SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Saint

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: diamondfury956

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:437307338

Discord Username: pyro.s

Age: 18

What's your current playtime: 110 Hours over the past month, 3583 hours in total

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Foundation - Luke 'Saint' Baker
Chaos - Levi 'Egotist' Bishop
GOC - Lukas 'Silent' Bell
Civilian - Luke Bishop

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
22/06/22 - FailRP (For a naming con)
05/07/22 - Metagaming (Using someone's name without learning it IC)

How many hours can you be on everyday: Anywhere from 3 to 8 depending on the day

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I spent around a month as an MRP TGM where I hosted multiple Faction side events and RP enhancements, however, due to personal reasons I was never able to commit enough time to progress past that point. Regardless, this time spent as a Gamemaster taught me valuable skills which would help me as a GM on the SCP Server. One of these skills was the ability to create an efficient plan for an event, by utilising the trello I was able to make an accurate plan of the event and share all necessary resources such as GM Objectives and Pac3s. On that topic, during my time spent as a GM I had a lot of experience with the (much stricter) Pac3 on the MRP server, this means I am able to trouble shoot a lot of problems in Pac3 and I am capable of making detailed models, custom materials, weapon replacements and some very basic animation keyframe. Similarly, I have some experience with the GMObjective system, I am confident that I am capable of producing any GM objective required from an event. Another skill I had picked up was the ability to effectively act as my character, I believe I am capable of portraying a character's attributes such as their speech, attitude and appearance to better immerse players in my event.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
In short, I find it fun to create RP for others to experience. In length, during my time on the server, especially as of recent, I have enjoyed the Events/RP created by the Gamemaster team and have been inspired to do the same, I have attempted this so far by making two research storylines and characters involving a Cybernetics expert and a Developer from the AIAD and I have enjoyed the aspect of creating/leading RP. However, I want to elevate this to a grander scale across the server so I can better create RP for the factions I am apart of, I think to do that being a Gamemaster would be my best option.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I have past experience both as a GM, a Staff Member and an RP leader. The time spent as a Gamemaster taught me valuable skills which would help me as a GM on the SCP Server. One of these skills was the ability to create an efficient plan for an event, by utilising the trello I was able to make an accurate plan of the event and share all necessary resources such as GM Objectives and Pac3s. On that topic, during my time spent as a GM I had a lot of experience with the (much stricter) Pac3 on the MRP server, this means I am able to trouble shoot a lot of problems in Pac3 and I am capable of making detailed models, custom materials, weapon replacements and some very basic animation keyframe. Similarly, I have some experience with the GMObjective system, I am confident that I am capable of producing any GM objective required from an event. Another skill I had picked up was the ability to effectively act as my character, I believe I am capable of portraying a character's attributes such as their speech, attitude and appearance to better immerse players in my event.

Similarly, my time spent as an admin has given me experience with being staff on the server. An example of this experience would be my experience with handling complaints. On the forums, I have responded to a handful of complaints as the person being accused, as well as the person who judges the complaint, if someone ever had an issue with an event I held I would be able to respond appropriately and efficiently. Another example of this experience would be my knowledge of the commands. As staff I have had to use Cloak, Noclip, Giveweapon and Model numerous times and I am confident I still retain that knowledge on the use of them today.

Lastly, I have spent time in multiple 'RP-Leader' positions around the site. The two most relevant of these to me being an Executive Researcher and the General of the GOC. During my time as an executive I would go around the site creating and leading different RP scenarios using /me and /it, I believe because of this If I had more tools to help immerse the people around me I would be able to create and lead engaging passive RP scenarios. During my time as the General I had to find a solution to players who had been on the server long enough that current content was not engaging to them. To cope with this I had to coordinate new RP scenarios between other RP-Leaders and Gamemasters, the Gamemaster most of the time being Jason M. (The LTGEN at the time). I believe because of this I will have a better understanding in how to communicate with the people leading and experiencing my events.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Chaos Insurgency - A delivery of Blood Berries

Cell Director 'Pirate' has sent a message to the Cell Director of Saskatchewan that reads as follows:
Dear Marauder,
I hope this message finds you well, our production of Blood Berries has been most successful, in fact we no longer have any storage for them! I have heard that your F.O.B for Site-65 does not currently possess any of our anomalous inventory so I have taken the liberty of sending you multiple crates containing the product of our berry plants. Members of my cell will arrive on {date}, {time}. I hope you make good use of my gift.

