SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Sceptre

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Sceptre

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:196545607

Discord Username: a1fyy

Age: 17

What's your current playtime: 23 days

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Sceptre, Lippy Loppy, Geronimo, Sceptie

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first time applying for GM. I was previously in staff, where my application can be found here:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I received approximately 6 previously, all expired for a variety of minor reasons including FailRP and RDM.

How many hours can you be on everyday: At-least three on most days.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I was a member of the Event Team whilst in staff where I briefly worked with Gamemasters.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would love to provide a higher quality of consistent roleplay on the server by creating RP enhancements and performing intricate events that are enjoyable and explorative for members of the server in many different aspects. I believe I can provide invaluable experience to the team and provide unique insight on how to improve the quality of roleplay on the server.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I believe that I provide unique insight into what players want to see. I specialise in game design which makes me uniquely qualified, permitting me to clearly see what players want and how to improve gameplay, even in the smallest of ways. With this, I can provide a very wide variety of events for the players of the server and provide consistent Roleplay enhancements on a day-to-day basis.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
[1] "Tofu Dreg" (F):
The foundation's command teams have consistently failed to approve adequate funding to the Engineering and Technical Services, meaning repairs within the Heavy Containment Zone have been neglected. Naturally, in a site full of spooky scaries, this doesn't end up well. Maintenance teams must scramble to stabilise hardpoints within the Heavy Containment Zone, MTF Teams need to ensure the anomalies remain contained and Site Administration/Command have questions to answer.

OOC: Use of /me and /roll will be used by maintenance teams with different outcomes based on rolls, providing a consistently changing experience and a variety of unexpected outcomes.

[2] "The Beast" (F):
During chemical tests on a rat within the Core Sector chemical labs, a freak accident occurred that caused the rat to instantly mutate thousands of times, turning it into what can only be described as a massive beast. It's tearing it's way throughout the site searching for food and won't let anything stand in it's way. MTF teams must scramble to try and contain the anomaly whilst personnel gather food supplies for the beast to prevent their untimely deaths.

OOC: Giant mutated rat sniffs around for food, essentially shaking people down to feed it. E-11 need to find a unique way to contain it (which may involve a food trail to a containment chamber where scientific staff can test on it)

[3] "Seismic Activity" (Entire Server):
Over the course of the last year, seismic activity in the Pinewood sector has been off-the-charts. Up until now, nobody has been able to figure out why.

A large rumble occurs, and numerous faults are located within different areas. Giant cracks leading to what can only be described as a cave system appear, both on surface and within the facility. From exploration, the caves prove to be a very large, intricate network, full of anomalous material, including some objects with unknown effects.

Exploration parties have reported that there have been deafening footsteps throughout the cave system, along with screams, shrieks and groans. There may be something in here.

OOC: GMTPs will be setup both on surface and in the site leading to an event dupe that resembles a massive cave system. GMObjectives will be used to apply anomalous effects to players, ranging from paranoia-type effects to instant death. A large creature will roam the system and will brutally stomp on anything that dares to disturb his land, although it seems it may be able to be reasoned with so long as it is given what it wants.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Despite previous warnings, Epsilon-11 and the Scientific Department have failed to feed SCP-682 regularly, leading it to breaking point. This has caused an indescribable fit of rage resulting in a Containment Breach like no other. Peculiarly, 682 immediately has opted to go to surface for freedom instead of trying to tear down the site.

A lack of containment teams based on-site resulted in SCP-682 succeeding, now out in the wild within a forested area in the South West of Canada close to a small village. The Chaos Insurgency Deepcover Operatives surveilling the site at the time noticed the containment breach and tailed SCP-682, also knowing it's location. They have sent up a nearby camp and have diverted several cells to the sector.

Mobile Task Force Teams Epsilon-11 and Nu-7 along with members of the Department of External Affairs are to be deployed immediately to the area, utilising as much force as necessary to neutralise the threat. If the UNGOC finds out about this, the foundation will be in some deep trouble, so keep it quiet. Mobile Task Force Teams Alpha-1 and Omega-1 should remain on standby to assist if needed. Site Command has authorised the use of Advanced Armory Weaponry and heavy vehicles, including two M1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks to subdue the threats.

