuse and dispose of the explosive in order to prevent mass casualties.
OOC: I would need a couple of volunteers to play as the rangers/sherrif. They will open communication with the GOC that they have found an explosive and that they need help defusing it. GOC will head towards the site and attempt to defuse the explosive. I would be invisible hovering above the explosive to react to the actions from the GOC.
Foundation Staff:
There have been too many D-class terminations lately and due to this we now have a problem that we are running too low on D-class. Site Administration has put out another order for new D-class but these subjects will not arrive for another 12 hours. The chief of security has received the go ahead to work togheter with DEA to gather new D-class subjects from surface.
OOC: I would be with 2 more volunteers. Us three would pretend to be homeless who are currently squadding inside the lake house, wich has been abandoned and closed off to the public. The chief would be accompanied by DEA to 'recruit' these homeless people and give them a chance to get paid. Basically tricking them into become test subjects.
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