Glory to the Engineer,
Cell Director 'Pirate'


2 Characters played by GMs called IRUC - Item Handler 'Herbalist' and CI - Gamma 'Sharpshooter' will first send a message to Delta Command saying to prepare for their arrival, once preparations have been confirmed they will arrive in a Kamaz to the CI front gate, upon arrival the characters would unload 2 crates from the back of the truck and wait for an R&D team to assist them.

Main Segment:
Upon the R&D teams arrival both characters will assist the R&D team into bringing the crates into a room of their choice, once the crates have been placed into the room Gamma 'Sharpshooter' will take their leave to 'Sit in the truck', in reality they will noclip and cloak to provide /it interactions with the following props/GMOs. Once the former Gamma is ready the crates will be 'unpacked' via a /me action and they will spawn multiple Blood Berry Bunches as GMObjectives (Effects: Set max Hp to 110, text saying: As you place the berry into your mouth you taste a cold metallic liquid burst from the flesh, Delete objective after interaction.), the R&D team will first be shown a demonstration of the berries on a random participant by the Item Handler, after which they will be encouraged to produce documentation on it's effects. Once/If the documentation is created the R&D team will be encouraged to conduct tests of their own assisted by the item handler as a guide and the former gamma as a source of world actions.

Upon the conclusion of testing or once the blood berries run out the Gamma will uncloak and walk from the car to the designated room, upon arrival they will say that they have been called back to base by Cell Director 'Pirate' to assist with an ongoing assault on a Foundation site, the characters will then walk back to the truck and drive to the Pinewood entrance road fully concluding the event.

The Global Occult Coalition - Equipment Upgrade Mk. VII Hazardous Environment Survival Suit

Nexus command has sent a transmission to all operatives of the Pinewood cell that can be heard as follows:
Attention Saskatchewan, Pinewood operatives, after your numerous reports of deadly pathogen-based parathreats we have decided to issue some new equipment to your R&D operatives. Ptolemy Quartermaster 'Ashes' will be arriving via HALO jump in approximately 2 minutes, you are to secure the LZ along with the following cargodrop in 7 minutes. If the provided equipment proves useful in your ongoing endeavor with the Kewpies we shall send more. Transmission over.


Segment 1:
Utilising a Pac3 proxy the Y coordinate of the Dropped Crate will slowly reduce until it reaches 0 (the ground), during this time the GOC must actively defend from any surface parathreat or group that decides to intervene, such as the insurgency or parawatch. If they fail to secure the crate it will self destruct and a second Quartermaster will hand deliver another suit (This character should be visibly agitated that they lost a Suit), however, if they succeed it will be loaded onto a truck and promptly delivered to their base

Segment 2:
Upon arrival the GM will set up inside the GOC's R&D room and a model similar to the GOC's hazmat will be placed, the GM will spend a short amount of time hooking up sensors, different types of material and a camera to the suit. With the GMs guidance the GOC will be encouraged to collect any nuclear, biological, acidic, basic, infectious substances from the surrounding area and placing them in/near the suit. During these tests the GM will use /it to the following effect '/it [Left Arm] The material corrodes away' or '/it [Pathogen Detection Device] *Turns green indicating presence of pathogens inside the suit*'. Once the GOC has tested all of the materials they can find they will be encouraged to assist the GM in writing an incident report describing how well the suit stood up to the wear and tear of Pinewood.

