SCP-RP Uk mod application

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Alex "Monke" Smith

Game Master
Game Master
Aug 29, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): AlxeIs2Cool4U
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): (My Vtime_Menu is broken and isn't displaying my write time so i went to the 1month achievement and turned the secs into days) 7.5Days
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Iraq
Time zone: GMT+3
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Alex "Monke" Smith
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-A Smithy "Monke" John
Civilian name: Alex "Monke" John
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:442142081
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP UK
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have, I have three warns. Warn 1 Toxicty : Now am not proud of this moment, I don't remeber what i said, But i do know it was infact toxic.
Warn 2 ERP: Now i do not think i deserved this warn, But i accpet that i got it, I said that i was the penis inscpecter and an admin did not like that.
Warn 3 Fail RP : I deserve this one, It was my fault and i admin it, I sold a weapon to a D class as a chef.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
-I sadly do not have any experience as a staff member in this commuity, But we all start somwhere right!
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- I very much do, I mostly play in the Research area of the SCP server, And i like my reports to be perfect, So i get the best D class and gensec (after many tries of course.) And i do my best to make it a good RP, So it is fitted for my Document. Not only that I also when i am Kidnapped by CI or Foundtion, I make sure to do a serious roleplay and act like how a real kidnapped Offcier would. Most of my roleplay is serious but i do goof off every now and then.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- 4-7 (The reason it varys so much is because sometimes i stay home all day, And somtimes i am outside home for half of the day)
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
-The reason i want to become a moderator is well I just do, I do not have much good reason for it other than I want to, i simply want to help the server to be a safer place and I instead of walking around the site all day i could be doing sits all day, Whice in my opinion, Is a better use for my time as not only i would be helping the server, I would also be using my team much better, Now i speak english pretty well (Others agree) especially for a Iraqi person and I also would like to make my english stronger, To get rid of my lisp and accent, So this would also help me train my english. ?
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: Well to be honest to much, I am as normal as the next mod, I don't think am special over the other Apps, I do tho wake up quite early and sleep quite late (Wake up 10am Sleep 1am) This means i would be a quite active mod at times where mods aren't. (Between 12am and 1am there are normally 2 mods on) And the reason i think i can help this server is that i can be online at times where others admins can't because they have work or other things to do, I think i would be the 2nd underaged mod (Lily would be the first). Also if it means anything i study Bio for fun, I thought its cool that i do, lol.

Also tell me if my formatting is better than my other two apps.
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Well-known Member
Aug 7, 2022
-Neutral /leading toward -Support

-Support from the amount of sits u ask for I believe ur rule knowledge isn't the best
-Support app could use more detail
-Neutral have previous warns not that bad tho

+Support ur an ok lad haven't had any bad interactions with u

I feel if u learn the rules better and put more detail into ur app I would change my verdict on ur app.

Alex "Monke" Smith

Game Master
Game Master
Aug 29, 2022
-Neutral /leading toward -Support

-Support from the amount of sits u ask for I believe ur rule knowledge isn't the best
-Support app could use more detail
-Neutral have previous warns not that bad tho

+Support ur an ok lad haven't had any bad interactions with u

I feel if u learn the rules better and put more detail into ur app I would change my verdict on ur app.
I do in fact call many sits, But most of my sits end up on me being on the right, As I play Civilian a lot I get RDMed quite a lot, And when am playing IA people break Fear RP, So I only call those sits so they do not break the rules again, I also think my rule info is quite good.
EDIT: Also i would like to say that my App and your app are almost the same lengths.
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Man of Culture

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022

Decent Application

Questionable maturity, especially in OOC
No Interactions

Alex "Monke" Smith

Game Master
Game Master
Aug 29, 2022

Decent Application

Questionable maturity, especially in OOC
No Interactions
I do admit, I am always unmature in OOC, But am only not mature because it is OOC, In any IC or RP stuff am always mature and professional, Also i do not know who you are because you do not have your name in your forum pfp.


Well-known Member
Apr 25, 2022
Decent application
funny watching you lose your cyanide
Overall good interactions and seems like good person.

I am cosmic btw


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 13, 2022
Hello Alex "Monke" Smith

I will be leaving a, - Neutral For the following reasons.

- Questionable rule knowledge
- Whilst your application does have more detail compared to others it does lack in areas.

- Good Activity
- Friendly and mature.

Overall I believe you should familiarise yourself with the rules further before applying for staff, however other than that I see no reason why you are not fitted for a chance within the team.

Alex Bones

Active member
Apr 18, 2022
- Support
I've seen a lot of minge from you and since you have both an ERP warning as well as a toxicity warning I don't feel like you'd fit too good. If you improve your maturity and ruleknowledge you might have a chance.

Best of luck.
- Alex Bones.

Alex "Monke" Smith

Game Master
Game Master
Aug 29, 2022
Decent application
funny watching you lose your cyanide
Overall good interactions and seems like good person.

I am cosmic btw
Cosmic you owe me 30k, give me ma money.
Hello Alex "Monke" Smith

I will be leaving a, - Neutral For the following reasons.

- Questionable rule knowledge
- Whilst your application does have more detail compared to others it does lack in areas.

- Good Activity
- Friendly and mature.

Overall I believe you should familiarise yourself with the rules further before applying for staff, however other than that I see no reason why you are not fitted for a chance within the team.
I have read the rules before making this app and i have read it once more after i made the app, As i am applying for staff.
+- Neutral

+ Active
+ Interactions
+ Playtime

+- Could work on maturity & rule knowledge

GL ?
Like I said above, I have read the rules again, And I see myself quite mature compared to other people.( Also 3 plus and one neutral wouldn't that be +support ? )
- Support
I've seen a lot of minge from you and since you have both an ERP warning as well as a toxicity warning I don't feel like you'd fit too good. If you improve your maturity and ruleknowledge you might have a chance.

Best of luck.
- Alex Bones.
I don't think my warns are pretty serious, Due to the fact 2 of them were over a month ago, And the ERP warning IMO wasn't really ERP, I just happened to make the joke to a player who is hated by all for being a mood ruiner. Also, I don't think we interacted ever, So it would be hard for you to rate my maturity and rule knowledge, I think you are basing your comment of others peoples comments.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Cosmic you owe me 30k, give me ma money.

I have read the rules before making this app and i have read it once more after i made the app, As i am applying for staff.

Like I said above, I have read the rules again, And I see myself quite mature compared to other people.( Also 3 plus and one neutral wouldn't that be +support ? )

I don't think my warns are pretty serious, Due to the fact 2 of them were over a month ago, And the ERP warning IMO wasn't really ERP, I just happened to make the joke to a player who is hated by all for being a mood ruiner. Also, I don't think we interacted ever, So it would be hard for you to rate my maturity and rule knowledge, I think you are basing your comment of others peoples comments.
I was the one involved with the erp to the people doing -support cause of it the reason i reported him for it was cause all day people were coming up to me and messing with me for no reason i was a dclass a1 threw nerve gas at me i was a researcher gensec freed dclass and ran away letting them kill me so when he said i am the penis inspector let me inspect your penis i assumed he was another person who was messing with me cause they did not like me so i reported him. I dont think he meant anything bad by it and was just trying to make a joke
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Active member
Mar 27, 2022
Application Denied

Hi @Alex "Monke" Smith ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Your application is decent, however, it is apparent that you have not yet made yourself a reputable member of the community. We cannot vouch you will benefit the staff team at this time. It is also clear from other staff members you have persisted to make mingey behaviour.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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