SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - toastebarksalot

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: toastebarksalot

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634694900

Discord Username: toastey

Age: 25

What's your current playtime: Roughly 700 hours to date.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Toaste 'Puppy' W. (F), Kylmä 'Koira' P.K. (CI), Kitty 'Kibby' W. (CIV)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: For GM, yes.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 2x expired RDM from when I was new to both GMod and the server (~50 hours on steam), 1x old FailRP/NITRP ban for some unfortunate late night shenanigans involving 008 that I self-reported, 1x expired FailRP warning, 1x FearRP warning

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-6 hours daily; variable.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No; I've never participated as a GM on GMod previously.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I'd like to expand upon the roleplay that I create personally as an executive, making the research that I perform and the ideas I create much more enjoyable for others, allowing more people to participate and experience them. I thoroughly enjoy the events current gamemasters have made for both myself and others and I would enjoy contributing to that.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: As an executive, most of what I do day-to-day is creating roleplay for others; I've performed multiple high-scale tests and projects recently that have involved a great deal of people. I thoroughly enjoy creating RP for others and making new situations daily for people to enjoy; I enjoy bringing as many people as I can into roleplay situations and I enjoy doing this to the best of my ability, daily. I've participated, helping GMs, in events in the past; I was an Immortal Knight in SGM Napoléon's Type-Black 7722 event, I wore the map pac3 assisting Napoléon, and I have also created many tests which have required GMs in the past, three this week.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Bigfoot sightings:

Far off, in the town of Ptuj, Slovenia, a subtle difference in behavior was noted from the previous year. The Kurentovanje, a near century-long tradition that involves ritualistic dancing, was entirely neglected by the locals. The reasons for this neglect remains unknown, however the ritual's neglect resulted in 392 SCP-4772-1 instances being created. Most of these instances were successfully intercepted by a detachment of MTF Epsilon-11 assigned to the small town, however two SCP-4772-1 instances remained unlocated; MTF Epsilon-11 assuming that they had miscounted the SCP-4772-1 numbers for some time. Recently, however, in the small town of Pinewood, Saskatchewan, local parawatch have reported unusual sightings on their forums; pictures of large, furry figures that are grey in color, with tusks, horns, and bells around their waist circulating. Even MTF Nu-7 have reported seeing strange, husking figures in the distance.

[Briefing for SOP+Surface: Local sightings of bigfoot have been reported in the forests. Citizens are advised to stay indoors while rangers attempt to put down the animal.]

((This event is aimed at SOP and GoI RP, with Rangers and Parawatch invited. GMs would play the SCP-4772-1 instances and would possibly use their clubs to attack people that go near them. It could be contained by any faction, or simply terminated. Seeing as SCP-4772-1 is capable of understanding human speech, research could also be involved if an instance is captured.))

Gloria Ramirez:

Gloria was a tenured senior doctor, stationed at Site-65. Over the past few weeks, she had slowly ailed; dizzy spurs, headaches, fevers, and heart troubles, but she thought little of it. This culminated in her collapsing in the medical centre, cutting herself on a sharp edge of a desk as she fell, where she was subsequently taken to the sickbay to be examined. Gloria was observed to be covered in an oily sheen, and she had a garlic-like odor. While this happened, a doctor that was giving her treatment came into contact with Gloria's blood while examining her minor wound. Moments later, the doctor reported feeling nauseated, collapsing to the floor unconscious shortly after. This contamination would affect several people who had interacted with Gloria, and MTF Epsilon-11 are scrambling to shut it down.

[Briefing for E-11: Alert: Lethal Biohazard reported inside the medical centre. MTF Epsilon-11 Biohazard Units mobilize to contain. All contact with Gloria Ramirez is prohibited.]

((This event is aimed at E-11, Medical, and RSD. GMs would be making the contamination occur and help the research be performed.))