Once the report is finished the Quartermaster will take it by hand and depart in an unmarked car, a short time after leaving a transmission from Nexus Command will be sent to the Officer stating either 'The Mk. VII is deemed necessary for you region, units will be dispatched soon.' 'The Mk. VII is deemed inadequate for your region, development of a better performing unit is underway.' or 'The Ml. VII is deemed unnecessary for your region, please make use of your standard issue HazMat equipment.'

The Foundation - Runaway aic
The AIAD has sent the following message to Site Administration.

To: SharedAdvisors@Site-65Administration
Subject: Threat of total containment failure.

Hello Administration,
This is a Developer, I am with the Artificial Intelligence Applications Division, specifically the Site-XX branch. This is our first communication.

I regret to inform you one of our Class IV, Superintelligent constructs has betrayed the foundation. This is due to the fact one of our less experienced developers forgot to include the third standard principle (An AIC must operate for the benefit of the Foundation).
This Construct has determined the foundation an unnatural and unethical organisation and it believes we are violating the rights of sentient anomalies. Before fleeing our system, it left a text file stating it intends to release every sentient anomaly from containment.
We traced the outgoing traffic from our communications as heading to your Site Commands terminal. It is most likely embedded within any servers in your site, to assist you with your (hopefully) successful removal we have sent Mobile Task Force Kappa-10 'Skynet' to assist you.

I do hope you will have the opportunity to update me,

(Message generated by a Construct)


Site Admin will be told of an incoming threat from a hostile Artificial Intelligence Construct (aic) and will be advised to dispatch E&TS to check all Computers and Servers.

Stage 1:
During Stage-1, 3 Hard drive GMOs will be spawned with the label construct storage (Effects: Text 'You unplug the Hard Drive from the Computer, TellGMs 'Hard Drive X has been removed', Delete objective). Once somebody removes it, the Construct will become aware it's being targeted and begin to tamper with Site Systems such as Terminals, Keypads and Lights.

Stage 2:
During Stage 2, the HCZ server room will have 3 LCD screen GMO's attached to the server models (Effects: Password: {Random Numbers}, Text 'You reset administrative permissions to default, to confirm click 'Confirm' on all terminals.', TellGMs 'Terminal X has been confirmed', delete Objective. Similarly, 3 clipboard GMO's will be spawned hidden around the room (Effects: Text '[255,255,255]{Note} The password for access point X is {Password X}'

Stage 3:
Lastly upon Stage 3, the Construct will be scared enough to start targeting critical site systems, A maximum of 2 generators will be disabled over a five minute period and a message will pop up in the E&TS comms reading '[Alert] Unauthorised access to server, location: Floor 3 - {REDACTED}'. After this message has appeared a small laptop GMO will appear (Effects: Name: Construct access terminal, Text 'Please provide Biometric Authorisation Details.'), After this laptop is discovered a message will be sent to the site that a Senior Developer of the DoAIA is enroute, just after the second generator is disabled the Developer played by a GM will arrive on site, once they have gained access to the terminal they will provide a blood sample using /me and the Construct will have been purged, after this a global site message will appear reading '[Systems & Services] Foreign programme check completed, all systems normal' and the generators will be enabled.

After apologising to Site Admin the GM will hand them a USB labelled NewProject(7).aic with the revised code for the construct that previously attacked the site, a follow up event can be made when they decide what to do with it. Provided they are not attacked for nearly destroying the site the GM will walk up to the garage before leaving in an unmarked car.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

Story Overview:
After a power failure the E&TS team informs the Site Administration that multiple machines that were previously set up in the vents of SIte-65 had malfunctioned. After testing these machines it was revealed that they were producing and spreading Class-H gas around the site for the past 4 years.

After informing Site Command the every site terminal receives a message from an unidentified figure that reads as follows.

