SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - .teddy

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Oct 27, 2023
South Africa
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)
Your Username: .teddy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:554714117
Discord Username: west.supermarket
Age: 18
What's your current playtime: I've played 88 hours in the past month. I'm unsure as to my entire playtime. Here is a screenshot.
Do you have a mic: Yes.

Your characters name: Amelia Hughes, Safra Mander, Natalie Hudson which are all Foundation. I am Isaac Neoman as civillian. Formerly Sophia Linkletter in Foundation, and Cerys Osborne (‘Venus’) in CI.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Yes. Four warnings for RDM, inactive. Two warnings for FailRP, inactive. One ban (12 hours) for LTAP, inactive.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 1-3, but it depends on the day.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
> Yes. I have owned and managed multiple text-based roleplay communities. While it does not compare exactly to Garry’s Mod roleplay in the slightest, I do think it gives me a solid understanding on how to run events in a beneficial way, while prioritizing the actual roleplay of it, and its affect on server health.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
> I want to create a more beneficial and engaging role play environment for all people who play on the server. Whether it be clearance one Foundation personnel, GOC members, CI members or MTF enlisted, I want to be able to make events that will be able to be interacted with by most people and that are enjoyable. Plus, I love people-centred roleplay, I want to help different departments and factions enjoy RP together.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
> While there are certainly better applicants in some aspects, I believe that;
I can consistently bring well-researched and written roleplay to the server. I have the best interests of those interacting with the RP I am creating in my mind at all times. I genuinely have the drive to make the best roleplay possible for the people on the server and I wish to showcase that. Due to my experience and the leadership skills I have acquired from it, I can safely say that I will create organised events that will be easy to interact with and fun for the parties involved.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

(1) 'Insurance Claim'.

(Ethics, O5, A-1, O-1, ISD and Goldbaker-Reinz agents. Before this, a massive breach would have to take place involving both E-11 and Nu-7.)
Following a massive scale breach, two agents from the esteemed insurance company Goldbaker-Reinz LTD come to sort out an insurance claim on it. The breach would've caused large-scale casualties as well as damage to Pinewood and the surrounding areas.
- But with a lack of funding and documentation, what can you do?

> Resources required: PAC3.
- (GMs needed - At least 2 to play the G-R agents.)

(2) 'Ambrose Cafe'.
(Nu-7, SOP, GOC, CI, Civillians, MC&D.)
The restaurant located in Pinewood... gets an upgrade? With new owners and unique food, the surface is spiced up with an all new experience. The restaurant would serve food that is only anomalous in nature.
Your cake makes you hear colours and see sounds? Your muffin gave you telekinesis? Your coffee gave you hyperspeed? Don't fret, that's what you came here for!
- The head chef, or owner of the restaurant would be 'Chaz Ambrose', and his vice would simply be called 'Marius'. The MC&D's would be in charge of advertising the restaurant.

> Resources required: GM Sweps, PAC3.
- (GMs needed - At least 2 to play Chaz Ambrose and Marius.)

(3) 'The Bubble'.
(Nu-7, SOP, CI, GOC + E-11?)
The entirety of Pinewood becomes trapped... under a bubble? Nu-7 + SOP would obviously have to get rid of it, but with the other two GoIs running around and getting themselves trapped in it, it would pose quite challenging.
- It would require at least some semblance of co-ordination by multiple teams to remove it, as it is anomalous in nature. The bubble itself would be made of a form of crystal. First soft and squishy before hardening. Would be cracked/exploded easily, but with the people inside? Not a great idea.
- The origin of the bubble would be a student of Medician Academy of Occult Art, who did a spell wrong.

> Resources required: Models which are invisible, and a large Pac3 to give the illusion of a bubble.
- (GMs needed - At least 3, 1 for every faction involved.)

Please List a map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

ph_swimmingpool - Admittedly it isn't as nice as the other maps but it is the most likely to work without extra add-ons. It is also a Prop Hunt map...