Terrible Chef:

Routinely, there are chefs in the D-Block kitchen making food for site staff, D-Class, and themselves. One of these chefs is rather new, and even while making a rather ordinary dish, they somehow manage to catch both themselves and the kitchen alight; their messy work and negligence leaving plenty of fuel, oil, and other flammable items around for the fire to consume in its wake. The fire is spreading, and for whatever reason, lower light containment feels inexorably hot today. An emergency alert broadcasts over the tannoy; SCP-457 has breached containment, and it appears to be heading towards D-Block, thirsty for the fuel and flame that it can sense.

[Briefing for E-11 and GenSec: Alert: Failure detected within SCP-457 containment. SCP-457 is running for D-Block. MTF Epsilon-11 is advised to intercept, and GSD personnel are advised to prevent SCP-457 from accessing D-Block.]

((Other announcements may also be made, i.e. for the fire to techies, and alerting the temperature increase in LCZ. This event is aimed at E-11, GSD, and Site Staff. GMs would be played SCP-457, the chef, and the kitchen would be set on fire via a dupe if possible, people entering being ignited.))

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

The Siege of Site-7

The Chaos Insurgency are well known for their affinity for SCP-008, and for several months, they have planned the storming of Site-7 in order to acquire and keep hostage their own samples. Detachments of MTF Nu-7, MTF E-11, and perhaps even some willing members of DEA, have all been scrambled from Site-65, dispatched to recover the Site-7 and save the world in the process. Their mission is simple: Take back the site. A local UNGOC Striketeam have also mobilized to respond after receiving word from Site Command. Travelling by helicopter, they set off. They had mere minutes to prepare, and this would be a struggle. For now, they have few men, but more will arrive shortly. Every available asset has been assigned to this mission, as the consequences for failing are very dire.

Either a tarnished site on land or a true-to-lore site suspended in the water (reminiscent of an oil rig, descending underground/water).

Upon leaving Site-65, E-11, Nu-7, and GOC will have some objectives to fulfil in order to complete their mission;

1) Secure the surface/entrance of the facility and ensure there are no breaches
2) Neutralize the Chaos Insurgency threat present within the facility
3) Secure the SCP-008 instances and ensure no infection outbreak occurs
4) Secure the site for any remaining staff and reinstate the site
5) Successfully exfiltrate, retrieving any items or objects of interest

Upon E-11, Nu-7, and GOC entering Site-7, the Chaos Insurgency will have several important goals to fulfil:

1) Ensure the secure foothold of CI in Site-7
2) Leverage the use of SCP-008 against the Foundation
3) Kill any and all MTF & GOC operatives entering site
4) If ever possible, exfiltrate with the SCP-008 samples and any other SCPs of interest
5) Leave a message to Site Command, telling them of the power of the Chaos Insurgency.

GMs will play high-ranking members of the Chaos Insurgency, coordinating them inside Site-7 and possibly engaging in the negotiations. They will also create small events for the Foundation and GOC entering Site-7, i.e., an errant non-SCP-008 SCP attacking them, or doors that they must blast open and/or hack.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

A set of fine culinarians belonging to extant sites have been invited to Site-65 by the Ethics Committee to host a dinner. A multitude of people are invited, however nearing to the end of the dinner, the Chairman collapses. He has been poisoned. MTF Omega-1 are tasked to find out who, or what, perpetrated this, small clues being left by the chefs throughout the dinner. Certain things like, upon being searched, the chefs have empty vials containing powdery residues, and CCTV footage showing them specially preparing the Chairman's food with additional ingredients. All the while, the Chairman receives an emergency stomach pump from on-site medical staff.

Recently, O5 councilmembers have reported seeing strange things in their offices. Whether it be objects moving while they were absent, items disappearing only to reappear some time later, or strange apparitions in dark corners of Floor 3. Most of these occurrences were dismissed; a ghost haunting seems rather folly given what occurs on a daily basis at Site-65. One night, while O5-1 was at work in their office, the apparition becomes much more... Real. A tall, dark figure, in an all black suit. A suit not too dissimilar from former councilmember O5-█ "████████"'s usual attire. A panic button was pressed, and Alpha-1 quickly flood the room. They tried bullets, but they simply phased through the man; he was entirely incorporeal to all usual forms of termination. He wanted something from the Chief; he had some unfinished business. He was unhappy with the projects that O5-1 was perpetrating, and he wished to ensure that they cease.