OOC: Both foundation and CI that are deployed will need to search the region and use context clues to locate the anomaly and attempt to contain it for themselves, resulting in what can be only described as a three-way war.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
[O1] "The Forger":
Naturally, with dangerous testing on SCPs like SCP-008, the Committee must approve. Doctor Zimbatski has proven to struggle in obtaining approval for his "less-than-savoury" tests and has been denied access to test various SCPs due to the grim nature of the tests. Zimbatski can't move on and requires closure, and has stooped to forging the signature of the Committee. Omega-1 must investigate through a variety of clues left around the site as to Zimbatski's location and apprehend him before he conducts his dangerous and unethical testing. He's a slippery one, though. Better not mess it up.

OOC: A variety of GM objectives will be placed in work stations that Doctor Zimbatski is known to work at, giving clues as to his location (e.g. a hot coffee cup left behind, indicating that he hasn't long left). Omega-1 will have to use this clues and their own judgement to locate the Doctor who will be moving around the site, before interrogating him and bringing him to be tribunalled.

[A1] "Defection":
What was once a best kept secret from the foundation by the O5, seems to have leaked within Alpha-1. The Chaos Insurgency was founded by rogue A-1 operatives? Insanity! Corporal "Timber" has been questioning the Council for a while after seeing what true evil they can do, but after hearing of this, feels there is a chance of escape. A new beginning. A better cause.

An A-1 event character has learned of the truth about C.I and seeks to defect, although since they are still new to the regiment, they've slipped up and suspicion arouses. Alpha-1 must move to investigate and tail the operative covertly and apprehend him before he can be captured by the Insurgency.

OOC: Fairly normal RP from a GM's perspective, nothing much to discuss here as all the info is above

[Nu7 (&DEA)] "Catch-up":
The airdrop missed compound and our supplies are free throughout Pinewood. Send out our men in force to recover it before the locals or groups of interest take them. SOP must recover all of the supplies that were sent to Site-65 and ensure they are not intercepted.

OOC: A variety of crates will be dropped around the surface zone that SOP will have to recover and return to the facility. CI/Surface Jobs will be given items should they successfully steal any crates, ranging from weaponry, medical supplies, to potentially anomalous items.

[E11] "The Wandsmen":
Members of The Wandsmen have materialised on-site through a portal and seek to enter the Heavy Containment Zone to document some of the SCPs on-site. DEA has informed E-11 that The Wandsmen's mission is to seek as much information as possible and to share it as much as possible. Naturally, this can not happen. E-11 must move to prevent the Wandsmen from documenting anything too sensitive, ideally without force. They're a bit slippery though, considering they take on an Avian form.

[Foundation Staff] "Pizza Day":
Attention, today is Pizza Day, head on down to the cafeteria to grab yourself a hot slice!

It's Pizza Day, and everybody is rushing for a pizza. The new head chef within the kitchen is quite.. well... he's very eccentric. Almost reminds me of that one show where the chef is yelling at everybody...

OOC: Gordon Ramsey-style abusive head chef doing some organised chef RP, trying to make an efficient kitchen.

[CI] "Unlikely Partnership":
The Chaos Insurgency receive a visit from a UIU task force who have a naturally flawed agenda. Considering UIU is extremely incompetent, this seems to fit in with their track record. The task force seek to infiltrate Site-65 and arrest a Nu-7 Major who requires interrogation in relation to a recent incident that occurred.

OOC: This event would have a small team of overzealous UIU agents attempt to infiltrate the facility alongside some C.I in order to kidnap another event character and interrogate them, before taking them away (leading to another event allowing F to re-capture the Major)

[UNGOC] "Type Red":
A Type Red regenerator has been identified within the Pinewood region, it has Expanding Regeneration. UNGOC must dispatch multiple strike teams in order to locate the Type Red and successfully capture it. Naturally, this Regenerator is nearly impossible to kill in the field and must be successfully captured. Good luck finding a method to transport it.

