SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - William Collins

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Dec 25, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: William Collins

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:48881738

Discord Username: doom.24

Age: 24

What's your current playtime: Started since December 3rd 2024

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: William Collins

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: It is my first, yes.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: One FailRP warning. Its been some time since i got it though.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-4h, usually after 5pm GMT

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
3-4 years (with breaks) on one SWRP server i played on prior to coming to CN. I still have the google docs i used to host said events back there, which i shall provide to those that request it, due to the risk of breaking the rule about advertising other servers. While hosting those events back there was an enjoyable experience, the community there tried to get rid of me on several occasions for what seems like the case of "Youre not part of our circle - youre out".

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
Ever since ive became an exec for RSD, my hunger for RP has grown bigger and bigger, often doing research projects involving the type of RP not usually seen on the server. At some point, i have decided to work on a pac for a new SCP - an anomalous nuclear reactor. After showing it off on discord, over at the PAC3 showcase channel, and to a few GMs, it became clear that i should work on more things like that. This is what made me spend more time on sandbox, working on new creations for pac, whether they are fully animate entities, or stationary objects and machines, all to be used for events. In the past, on a SWRP server i played on before i came here, i was able to write down several page documents for each large-scale event i have prepared (currently 6 documents in total), and manage to perform them all without much issue. While my social skills are not the best, it does not stop my RP creativity. I am able to provide said documents should it be requested, but i have refrained from linking them here due to the risk of breaking the rule of advertising other servers.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
When it comes to hosting events, there are two things that are my specialty. They will be listed below.

First, PAC3. Back on the SWRP server, people were always giving bad looks to people who were actually creative with pac. I broke through that, and ended up creating various types of creations. From custom-built weapons (no, not custom models), to stationary objects/machines, to various types of additions to the playermodel like armor or gadgets, all the way to making highly detailed creations the size of a small building. Even though i couldnt use any of those on that server due to their rules and regulations, i still kept doing them, as i treated pac3 both as a way to express my imagination, as well as stress relief.

Secondly, Large-scale events. Like i mentioned previously, for any larger event i usually prepare google docs, writing down the story of the event, the plan for how it will go, and provide various other relevant information, depending on the event. For a medium-sized story, one event is usually enough. For bigger stories however, i usually let those play out over several days, in form of several events, all connected with one another. Many said im overpreparing back on that server, but i believed that my "overpreparing" was a necessary measure to make my events top quality.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
NUMBER ONE: Profaned Balefire
It would involve bringing an SCP on site - a nuclear reactor, with a built in chamber for irradiating other materials and organic beings, and capable of occasionally spawning hostile instances of this SCP.

NUMBER TWO: Transhuman
It would be about discovering a strange document about a GOC-created KTE within the site, displaying anomalous properties. It would then lead to Deep Research (initial area), where a stasis chamber would be located, containing the KTE in cryostasis. From there, the foundation and the GOC will need to coordinate a way on how to neutralize the KTE before it reawakens.

NUMBER THREE: Uranium Fever
It would involve a visit from Site-19's engineering team, to perform an inspection on the reactor powering Site-65. But this inspection would quickly turn into a psychodelic frenzy, as the Chaos Insurgency would end up digging a tunnel down to the reactor, to take it over, and to blow the whole site up. CI's excavation would quickly start causing problems to the reactor, so not only will combatives need to get down there and dispatch the CI raid within the tunnels themselves, but RSD will also need to work with tech experts to stabilize the reactor and prevent it from going nuclear. (This idea has been edited, based on the complaint that the reactor is easy to take over. I do not play combatives, so i had the right to not be aware of this.)

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Map to be used:

Site-87 has requested help from Site-65 to help them with construction of their new "Dark Fusion Reactor". While most areas of the site are finished and ready to be used, the reactor still needs some finishing touches. But with this much power, the reactor is bound to attract unwanted attention, and so the foundation must defend the reactor at all costs.



O-1 and DEA - Defend O5 and Ethics. Since the map has an office complex in the upper levels, it will be manageable for both groups.

E-11 - Protect the inner section of the reactor. Given the site's layout and it's division into an outer and inner complex, E-11 will be best suited to protect the inner section of the reactor site.

Nu-7, ISD and Gensec - Protect the Outer section of the reactor site. The area is spacious, with lots of cover, and for this reason, Nu-7 and Gensec will be best suited to protect this section.

Medics - They will be spread around both sections of the site, to provide healing to both teams.