"Hotel? Travago."
(Foundation, CI, GOC.)
> After a particularly bad breach and roughly six code blacks before site was detonated, the Foundation decides to send the surviving personnel to a resort to spend some time recovering as the site is rebuilt, and decontaminated.
> Problem: Those GoIs we don't like? They've vacationed here too!
(OOC: Literally the equivalent of a beach episode. CI, GOC and Foundation get to RP in a chill setting. Well, if everyone stays chill.)

Different activities for this duration include:
- Beautiful banquet at one of the two lovely cafeteria areas.
- A variety of different 'talks' to attend, the most notable of which being by a guy who is, quite literally, a deer in a lab coat. (Dr. Fawn A. Hind)
- Did someone say Karaoke? You didn't? Too bad! Karaoke done in the abandoned pool against a surprise guest!
- Need to get that beast out of you? Open forum to scream about all the things you hate about Pinewood.

> Resources required: PAC3, Custom Map, Advanced dupes.
- (GMs needed - I'd say about 4 to make everything happen.)

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
To make everything easier, I'm going to combine these into event ideas rather than simply create example missions. They're gonna have to connect in some way, anyway.*

O-1 & A-1 - "Helo wurld, whazzzzup?"
Slowly, over a period of roughly two hours, the contents of the SCIP-NET system begin to get leaked to the public. They progressively get more classified as time goes on. It seems, even, that the cause is directly in front of them...
(OOC: The in-game SCIP-NET system, no pulling random SCPs out of a hat. No actual infoleaking occurs, but there will be notifications using the announcement feature that information is being leeched to the public.)
After both A-1 and O-1 are dragged into the fray, they assume the threat is horrible and suit up. When they find the threat, after following a trail of empty chip wrappers and cans of soda, it is encased in what can only be described as a sizable pillow fort. Inside said pillow fort, are a group of three high teenagers who have just been casually hacking the SCIP-NET.
(OOC: Yes. They are part of the GoI known as 'Gamers Against Weed'.)
> Resources required: PAC3, Advanced dupe.
- (GMs required - 3 at least.)

Nu-7 & SOP - 'ORIA lands.'
The set-up will be as follows:
<R.A.I.S.A.> Our systems have detected a massive spike in Anomalous activity near the DESIGNATED DEMILITARIZED ZONE of PINEWOOD. Please investigate.
[30 minutes before these comms, this would be sent out.]
<Abrahamic Division - Site 65> Hello! We are communicating to inform you that SCP 2566 is on it's way to containment at your site. Expect us in 15 minutes.
[15 minutes after those comms, this would be sent out.]
<A-4 - Site 65> Our forces are two minutes out. Be ready to receive, secure arrival zone.
When Surface Operations go to see what's happening, they are met with a squadron of ORIA operatives which come to them with an ultimatum. They want SCP 2566 ('The Staff of Moses') back, and if not, the site will be bombarded in their attempt to reclaim it.
ORIA forces will be headed by a General called 'Alnabiu'.
~ Staff of Moses: Abrahamic artifact, imbued with the power Allah placed into it to move the oceans. It is wanted by ORIA as it is an Islamic artifact.
(OOC: If peace happens, ORIA will continue comms. If peace does not happen, ORIA will retrieve the staff or die trying. ORIA will be played by people from CI/UNGOC who wish to join the event, hopefully. ORIA will literally have one goal, which is to secure the Staff of Moses and get it back to their transport.)
> Resources required: PAC3, model use.
- (GMs required - 3 at least.)

E-11 - "A pizza?" / "Not just any pizza..."
E-11 arrive to their bunks after a long day to find that there is a pizza within it. Not just any pizza, though, it is SCP 5228. Thinking the idea of pizza is great, a few operatives attempt to pull it out of the box and share it. Getting it off is no success. When a few of the operatives eat some of it, they are able to... operate the computers and the computers?
(OOC: I felt it would be good for E11 to have an event that isn't just recontaining every breach under the sun. While the SCP would eventually have to get recontained, I feel like it would be fun to just give them ~mind powers~ to see what they do with them in RP.)
> Resources required: Model/dupe use.
- (GMs required - 1 at least.)