Good news! The Pinewood cell of the Chaos Insurgency has received additional funding from the larger organization. Tanks, missiles, and even Napalm. This spells disaster, and MTF Nu-7 must intercept; they are tasked with infiltrating the Chaos Insurgency FOB and destroying some of the new technology that has been installed, perhaps even seizing some for the foundation themselves.
[12:32:21] MTF Nu-7 CSG "██████": CI have installed a silo of some sorts, and it's open... Is that a warhead...?

The ground shakes as somewhere within that abandoned bunker, a button is pressed. The missile shoots into the sky, flying upwards about a kilometer before beginning its descent. Nu-7 operatives can be seen observing it within the site's compound with binoculars.

[12:36:13] MTF Nu-7 CPL "████": INCOMING!

A large explosion can be heard all throughout the facility; dust falling from the ceiling on Floor 2, with the shockwave being felt for miles. Dirt flies into the air on compound; a missile having struck just behind the gate.

[12:36:27] MTF Nu-7 CPL "█████": The east tower's collapsed - we need medics!

[12:36:21] MTF Nu-7 COM "████████": Was that a fucking missile?

During routine maintenance of the elevators, one of them malfunctioned; plummeting through the round and exposing a small network of hidden tunnels. Hidden within is bodies, information, forgotten documents, and there are even reports of the bodies moving. MTF Epsilon-11 is to investigate the tunnels, recovering any useful information, and terminating or containing any anomalies or humans located within.
[15:49:03] MTF E-11 SGT "████": Alright. I've got reports of a tunnel being exposed in entrance zone. Mobilize to find what the hell is hiding in there; blueprints show there should only be concrete, so either something's living with us, or someone's hiding something.

There is a pause as the Tech Expert relays additional information. Uh-oh. Gunshots echo from Entrance Zone as present staff shoot what is described as 'risen, rotted corpses' by future accounts.

[15:50:22] MTF E-11 COM "██████": Alright boys, you heard the techie. They blew the elevator up and it opened some kind of tunnel. Grab your guns and prepare to kill some zombies - I hear those corpses are movin'.

Great news! The big guys upstairs have given us some fun new toys to play with. More money, more bombs. All of these new toys for the Chaos Insurgency calls for a raid, a large one at that. Perhaps the Insurgency should show this newfound strength to the Foundation, warning them. A missile is dropped onto the compound of Site-65; injuring several members of MTF Nu-7, and they're quickly mobilizing to strike back.
[12:33:27] ████████: Good morning gentleman. I'm sure you'll find you have some new deliveries at your gate. We've deemed the site that you are all assigned to to be quite the troublesome one. As such, you're receiving some... Extra funding.

[12:33:53] CI Commander Johnson J Marauder: Are those... Missiles?

[12:33:27] ████████: I knew you'd like my gifts. Say, how about a show? We're watching. Show the foundation the new toys that we've given you.

CI Commander Johnson J Marauder: By all means. Finally.

Uh-oh. A member of High Command has let the pinewood detachment know that he'll be arriving in 10 minutes. He wants to perform a full audit of both their spending, their behavior, and the state of their current FOB and operatives. Quick, scramble to grab all your equipment, think of some very good lies, and try to cover up all the bullet holes in the walls. He'll want to take a thorough inspection of near everything, and he might even make the poor operatives do some kind of training drill. Of course, if they perform well, rewards are in order.
[09:15:20] Undersecretariat "████████": Good morning boys! I'll be arriving in your FOB in about 10 minutes. I do hope you know who I am. I'll be taking a look at your expenditure and how your base is running. Please don't disappoint me like last time.