GOC and A-1 - Given their current relations with the foundation, the GOC will become uneasy allies for this event, since they want to prevent an end of the world scenario caused by the reactor potentially going nuclear. They will be the last line of defence for the reactor site, and will be stationed, alongside A-1, within the reactor control room and by the fuel cells within the reactor, which are necessary to keep it running.

CI - They will be the main invading force, and will attempt to take over the reactor to then blow it up.


Civilians - unused

Class D - Work with CI, provided they are recovered by them

RSD, Tech Experts and O5 - They will be the people performing the assembly of the reactor. Tech experts will be working down below at the reactor to make sure it is ready for activation, while RSD will manage the reactor from inside the control room, including maintaining the core's integrity, and prevent it from entering meltdown. The O5 however, will be there to activate the necessary protocols of the reactor that normally require CL5 authorisation.


List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

Rumors have surfaced about SCP-447-2 being smuggled into the site, with some intending to use it on a dead body. The job is simple: Find offending personel with 447-2, find the source of SCP-447-2 and how it found it's way into Site-65, and neutralize the source. SCP-447-2, when combined with a dead body, could result in a massive disaster, and so it is paramount that O-1 stop the threat at it's source.

OOC SECTION: A group of E-11 from another site will arrive via truck to deliver 447-2. It will then be transported to a secure location, so that RSD and foundation staff can use it. However, O-1 will receive an encrypted transmission, which they will need to decode. Its a warning, about foundation staff intending to use 447-2 on a dead body. Once decrypted, they will receive coordinates for the testing site, where the dead body is to be used. From there, they will go ahead and apprehend and interrogate offending personel.

A bunch of researchers from another site to inspect their laboratories to then improve their own. Shortly after, the "N.E.X.U.S" system - used by the O5 for surveilance, caught wind of suspicious personel, but is unable to pinpoint their location. At the same time, they receive pieces of encrypted messages, and so it will be A-1's job to decrypt them, piece the message together, find the intruders, and get info out of them.

OOC SECTION: A truck will arrive at the compound, with a group of researchers coming for a visit to Site-65 to inspect their laboratories. Thats when the network will go off, sounding a silent alarm to O5 and A-1. At the same time the system will intercept fragments of encrypted messages, which will need to be decoded and pieced back together by Alpha-1. From there, they will need to find those researchers (the intruders), apprehend and interrogate them, and find out who or what they are.

Nu-7: The Chaos Insurgency has recently established an excavation site, presumably to dig out an anomalous artifact. Nu-7 will need to dispatch the CI cell at the dig site, retrieve the artifact, and deliver it back to the site for RSD to study, while they are actively hunted by CI and other groups that are competing for the artifact.

OOC SECTION: It all starts with a mysterious encrypted message, written with multiple languages, and converted into binary code. Nu-7 will first need to decrypt the binary code, and then translate each and every word to find out what the message is. That is when they find out about the CI dig site somewhere around pinewood. From there, Nu-7 will come in with armored escort to disrupt their operations. Simple in concept, but Nu-7 will have a lot to do for this one.

E-11: A swarm of SCP-3199 ("Humans Refuted") has tunneled its way into HCZ, and is causing a rampage, as it tries to reach LCZ and destroy the whole site and kill everyone. E-11 will need to work fast, by destroying any instances of 3199, locate their nest, and destroy it, as well as any points of entry used by the SCPs. In the meantime, an encrypted message will be sent to Site Administration (binary code), which is an intercepted communication between the CI and an unknown group, talking about sending 3199 into site-65, and weaponizing them. They will have to stop both SCP-3199 and CI before they manage to mass-produce their weapon.

OOC SECTION: It all starts with an earthquake. The automated announcement system will play out a request for armed forces to move to HCZ, and activate a Code 5. Thats when SCP-3199 instances will break through the walls into HCZ, and start wreaking havoc across the site, little by little. Somewhere within HCZ, 3199 will set up nests, from which more of the instances will come out. Once E-11 finds and destroys their nests, they will need to locate each of the tunnels, and seal them up. During the 3199 incursion, an encrypted message will be sent to E-11 and SA for them to decrypt, which is essentially a conversation about CI weaponising 3199, as well as coordinates for the incubation site. Once the 3199 instances are dealt with, Combatives will then perform a raid on CI's 3199 incubation site, and destroy it.

CI: The Chaos Insurgency receives a shipment of experimental weapons delivered from their European branch. Unfortunately, the foundation is interested in taking those for themselves. CI will have to defend their bunker while they unload the weapons into their vault. Over time however, more groups will become interested in getting those guns, such as the GOC, and even MC&D, as it would be a lucrative opportunity to make profit off of their guns.