(1) Foundation - 'The Toad.' (CL1)
A random toad starts hopping around site. No classification number! No nothing! It seems to be able to talk, and it really wants to help, though...
(OOC: The toad would just help CL1 get around site and provide advice for those who have no clue. The toad would eventually start becoming super helpful by helping D-Class to EZ, getting people who are downed to Medbay, etc. Anything that people ask of him. As it helps, it seems to grow in size.)
Eventually, a guy in a blue suit comes up and asks about his pet Toad. That's one way to solve a mystery.
> Resources required: PAC3, GM Swep.
- (GMs required - 1 at least.)

(2) Foundation (MEDICAL) - 'Dancing Disease.'
Within the confines of D-block, someone starts dancing. The D-class is unable to stop dancing, and everyone who interacts with them start dancing. Soon a good portion of the site is dancing as well. None of them can stop. It is up to the Medical Department to find a cure. This is a resurgence of the dancing epidemic of 1518... right in the confines of Site-65.
(OOC: Literally just mass hysteria. It's up to Medical to figure out a cure [not that hard to do]. They will have to emote the whole time...)
> Resources required: Really just the use of emotes. Maybe a PAC3.
- (GMs required - 2 at least.)

(3) Foundation (RESEARCH) - 'Dr. Fawn A. Hind.'
Site 65 receives a visitor from... a deer? It talks, walks on its hind legs and calls itself some sort of Professor... All it seems to want to do is research. As Research interacts with the deer, it seems to know a lot more than it lets on, and seems to be wiser that... y'know, your average deer.
(OOC: It will be an anomaly. Safe containment class, Vlam disruption class, Dependent esoteric class. Really just a deer guy. Maybe with a couple of reality bending powers.)
> Resources required: PAC3.
- (GMs required - Just the 1.)

C.I. - 'The Candle Wax Child.'
A small child made of candle wax is brought to the Pinewood Bunker for temporary containment. It is placed within the containment chamber CI possesses and stays there for a small while. Then, it activates.
The first step in its activation would include disemboweling a random CI (we'll call him CI-A Bobby). CI-A Bobby would then turn into a candle wax child, and that candle wax child would try to disembowel other members in order to spread.
(OOC: Simply put, CI would have to make a concerted effort to recontain it. As it is literally the candle wax child, it would follow the same rules.)
> Resources required: PAC3, 049 Swep. Maybe some minor duping/modelling.
- (GMs required - 2 at least.)

U.N.G.O.C. - "Huston, wir haben ein Problem..."
A group of German U.N.G.O.C. operatives sweep into Pinewood. Along with them, a group of Orange Suits which seem to be absolutely tweaking. The Orange Suits, the two of them, would have to be taken down by the U.N.G.O.C. stationed there.
When the German operatives are taken into base by U.N.G.O.C. operatives afterwards for questioning, they reveal why.
(OOC: It would be using Lore Accurate Orange Suits™, and thus be hard to combat. The U.N.G.O.C. would have a follow-up to this. The main mission would be the destruction of the tweaking super soldiers. The Lore Accurate Orange Suits™ would be calibrated to Not Go For Civvies.)
Follow-up to this would involve:
- A U.N.G.O.C. Investigator visiting after incident.
- Another U.N.G.O.C. General getting sent to apologize for his team's actions in person.
> Resources required: PAC3, Advanced dupe.
- (GMs required - At least 3.)

