SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Wilhelm 'Morningstar'

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Jul 31, 2022
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Wilhelm 'Morningstar'

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59743848

Discord Username: wilhelmas

Age: 23

What's your current playtime: 10d (month)

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Wilhelm 'Morningstar'

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 5 warnings and 1 ban , 1 - Rdm 2 - failrp 3 - tresspasing 4 - minor glitching class A - 5 Tresspasing and ban for toxic , all those was long time ago

How many hours can you be on everyday: Until im on very long vacation from 5-8h but without vacation 5h

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I'm a huge RP fan, so I want other people to experience the hard-to-find RP. I host RP events, assist other GMs in getting other players to experience the RP, and I love to see what GMs are doing. Weekly or even daily RP is required, and if I can be a part of it, I'm all for it!

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I have a strong passion for roleplaying. I believe the term or idea of 'RP' is quite distinct; it serves as an important part within the community. As a gamemaster, I assure you that I will arrange weekly RP events or even smaller ones, giving players a chance to temporarily escape their ongoing struggle of not being able to roleplay. I have dedicated more than 6–8 years exclusively to roleplaying. If I can bring smiles to others through RP, I will. I suppose that’s what sets me apart from others.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): 1-SCP Nightmare [Unknown] It appears that Nightmare SCP is active in dreams, but it is active while people are awake, as evidenced by strange figures, sounds, and occasionally the SCP nightmare itself. As the terror increases in Pinewood, it is the foundation's responsibility to assist residents in relocating to Pinewood; otherwise, the area will be doomed forever.

2-Something fell from the sky next to the foundation, and it appears that the foundation lost half of its power. A strange figure emerged from the fallen rock, and it turns out to be a man. He doesn't appear to be particularly special, but next to him is a girl who appears to possess the same abilities as SCP-22415. The girl appears to be a man's protector; they aren't hostile, just puzzled and they don't know where they are or how they got in. The foundation's job is to help them, maybe by showing them around, and seeing if they can find something to take home.

3-it appears that CI broke into the foundation systems. They appear to be able to manipulate all the views, doors, and even lighting. The situation is becoming out of control, and the foundation staff is unable to operate in these conditions. They call the right people for the job, MTF Kappa-10 ("Skynet").
SOP their responsibility to protect them from any threats prior to arrival, and after they are inside, they can clean up the mess that CI caused.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
All scps with dimension powers were strangely losing control one calm day. They were having unusual images, having trouble using their skills, and someone was calling them. Who was it? A god? creator? dead personnel of the foundation? No one knows, but this needs to be fixed or the foundation will be pulled into the dimension forever until they figure out what's going on. Some foundation personnel keep getting into the dimension, and E-11 must, of course, keep dimensioned scps safe from other personnel. Only then can they call researchers for testing, and perhaps their blood tissues will hold the solution,then they recall one MTF unit that can assist them. "Mole Rats," or MTF Zeta-9,When they finally arrive, they are the only ones who can assist the poor SCPs because it is their area of skill.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

O-1 - Strange activity occurred at site-65. The murder of foundation personnel is occurring, and the murderer appears to be leaving notes for the victims, some of which contain quotes or hints. The murderer appears to want to be caught but why? Some people report hearing screams from HCZ, And see a dark figure walking by, but it keeps vanishing. Before things get out of control, O-1's task is to apprehend the murderer and eliminate the threat.

A-1 (Operation Eagle) A-1 received an odd communication from another site [Unknow] about intruders. It appeared that a weird a group was gathering evidence to destroy the foundation. A-1 checked as to who they were and why Site-65 was involved. However, they have no response and only respond with the term "gamma-5." It appears that the so-called "gamma-5" is coming and that intruders are pursuing them. A-1 must protect both Gamma-5 and their records before they become critically exposed to the public.

Note: This is an oddly idea, but the important thing is that A-1 must either destroy or protect the records that Gamma-5 brings.

Nu-7 While Nu-7 is working with the DEA, they have a mission. It looks like CI is asking for a lot of weapons and explosives. As far as they can tell, the truck will arrive with the materials they have requested. Nu-7 must destroy the truck by any means necessary, even if that means bringing big guns, but it won't be simple because both CI and Nu-7 are preraped. CI will defend the truck before it arrives, and Nu-7's job is to destroy the truck.

Most of the time, E-11 and the research department work together, but when later discovered a new potentiol, researchers found that they can increase E-11 with strange and large amounts of health, making them stronger than ever. However, before doing so, they need to cross-test to see if that even works. During testing, they must first test on d-class to confirm that the serum is working, but nothing comes up well; d-class appears to be 20x stronger. The research department must then decide what to do next.

It's no secret that CI and GOC are working together; they don't appear to be hostile to each other, but as far as both parties are concerned, Pinewood is in trouble. The foundation continues to cause problems with active war with both CI and GOC, even though they are not enemies with Pinewood residents. To ensure the safety of the Pinewood, they must construct walls and defanses around it and reach an agreement before things get out of control.
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i was confused on mission's suggestion so i typed what i think was right 🫤
How Missions work, is that you have to create a Specific Event for every single group mentioned.
You also did the Map Change event wrong, as it is an event where you swap the server over to a different map, and people play on there for a few hours. You would also need to link a new map for this.

I'll respond in more detail later, but these are just some things to help you improve before I do. I'd also recommend reading other GM Applications to get the gist of it, and understand what you have to do for your type of events (Without copying them of course).
Jul 31, 2022
How Missions work, is that you have to create a Specific Event for every single group mentioned.
You also did the Map Change event wrong, as it is an event where you swap the server over to a different map, and people play on there for a few hours. You would also need to link a new map for this.

I'll respond in more detail later, but these are just some things to help you improve before I do. I'd also recommend reading other GM Applications to get the gist of it, and understand what you have to do for your type of events (Without copying them of course).
yep see that now,will edit it tommorow when i wake up,didn't quite undurstood the concept of the missions :D
Dec 25, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Denied

Hello @Wilhelm

Unfortunately having discussed your application with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit to be a member of the Gamemaster team, we recommend looking at previous accepted Gamemaster applications, and speaking to members of the Gamemaster team, to get a further understand of what Event Team is looking for.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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