[SCP-RP UK] Maksim "Enigma" Captain Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:648540008

Discord name: maksim_orthodox

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1700+ Hours on Gmod
Played from Jun 2022-Jan2023
May-2023 - October 2023
Returned Feb 2024

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: GMT/BST


Character name(s):
F: Maksim "Enigma"
F: Ivan Antonov

CI: "Angry Enigma"
UNGOC: "Hotel"

Civilian name:
Maksim Antonov

What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

E-11 SPC (Held)
Nu7 PVT (Held)
O-1 SPC (Held)
A-1 SGT (Held)

GSD Captain (Held)
Executive Researcher (Held)
IA Agent (Holding)
DEA (Holding)

Chief of Security (Held)

Senior Moderator: Held

Why are you applying for the Captain?

The paramount reason I am very interested in the role, is that ever since I have arrived at Site 65 I instantly became infatuated with the General Security Department. I had worked my way from Cadet to Officer, joining the RRT Team under CoS Shino at the time, and from then pushing on to RRT Sergeant and finally Captain; whilst all the way along this journey I have been assisting GSD, MTF Teams and Site Administration, not to prove myself and my own capabilities, but to prove that GSD is not what people have discredited us as.

Since my return I have watched how GENSEC run. To say the least it seems like we are lacking captains on site and need a sharp increase in both quality and quantity of our Security Department to improve the QOL for all departments around the Site including GSD. I have a lot of experience in all positions in the Security Department and know how it is run like the back of my hand. I am here applying for this position once again from nothing but my love for the Department, GSD is one of the only departments I genuinely enjoy playing on and with.

I can also see that there has been a decline in the discipline and standards of the more junior positions of the Security Department and I will change that given my last position in this department as well as my participation in the creation of these new roles in the department.

What makes you suitable for Captain?:

1. Experience - I have a significant amount of experience within a variety of positions around the Site, including: General Security Department, Internal Affairs Department, Intelligence Department/DEA as well as experience within Nu-7 "Hammer Down" / Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox" / Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand"/ Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" which all are varied in their duties and responsibilities around Site 65 which has given me a extensive insight into how Site 65 functions and how to make GSD function to their best capability. More importantly I have previously had experience in this role and relatively recently at that.

2. Diligence - I consider myself to be a assiduous member of the foundation always paying attention to matters which may concern myself or my colleagues and ascertain the most merited and lawful of governing the situation.

3. Activity - I am becoming active on site again, mostly as GSD within CDC, I recently took a break from the server for personal reasons however am back and active.

4. Maturity - I would have considered myself to be a mature individual, however I understood my previous actions were not acceptable for the position I was in and have changed my outlook on how to play as this role in a more beneficial manor.

5. Management - As an Ex Chief, management is a skill I have acquired within the GSD ever since I became a GSD Sergeant (back in the day however it is now called Officer), I have led a vast number of sweeps into D-Block as well as organising GSD into POI's around D-CLASS CDC. On top of this I constantly ensure that members of both SRU, SCU and subdivisions are performing patrols and assisting all Site Personnel whenever it is required and if CDC is sufficiently staffed. I was one of the main pioneers in pushing the documentation and the progress for the GSD update to revive the department I love.

6. Leadership - Tying in very closely with Management, As one of the most active and present GSD Chiefs when I was in that position, I am ensuring that GENSEC feel that we have a SOLID command structure and that they know who to come to in order to file complaints about Site Personnel, especially other GENSEC. I also try to host trainings and lectures as much as possible to keep GSD knowledgeable of their duties in and around CDC and their future careers within Site-65 and how to achieve those goals.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

As a GSD Captain, you are Junior Clearance 4 Personnel and now have a variety of responsibilities to take on within GSD.
These include but are not limited to:

Teaching the new and returning GENSEC from Cadet to Officer in how we now operate and how things have changed since the GSD update.

Reporting and suppressing information leaks - As CL4 you are aware of what is and is not redacted information and should act accordingly if this is exposed.

Leading sweeps - As a Captain are expected to be the leading role in sweeps for GENSEC, ensuring everyone is on the correct frequency, ensuring everyone is ordered correctly e.g. forming teams to target certain areas of D Block such as showers, vents, cells and getting d class to the wall and weapon stripping them.

Training GENSEC - Taking the General Security Department on combat and FLC (Ethical and Conduct) Trainings as well as informative lectures.

Upholding the FLC - Ensuring all GSD are upholding the FLC constantly during their duties.


- Creating and Organising try-outs for both Heavy Weapons and Security Response Unit licenses.

Character Lore


Name: Maksim ████████

Codename: "Enigma"

SCPF ID: 6447258

Personnel Classification: Class B

DoB: ██/██/████

Security Clearance: Level 3

Latest Position: GENSEC Officer


Profile: Maksim has recently been transferred to Site - 65 to assist with the training for the new equipment dispatched to the Site. Maksim has shown his marksmanship and leadership skills are more than adequate to improve the quality of training at Site - 65.

Early Life: Ivan Antonov is a highly trained assassin who was raised as such from childbirth after his parents abandoned him at Site - 18, 35 years ago. Since he was rescued, Or so he was told, he has been training to become the most elite member of the security department. His parents worked for the foundation as External Affairs Agents however could not care for him and as such left him in the care of an old friend at Site 18. He has spent the last few years training in various forms of combat, including the use of a modified rifle for target acquisition and termination from miles away. He was recently assigned to a new position in his department, where he is currently a captain training up the newest batch of cadets.

Since his promotion he has been working closely with the Chief of Security at Site - 18 even accompanying him to visits with GENSEC Command. He has grown close to the Chief of Security and worked along side him for years. Once he heard of the transfer to the new Site, although saddened by the loss of working for a close friend, he knew this was his opportunity to move up to become a Chief of his own and with that introduce a new era into the outdated ways of the Foundation.
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