* i had too many ideas so for fear of making this application a bible, these are abridged ideas.
Last edited:
+support purely because of the map change which was so unexpected it's good 😭
event #1 seems easy to run and could be interesting
events #2 and #3 are interesting ideas but in practice would be incredibly difficult to run (a massive ball around pinewood is a lot easier said than done and would use a lot of props, the world gone beautiful event would require you to !model anyone you touch or that anybody you touch has pac3 and wears a specific pac)
A1O1 event seems fun but the 'consequences' might just lead to civs being annoying
SOP event seems like it could be some fun combat if done right
E-11 event sounds fun but
expect to improvise as E-11 will defo do something silly like try and tamper with 079
icl i think the toad event would be funnier if it was just a completely normal toad that somehow got on site and its danger is COMPLETELY overblown
CI event seems easy to run and could be interesting

tweaking GOC MRDM event would be very fun for the GM in the 'lore accurate orange suit' dunno about the civs though
Oct 27, 2023
South Africa
+support purely because of the map change which was so unexpected it's good 😭
event #1 seems easy to run and could be interesting
events #2 and #3 are interesting ideas but in practice would be incredibly difficult to run (a massive ball around pinewood is a lot easier said than done and would use a lot of props, the world gone beautiful event would require you to !model anyone you touch or that anybody you touch has pac3 and wears a specific pac)
A1O1 event seems fun but the 'consequences' might just lead to civs being annoying
SOP event seems like it could be some fun combat if done right
E-11 event sounds fun but
expect to improvise as E-11 will defo do something silly like try and tamper with 079
icl i think the toad event would be funnier if it was just a completely normal toad that somehow got on site and its danger is COMPLETELY overblown
CI event seems easy to run and could be interesting

tweaking GOC MRDM event would be very fun for the GM in the 'lore accurate orange suit' dunno about the civs though
Noted! I'll tweak the events when I can :D
-Has proven to do great RP, whether character based, within surgeries or just for medical in general.
-Most the events seem inclusive and contribute to the wider SCP universe, and the one's that don't still seem good.

-3rd event is based on the Simpsons movie

Obviously I'm biased because I'm friends with Amelia, but I can vouch for their dedication to the server, and Roleplay. Only issues I really see is the CI event not being based on any established CI anomalies (Which they have plenty fun ones), and maybe the Map Event getting a bit stale after awhile, but other than that I think it's a pretty good application.

best of luck stinky
No fucking way 😲
+Major Support

  • + Active.

  • + Have only had good interactions with this individual.

  • + Excellent RPer.

  • + Stellar events by every measurable metric; Demonstrates exceptional and thorough understanding of the mindset required of a GM.

  • + Would make for an excellent addition to the GM team.
Not much else to be said.

would require you to !model anyone you touch
This is actually possible via the GMObj SWEP - The chief issue there being that it's only capable of setting a model and also conflicts with any PACs being worn.
Oct 27, 2023
South Africa
NO WAY????
No fucking way 😲
+Major Support

  • + Active.

  • + Have only had good interactions with this individual.

  • + Excellent RPer.

  • + Stellar events by every measurable metric; Demonstrates exceptional and thorough understanding of the mindset required of a GM.

  • + Would make for an excellent addition to the GM team.
Not much else to be said.

This is actually possible via the GMObj SWEP - The chief issue there being that it's only capable of setting a model and also conflicts with any PACs being worn.
Apr 6, 2023
Hiya, pal!

After reading through your application, I have come to conclusion to leave a +Support.

Supportive Arguments;

- Events seem robust in their descriptions.
- You can RP fairly well.
- You are active & Hold a CL4 Position.
- You provide a unique insight into medical RP.

Unsupportive Arguments;

- You can be a bit.. silly at times.
- I personally haven't seen a lot of the RP you do ( GOC GEN and all )
- 3rd event seems to be based off the Simpson's Movie..

After all of this, I hope you change the GM Application with my arguments in mind. If you require help/want me to look over your edited application then please contact me on my discord " cheesypizza. ".

Till then, See ya!
-3rd event is based on the Simpsons movie
- 3rd event seems to be based off the Simpson's Movie..
Ok, but this is not a negative. It's a negative in the fact that it'd be extremely impractical, if not impossible (And potentially a server performance concern) to actually accomplish, whether by using props or a skybox PAC (Which to my recollection, is not even an option on the server?). The idea itself is fine, but executing it well would be the hardest part.

But implying the connection itself is a negative, is not really an argument. Especially considering that in SCP, there's both stuff like pataphysics and numerous SCPs that interact with fictional narratives in some manner.
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