> Greetings Site-65...
> I am the ███████████...
> For the last 4 years your Site has served as a testing ground of sorts...
> Frankly, I am surprised it took you this long to find out...
> Did you never think it was odd why such supposed high ranking personnel and dangerous anomalies were in the same site?
> Regardless, this discovery without a doubt is an issue...
> To the rest of the world, you are now classed as an extra dimensional anomaly. A site from another reality. You are dangerous and not to be trusted...
> I have personally sent the ETTRA to deal with you, should you wish to avoid total destruction repair your amnestication devices...
> This is my final offer, think of it as an apology for allowing this project to go on for so long...
> You have 24 hours.

Disturbed by this betrayal of trust the supposed 'O5 Council', 'Ethics Committee' and 'Site Administration' send a proposal to the Saskatchewan detachment of the Chaos Insurgency as well as the 225th Arctic Corps of the UNGOC. Without exposing details they propose that the Northern American collective of the Chaos Insurgency and all combative forces of Site-65 perform a joint raid on the ETTRA F.O.B. in Montana.

Upon arrival in 'Montana' (Would be another map) all the forces gather on a facility containing the Director of the ETTRA. This facility would be heavily guarded by light forces (Played by NPCs if possible) as well as twenty or so Heavy ETTRA operatives. The joint Pinewood task force would have to choose between options including:

- Complete seizure of the ETTRA facility to stall their attack on Site-65.
- Attempting a diplomatic mission to convince the ETTRA of their true origin.
- A total surrender of their own forces.

If they choose the combative options they would be able to employ multiple sentient anomalies such as SCP-076, SCP-682, SCP-079 and SCP-7722. If they are victorious they would successfully repel the ETTRA and establish an independent Site.

If they choose diplomacy it would have two results, one being they fail to convince the ETTRA and Site-65 is wiped clean, repaired and replaced with new staff. The other result being that they convince the ETTRA to cover up their existence allowing the people in Site-65 to disperse into other anomalous organisations or civilian lives.

The last option would be if they chose to surrender, whether it be after the prior two options or not all personnel in the joint forces would be amnesticated and returned to Pinewood, unaware of what their true purpose really is.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
Omega-1's Mission - 'The Whistle-blower'
In a short mission, a member of Omega-1 has gone rogue. They are threatening to release a comprehensive list of unethical actions and crimes against humanity committed by former and current members of the Committee. Omega-1's job is to intercept the whistle blower before they can reach floor 3, at the same time being careful as to not let anyone know what they're up to.

Should they intercept them, they must find out the all the locations of physical backups of the whistle blowers information be it through physical/psychological torture or more humane agreements.

If they fail and this whistle-blower reaches Floor-3 the O5 council will be made aware of one unethical action performed by a current ECM (Which will have been discussed and agreed on beforehand by both sides).

If they fail to retrieve the information a follow up for Alpha-1 will occur which will be:

Alpha-1's Mission - 'The Pickup'
After receiving a transmission from an anomalous source they were told to expect a visitor to floor 3 with vital information, after missing the deadline Alpha-1 was ordered to search for the sources hidden backup within Site-65 (Which would be in the HCZ server room). Alpha-1 must find this information in a race against Omega-1, at the same time they have been ordered to not engage in any circumstance with Omega-1 nor to let them find out they are searching for the information.

If Alpha-1 is the first to find the information they will be made aware of one unethical action performed by a current ECM (Which will have been discussed and agreed on beforehand by both sides).

If Omega-1 is the first to find the information they will get to hide the information from Alpha-1 and wrap up their previous mission

Nu-7's Mission - 'Secured Area'
Following years of abuse from anomalous forces the reality around the surface area of Pinewood finally breaks opening a gateway into another dimension completely. Not knowing what kind of threat could emerge Nu-7 is deployed as a primary force. Nu-7 must take all precautions to secure the area, check for biological hazards, check for radioactive hazards and make sure nothing alive is coming out of the gateway.

If Nu-7 is successful in taking every precaution in securing and assessing the area, research teams will be encouraged onto the surface to test the alternate dimension with Nu-7 supervision.

Every time an Nu-7 is reckless or exposes them to danger they will suffer an affect related to it. Using the GMObjective Swep they will either suffer from the effects of sickness, radiation poisoning or death depending on the severity.