OOC SECTION: It all starts with Chaos Insurgency members from Europe coming in with a truck, loaded with weapon crates. While they are unloading it, they receive an encrypted transmission, written in binary, which is then converted to morse code, that the foundation and MC&D are planning to steal the weapons for themselves. From there, the CI will experience the equivalent of a mexican stand-off, as they are raided by the foundation for their weapons. In order to stop anyone from getting their weapons, they will need to destroy them before the foundation and MC&D gets their hands on them.

UNGOC: A GOC Attache from the Asian Branch has come to visit Pinewood's GOC to warn them about a KTE re-emerging - one that was thought to be destroyed in a reactor accident. They will need to team up with the foundation's RSD and MTFs to neutralize it. However, CI are attempting to capture it to turn the KTE into their own eigenweapon. (This is an alternative variant to the mission for the "Transhuman" event, referenced above)

OOC SECTION: it starts off simple - an Asian GOC Attache arrives to the GOC's base to inform them about KTE-001's appearence in the area, with it's exact location unknown. To find the stasis pod, inside of which the KTE is contained, they will need to tune in to the radio frequency of the pod, and basically play the game of Warm and Cold. Once they find the buried pod, GOC will have to dig it out, transport it back to their site to assess the damage done to the pod, make all the necessary preparations, and then get in contact with the foundation to find a way to properly contain it, or if possible - neutralize it.


FOUNDATION STAFF: A strange door has appeared somewhere around Site-65. And the doorway appears to lead into SCP-860-1, except the area appears to be a kind of swamp, and 860-2 is nowhere to be found. RSD, with assistance from E-11 will need to enter the dimension and perform necessary studies. Once the area is deemed safe, an outpost will be set up near the point of entry for long-term study, and will allow RSD to continue their studies, while MTF units will be able to use the swamp for training in an environment that is completely alien to them.

OOC SECTION: It starts off relatively simple. A doorway will appear within HCZ (or somewhere else, depending on where the event host in question wants to place the door). Once it is discovered, RSD will be called in to find out more about it, and find out where it leads. Once inside the 860-2 swamp, RSD and another MTF unit (preferably E-11), will go in to study the area, and the surrounding fauna and flora, take necessary samples, and find out if the area is safe enough for further entry. Once it is deemed safe, foundation staff (such as techies and medics) will help set up a field camp at the swamp for long-term study of the ecosystem. From there, MTF units can do trainings inside the swamp (such as combat in a swampy environment), while RSD and medics can perform studies on the swamp and its inhabitants.

IMPORTANT CONTEXT: The idea of a swamp for 860-1 came from an RSD project - VEILBREAKER, which i had done in the past, where ive used a device to map out the dimension and find out that it has multiple biomes contained within it. The ideas for plants and fauna however, came from project GENESIS, where i retrieved live specimens from 860-1 to then study them in a specially crafted habitat simulation device. And yes, i even have a few pacs prepared to create the field camp mentioned in the mission idea for foundation staff.
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Game Master
Game Master
Sep 24, 2024
Hello, William Collins.

You're amazing at RP on the server, and your application is alright, but there are a few small things I would like to bring up. In your third small event the idea is good, but my concern is the impact CI raiding the reactor through a tunnel would have on the site. SOP would have had 0 chance to stop them, practically allowing an entire raid force into the reactor, which is one of the easiest places to hold on site, so it's unlikely MTF would be able to retake it at all.

For your map change event, it's alright, but it seems very combative, and while each line of defence is fighting, the more inner defences would just be sitting around waiting for CI, which is fine; it just won't be the most engaging for them.
Your O1 event is alright, but it seems to be just a normal run-around to find something, which can become not the most fun for the people involved.
For the A1 event, it seems rather outlandish that an O5 would go rogue and to UIU for that matter, which is a very unequipped GOI that is also friendly with the foundation.
Now the Nu7 event, all Nu7 do every day is fight CI, so it would be nice if they could get something fun and new instead of the 100th "go fight CI and secure this" event.
The E11 event I don't really have any idea how this would work, and it just seems to be a killing swarm that E11 needs to deal with, which just doesn't seem to have any RP for any parties.
The CI event just doesn't seem fun for any party other than CI; for everyone else, it would just be like a normal raid on CI. Nothing special at all; I don't really see much RP potential in this.
The GOC event is just the same thing that almost every application writes about: some random KTE appearing and them needing to destroy it.
For the Foundation Staff event, my question is how would this work? A random robot appears in the foundation with no buildup, and I'm guessing the robot is sentient? This could be some good RP, but it would be nice if you expanded a little bit on it.