OOC: UNGOC will be given free reign to attempt to contain a Type Red that is incredibly hostile on surface. All information on how to appropriately capture said anomaly is available in their field manuals (SCP Wiki) and they should use their own judgement to attempt to neutralise it.
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The application is rather average and you completely misunderstood the map change question. Whilst I personally don't agree that question should be there and when I was an SGM this was meant to be changed after a years worth of discussion (Seriously, what is taking you lot so long to change 1 bloody sentence?) you still need to answer it even if you don't see map changes being done.

Map changes are supposed to go as followed:

You find a map of decent file size and build a two-ish hour large scale event around the map's contents. Biggest misconception is you have to involve every single department/faction in the map change when this is actually not the case at all. You can have stuff like Civilians in a city, MTF Nu-7 playable by everyone and some other roles to fluff the event up slightly. I hope that clears it up a bit for you when you return to that question.

"The shitting airdrop missed compound and our supplies are free willy-nilly throughout Pinewood." uwotm8

The events seem very bland and basic which does lead me to see a lack of creativity behind your event methods. I am positive I've seen a handful of these event ideas in many Gamemaster applications prior. Just because the server sources stuff from the wiki, doesn't mean it should be used as a crutch. Try and think outside the box a bit. What roleplay (if any lol) is going on with departments/regiments currently? How would you enhance their stories if you got access to GM perms?

Lots to consider with Gamemaster but given time I am sure you can turn this application around.

Regardless, Will wish you the best of luck!
you completely misunderstood the map change question
Hi Broda, thanks for the reply. I've went ahead and modified my response to this question to be relating to a map change. In my original response I figured that I'd try to twist it in a way that would be actually actionable on the server, and considering map changes never occur, I described a large event that would include the closest thing to a map change. Nevertheless, I have modified my response to that to reflect an actual map change.

The events seem very bland and basic which does lead me to see a lack of creativity behind your event methods.
I've modified a few of the events to be more fitting and unique, with an attempt to demonstrate further knowledge about the SCP Universe other than just content on the server. A lot of my events that I do want to host are much more sporadic and in-the-moment RP enhancements which are a bit hard to describe here. Nevertheless, thank you for your invaluable feedback and I will continue to improve the application.
-/+ Neutral

  • + Active, to my current understanding.

  • + Has previously held a Staff position.

  • + Have only had good interactions with this individual.

  • -/+
    Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes
    It's not an intuitive part of the app, but as GM sorta falls under the Staff banner for various reasons (It's funky) including being subject to Staff policies - I found that out the hard way!

    So for that reason, it's generally safe to include... Well, any previous applications made, I guess. Minor nitpick, but I thought I'd get it out of the way.

    While I find your event ideas generally satisfactory outside of Pizza Day (Which I feel is a little too generic and done-to-death type of event), you do kinda sorta try to cover events from an OOC perspective, how you would go about setting up and executing the event from a GM's point of view, while as an applicant you're obviously not immediately expected to know the full breadth of tools that GMs have available to them and the intricacies of how they work, you can at least make the attempt and show that it's something you're considering - Which you do to an extent, you discuss it in some and then don't with others. Which in my opinion, is fine, so long as you show that you're thinking about it to some degree? But I'm not sure if it helps or hurts the application overall. You have to write this with the idea in mind that it will be reviewed by Event Team Supervision and they get the final say in whether or not the application is accepted or denied (Which you have stated you have experience with Event Team, so I'd imagine you have at least some idea of how it works, or maybe you don't, I don't know. Maybe those discussions are for super secret Supervision-and-higher-only, and to my recollection when you were staff, you were only Sr. Mod? Or HMod, one of those. It's possible that they're not included in those discussions and oh my god how long have I been tangenting for, hello my name is).