[09:15:33] UNGOC-C GEN Uriel Biggen: Uh-oh... I mean - It's very nice to hear from you! I'm sure you'll find everything will be in order.

[09:15:35] Indistinct, but very clearly upset muttering can be heard from the UNGOC General.

[09:15:45] Undersecretariat "████████": I hope so.

[09:16:09] UNGOC-C GEN Uriel Biggen: Ten minutes, you said?

[09:16:17] Undersecretariat "████████": Yes; be prepared. I expect my coffee.

Site Staff:

Recently, the elevators all around site have been rather slow. We better put them out of use for a short while to ensure that everything is functioning correctly; we wouldn't want one breaking down. An errant member of site staff pushes past the tape, signs, and present technical staff, pressing the button to ride the elevator up. A loud explosion echoes throughout site; the elevator has plummeted downwards, and crashed through the concrete base. Is that... a tunnel?
[15:48:22] Tech Expert █████████: The elevator to floor 2 has failed catastrophically. DEA Agent ██████████ isn't responding to any of our calls. We think it opened up a tunnel.

[15:48:43] MTF E-11 SGT "████": Enroute. Do not let anyone touch that tunnel.

[15:49:40] Tech Expert █████████: Oh dear lord. There's corpses in there. Dozens.

[15:50:03] Tech Expert █████████: ...And they're moving. SHUT IT DOWN!

[15:50:19] MTF E-11 SGT "████": We'll scramble a team to investigate where it leads. Stay away from anything that comes out of it.

(07/07/24 16:45) Edit: Added communication logs for some of the brief missions and expanded some of the descriptions of the mission events.
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Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
++ Support : A solid application.

There are not many complaints I have with the application itself, you have showcased unique and new ideas for events which I have personally not seen on any other applications, the SCP-4772 is one of your strongpoints on the GM app. The E-11 event also seems interesting, it would be a great expedition event if executed correctly. As for interactions in character and on the server I have had no bad experiences with you. You show politeness, a great cooperative attitude and a passion for creativity. My only suggestion is to expand a bit more on some of the missions, as they are partially vague.

I wish you the best of luck with the verdict

- Good luck, Julien White

Today I will be going with a +Support for your application.

+ Great RP Skills - I've seen you constantly come up with interesting ideas for research, applied in thoughtful scenarios
+ Mature and reliable when it counts - Sure we joke a lot, but you come through when it counts
+ Good rule knowledge

- App seems a bit less detailed than expected

I would really encourage you to go again over your application and detail out the event ideas. Some seem generic or superficial, like the GOC one for example.
Overall, I'm positive that your addition to the GM team would be a welcome one, so good luck.

- Mirai.
++ Support : A solid application.

There are not many complaints I have with the application itself, you have showcased unique and new ideas for events which I have personally not seen on any other applications, the SCP-4772 is one of your strongpoints on the GM app. The E-11 event also seems interesting, it would be a great expedition event if executed correctly. As for interactions in character and on the server I have had no bad experiences with you. You show politeness, a great cooperative attitude and a passion for creativity. My only suggestion is to expand a bit more on some of the missions, as they are partially vague.

I wish you the best of luck with the verdict

- Good luck, Julien White

Today I will be going with a +Support for your application.

+ Great RP Skills - I've seen you constantly come up with interesting ideas for research, applied in thoughtful scenarios
+ Mature and reliable when it counts - Sure we joke a lot, but you come through when it counts
+ Good rule knowledge

- App seems a bit less detailed than expected

I would really encourage you to go again over your application and detail out the event ideas. Some seem generic or superficial, like the GOC one for example.
Overall, I'm positive that your addition to the GM team would be a welcome one, so good luck.

- Mirai.

I've appropriately updated several sections. Thank you for your feedback :)

Boba Chichi

Active member
Apr 20, 2024
  • super unprofessional.
  • can not take IC criticism and always take IC into OOC and will target and slander anyone they don't like.
  • Will back stab and slander anyone to try and get some sort of 'respect' from other admins.
Overall not a respectful or nice person will not be suitable for GM as they can not handle dealing with IC issues IC and will take it personally and make it an OOC issue. They have slandered and bullied a number of people and continue to do so within the game.
Mar 20, 2022
I am quite conflicted Toaste. Your events are average and your recent behaviours have been quite tarnishing to your community image.