So for now I'm neutral, but I hope you can take the feedback on board.
Dec 25, 2024
Hello, William Collins.

You're amazing at RP on the server, and your application is alright, but there are a few small things I would like to bring up. In your third small event the idea is good, but my concern is the impact CI raiding the reactor through a tunnel would have on the site. SOP would have had 0 chance to stop them, practically allowing an entire raid force into the reactor, which is one of the easiest places to hold on site, so it's unlikely MTF would be able to retake it at all.

For your map change event, it's alright, but it seems very combative, and while each line of defence is fighting, the more inner defences would just be sitting around waiting for CI, which is fine; it just won't be the most engaging for them.
Your O1 event is alright, but it seems to be just a normal run-around to find something, which can become not the most fun for the people involved.
For the A1 event, it seems rather outlandish that an O5 would go rogue and to UIU for that matter, which is a very unequipped GOI that is also friendly with the foundation.
Now the Nu7 event, all Nu7 do every day is fight CI, so it would be nice if they could get something fun and new instead of the 100th "go fight CI and secure this" event.
The E11 event I don't really have any idea how this would work, and it just seems to be a killing swarm that E11 needs to deal with, which just doesn't seem to have any RP for any parties.
The CI event just doesn't seem fun for any party other than CI; for everyone else, it would just be like a normal raid on CI. Nothing special at all; I don't really see much RP potential in this.
The GOC event is just the same thing that almost every application writes about: some random KTE appearing and them needing to destroy it.
For the Foundation Staff event, my question is how would this work? A random robot appears in the foundation with no buildup, and I'm guessing the robot is sentient? This could be some good RP, but it would be nice if you expanded a little bit on it.

So for now I'm neutral, but I hope you can take the feedback on board.
Heya lad.

Ima be honest with you: As someone who does not know what the reactor even looks like since i dont have the clearence necessary to enter it, i was bound to make that mistake. I did attempt to be as unique as possible with those ideas, but i was prepared for the possibility that someone would say "Oh our group has been excluded" or "too OP for certain group".

My point is: Its not the first time i heard people complain to me about me excluding them from an event back on that previous server. Cant make everyone happy afterall. No hard feelings...?
Dec 25, 2024
Due to limitations placed upon me by the forums themselves, i edited the application to include the formatting that i was not able to include while creating the app in the first place. This is to make it easier to read for everybody, and divide each section while still following the app format.

Additionally, ive elaborated on the foundation staff mission, due to people being confused on how it's ment to go out.


Welsh Pride
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
Heya lad.

Ima be honest with you: As someone who does not know what the reactor even looks like since i dont have the clearence necessary to enter it, i was bound to make that mistake. I did attempt to be as unique as possible with those ideas, but i was prepared for the possibility that someone would say "Oh our group has been excluded" or "too OP for certain group".

My point is: Its not the first time i heard people complain to me about me excluding them from an event back on that previous server. Cant make everyone happy afterall. No hard feelings...?
Reactors is Cl2
Dec 25, 2024
Reactors is Cl2
Was it? Oh, le' whoops. I never wandered anywhere near it, had the right to not be aware. I was always under the impression that you needed an RP reason to go down there, based on what i heard. But thanks for clearing that up for me. I take full responsibility for that one.

Reactor idea updated to reflect this, and the previously mentioned complaint.

Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
I'll start with a personal vouch, you have showed a great amount of creativity and passion within the server.

I firstly suggest expanding on the event ideas, you could write about how the event may go: An [OOC] section giving insight on what the GMs may do during the event. The missions also seem very combat orientated, you can stray away from this via expanding the ideas slightly, like for the Nu-7 event, you could give them a section where they have to find the coordinates of said digging-site through some decoding roleplay.

You're friendly on the server, I've never had a single issue regarding you - Whether it be you interacting with one of my events, or just playing the server normally.

I'll be giving a +++ Support

You have potential clearly, the pac3 creations you have showcased are impressive and nothing to be undermined when considering your place as a TGM candidate.

Best of luck! - Julien White
Dec 25, 2023

Gamemaster Application - Denied

Hello @William "Doom" Collins

Unfortunately having discussed your application with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit to be a member of the Gamemaster team.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.
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