    So with that in mind, does the combination of quality of event ideas you have put forth and the somewhat patchy coverage of how you would cover them, sufficiently get across how you would approach implementing this event ideas as you in the position of a GM? Or is it not an accurate representation of that? That's not up to me. In my opinion, you've expressed yourself fairly well, as to how i remember you. But is it satisfactory to you?

  • + Active, to my current understanding.

  • + Has previously held a Staff position.

  • + Have only had good interactions with this individual.

  • + Good response to feedback.

  • + Event ideas and OOC explanations of how they will be executed are in my opinion, satisfactory. The rest, they can learn on the job. This is what TGM is for.

  • + Overall generally indicative of what could be a respectable member of the GM team, barring any information I am unaware of.
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It's not an intuitive part of the app, but as GM sorta falls under the Staff banner for various reasons (It's funky) including being subject to Staff policies - I found that out the hard way!

outside of Pizza Day (Which I feel is a little too generic and done-to-death type of event)
I believe this is because of the vague description of the event. I've updated the event's description to try add further detail on my thinking for the event.

you can at least make the attempt and show that it's something you're considering
I've updated event descriptions to properly reflect OOC planning and how this would be executed. Some of the events I have listed are nothing more than some playermodels doing RP, whereas others involve the use of GM Teleports and GM Objectives.

Thank you for your feedback!
I appreciate the responses. I want to add something short in regards to the quality of my event submissions:

I feel events shouldn't be something immediately spontaneous and out of nowhere (like these events appear to be). Events should blend in with natural Roleplay and consist of some sort of context or storyline to them, which is something I fully intend to do should I succeed in becoming a GM. The application format is not quite forgiving in this aspect, as it expects you to pull out event ideas from absolutely nowhere and somehow justify them being positive to the server, when in reality, it's difficult to do so without any storyline or context (which would simply make the application too long, having to build a full storyline for each event).

TL;DR - Event ideas listed in the app are spontaneous and the events I would actually run would be optimised to fit a storyline or context to the current server's RP instead of appearing out of nowhere
Apr 6, 2023
Hiya, pal!

After reading through your application, I have come to conclusion to leave a +Support.
Supportive Arguments;

Active member of the community

A good grasp on what an event should be. However, Events are usually not meant to blend with RP. They are to spur off RP. Not to say that events can't do this. But events tend to cause it, not help it. The name of an enhancement to RP is RP Enhancement.

OOC Explanation of the events are well done and I am happy to see you do it :D

The 3 events from a quick look seems to be fine. I don't understand why people are saying they are lacking :c ( Maybe you edited it )

Low amount of warns.

You have responded well to critics.

Unsupportive Arguments;

A Type-Red is not a reality bender.

The CI one doesn't make sense.. However replace the rangers with UIU & it would make sense that overzealous & incompetent agents would try.


After all of this, I hope you change the GM Application with my arguments in mind. If you require help/want me to look over your edited application then please contact me on my discord " cheesypizza. ".

Till then, See ya!
Thanks for the feedback;
A Type-Red is not a reality bender.
Bit embarrassed that I got this part wrong considering how much research I've done in the past in relation to the different HTEs, nevertheless, fixed.

The CI one doesn't make sense.. However replace the rangers with UIU & it would make sense that overzealous & incompetent agents would try.
I've modified this event to involve UIU instead of the Rangers and also add potential continuity.

Sadly I can't fix what isn't true. I am not Welsh!

The name of an enhancement to RP is RP Enhancement.
I think my general phrasing was slightly off when I discussed this, my main point is that I can not properly describe in-depth events in an application that involve a reasonable storyline, and if I were to do events outside of RP enhancements, I'd want full storylines rather than, say, "a random vending machine appears on-site that is anomalous". To me, that's simply a poor event and there needs to be a reason that vending machine has appeared, a source, a logistics drop-off and whatnot.
Dec 25, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Accepted

Hello @Sceptre,

Thank you for putting the time into making an application. Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application!

Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to proceed with the next steps.

Congratulations, and welcome to the team.​
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