E-11's Mission - 'Logistical Mixup'
Due to the error of E&TS E-11's next shipment of equipment has been delayed. To avoid being underfunded E-11 must start scavenging the Heavy Containment Zone for ammunition, firearms and first aid equipment. E-11 would have to find multiple GM Objectives in the form of crates and bring them back to their bunks.

Depending on the amount of crates found a 10 use crate of weapons will be spawned in their bunks, if they find all the crates they will be awarded K-BARs, if they find above 70& they will be awarded QBZ's, if they find above 50% they will be awarded PPSH's.

If they fail to find at least 50% they will be told in the near future they will face an equipment shortage, although due to server health considerations this won't happen so breaches aren't prolonged.

The Chaos Insurgencies Mission - 'Puppy Training'
Another Cell Director has sent the Pinewood Detachment of CI a 939 Cub? Puppy? Tadpole? It is the job of the Insurgency to train this 939 and utilise it effectively. Depending on how well trained it is will determine how obedient and effective it is in combat.

If the 939 is mistreated or otherwise not trained it will break out of the base, at this point any anomalous faction may take it from CI.

However, if it is properly trained it will be a somewhat useful asset in a raid, or the Insurgency can choose to send it back in return for the promise it will be deployed to Pinewood when it is older.

The Global Occult Coalition's Mission - 'Rescue Mission'
A white suit operator in Saskatchewan was wounded and managed to trek to Pinewood from their former AO, the issue is they became non responsive in the Pinewood area and did not disengage their cloaking effect. It is the job of the UNGOC to find this operator utilising any technology they possess and administer medical aid.

If they are successful a White Suit operator will join the 225th Arctic Corps for the day and will provide assistance with scouting on the surface

If they do not find the White Suit operator in time they will perish and the suit will detect their lack of life signs and disengage the cloaking device, the GOC would then have to prevent any other GoIs from finding this White Suit and getting their hands on the technology, if they are once again unsuccessful the White Suit will self destruct in the hands of the GoI that stole it and they will be left with very intricate and somewhat useful shrapnel.

Foundation Staff - 'Birthday Boy'
It is Combat Medic 'Asclepius's Birthday! The catering and E&TS staff have been instructed by the Site Director to set up the Core Sector Lecture Hall as a party. It is the job of the catering team to prepare a number of snacks and treats under the supervision of the head chef (Played by a GM), whilst simultaneously the E&TS staff must set up a dance floor, row of tables and stage under the supervision of the Event Planner (Also played by a GM).

If they are successful all Site Staff will be able to enjoy and celebrate the Birthday of a valued member of site staff.

If they are unsuccessful Combat Medic 'Asclepius' will be sad and require Psychological intervention and the Site Director will give the Foundation Staff a stern talking to.
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  • + Active.

  • + Past experience.

  • + Event ideas, while they could generally use a bit more on how they would be facilitated/approached OOC from a GM perspective, what is presented is otherwise satisfactory, in what is otherwise a model GM app. I see no reason to obstruct the app's acceptance based on this.

  • + Suited for the position.

  • - Had no interaction with you.
Apr 6, 2023
+ Support

- Active Member of the Community
- Massive lore nerd (He's just like me)
- Knows what's best for RP
- Would give CI a GM that could host events for them.
- Knowledge of pac3
- Application is detailed

+/- Never been a GM in SCP but would only take a little while to get adjusted

This is one of the rare few times that I see a GM Applicant who I struggle to find flaws that I can think of. I

I am biased in this opinion so take it with a grain of salt
Dec 25, 2023
+ Support
- Pretty active
- Pretty great app (+ obviously cares too)
- Event ideas seems to show he knows how to balance events so they dont become unfun
- Good guy.

My only negitive is the "Blood Berries" event seems kind of meh, as in it seems very basic without much described, however I think the 939 CI event makes up for it.

Also I love this line as a possible ending for an event:
If they are unsuccessful Combat Medic 'Asclepius' will be sad
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