I've seen first hand issues of you taking IC to heart and whilst this is scarily commonplace on the server, it shows there is no IC/OOC split for you. If you work on countering this issue then thats great.

Im not leaving a Support of any kind, I am yet undecided.
Apr 6, 2023
-/+ Neutral

+ Pretty well detailed events
+ Can RP

- Seems to have an issue with translating criticism into improving your work from what I have seen
- Recent behaviour has been concerning

Overall, I think that if you work on these issues then you could become a GM. Even now I think you wouldn't be the worst pick for GM but in my opinion I'd want you to work on the issues addressed before you become a GM.

- Cheesy
-/+ Neutral

Roleplay is not exactly adequate to the standards of a Game Master, although yes you can indulge in character development and documentation work for your testing segments and all - it isn't enough to me but it could probably upgrade on it's own if you made efforts.
I have had some issues with other things regarding your profile, however I've chose to nullify the issues and see the positive in what you could bring to the GM Team. This does not change my opinions on your behiavour though, I've seen you minge here and there so I would appreciate seeing you improve.
Goodluck nonetheless.
I am quite conflicted Toaste. Your events are average and your recent behaviours have been quite tarnishing to your community image.

I've seen first hand issues of you taking IC to heart and whilst this is scarily commonplace on the server, it shows there is no IC/OOC split for you. If you work on countering this issue then thats great.

Im not leaving a Support of any kind, I am yet undecided.

I entirely understand how my recent behaviors have made me look; I haven't exactly painted myself in the best light while simply trying to put myself on an even playing field. I've been targeted recently for several things, whether it be my twitter, being a furry, or much more justifiably my own actions; I do regret voicing these issues so publically in a very faux pas way. For the past month or two, I have been working on improving everything I can, and I think many people would find I have improved. Regardless, we all make mistakes and I'm duly trying to learn from them. I did come to you showcasing some IC/OOC mix that I had done regarding how I felt someone didn't like me; as you know, I spoke to that person, and I now much more understand how behaviors never really translate and it was a silly way to feel. It hasn't happened since.

-/+ Neutral

+ Pretty well detailed events
+ Can RP

- Seems to have an issue with translating criticism into improving your work from what I have seen
- Recent behaviour has been concerning

Overall, I think that if you work on these issues then you could become a GM. Even now I think you wouldn't be the worst pick for GM but in my opinion I'd want you to work on the issues addressed before you become a GM.

- Cheesy

See above.

-/+ Neutral

Roleplay is not exactly adequate to the standards of a Game Master, although yes you can indulge in character development and documentation work for your testing segments and all - it isn't enough to me but it could probably upgrade on it's own if you made efforts.
I have had some issues with other things regarding your profile, however I've chose to nullify the issues and see the positive in what you could bring to the GM Team. This does not change my opinions on your behiavour though, I've seen you minge here and there so I would appreciate seeing you improve.
Goodluck nonetheless.

I'm always willing to receive any criticism of my roleplay and work you may have; I do my best to uphold them to a high standard, but I always appreciate external insights into what I may be doing wrong. My profile/twitter, as stated by Ellie, shouldn't come into account, but I have removed it from my profile for the time being.

Thank you all for your feedback.
-/+ Neutral

  • I can't form a meaningful opinion on this one. It seems that there's a lot more here than just what there is to read and I haven't had enough interaction with this person to say anything on any of these matters.

  • As far as the events go, your ideas are fine and described well and from an RP perspective are perfectly serviceable. But what would be nice would be an OOC description of how you might approach executing the event from the perspective of a GM. You touch on this briefly in your response under a map change event idea, but nothing really more than that, it seems? But that's really the only thing your event ideas are missing.
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