(SCP-RP UK) Phoenix's Ethics Commitee Member Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:564488673
Discord name: PhoenixHeanix#2988
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since January 2022
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Turkiye
Time zone: GMT+02
Character name(s): "Phoenix"
Civilian name: "Phoenix"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 SGT, O-1 CSG, Ethics Comittee Assistant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have recieved one Warning from back in may for failrp.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the role Ethics Committee Member, for a lot of reasons.
I believe that in my journey in the server, it is the next step to take in my pursuit of justice.

I believe that with the role of Ethics Committee Member i can carry out what i wanted to do since the day i joined the server, Bring peace and tranquility to The Foundation, with a swift force of Justice through the Judicial system implemented in the foundation. That is the reason why i first Joined O-1 and ECA, and will carry on to be the reason why i want to join the Ethics Committee. I want to be a direct power in the stability of The Foundation.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee:

As i have said before on numerous occassions; I do not believe i am the best candidate for anything, I mean cant we all be one-upped? None the less, i will list all the reasons that make me a good candidate for The Committee.
Reason 1: My experience working for The Committee, i have been working as an assistant an Omega-1 for The Commitee for some time now. precisely 2 months as an Omega-1 Operative and a couple weeks as an Asssitant for the Committee. In these times i have learned a lot about how The Ethics Commitee operates, I also did my fair share in Internal Affairs however that is a long long time ago. Currently in Omega-1 i am the Deputy Director of the Prosecutors squadron, which handles criminals and CoE/ CoC Violations.
Reason 2: I feel i have great leadership abilities, where i lead O-1 as CSG best as i can as the highest Non-Comissioned Officer role.
Reason 3: Activity, I am incredibly active i play on the server quite a lot, and i even played when i had a broken arm while i was on LoA so i feel my activity is quite good.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

The responsibilities of an Ethics Committee Member in roleplay are as follows:
Ensuring the standards of all departments are in good quality both Ethically and effeciently
Making changes into the Code Of Ethics for a safer Foundation.
Watching out for any CoE/ CoC violations and judicizing the criminals.
Ensuring The Foundation is always ethical and remains moral.
Giving Orders to MTF Omega-1.
Approving/ Denying Experimentations which require ECM+ Permission.
Approving use of Advanced Armory in times of great peril.
Announcing a code black in times of no recovery
If ERT Fails activation of the onsite Alpha-Warhead as a last recontainment mesaure.

These are simply the basic ones.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Outside of roleplay the Commitee are to accept or deny some Senior/Non Senior positions within the facility, some of which are a cross-vote between O5 and Ethics:

Ethics Commitee Member
Ethics Commitee Assistant.
Director Of Medicine
Director of Internal Affairs.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Phoenix was born in 1980, in a wee area inside Istanbul Turkey, The boy was always intrested in Science, so he chose to pursue a life of scientific achievement, but also had his eyes on combat, taking Atatürk as his idol, the kid grew up looking after a life of excitement, After his graduation, Phoenix struggled with finding a job. His parents were always on his back untill 07/08/1998 where Phoenix was found Dead, police investigation showed it as Suicide.

Jr. Researcher Phoenix was an enthusiastic researcher, while he was initially sad that his parents thought he was dead, he quickly forgot about it, He rose through the ranks of researcher untill he became a senior researcher. after 3 years of this, he submitted a form to become a Executive, however due to a computer bug, DoR Dr.Nyx thought his name wasnt real and a fake form, therefore he was denied. Due to this he quit research and looked at his ancestor Atatürk, who was a great soldier.

Phoenix had attented a Nu-7 tryout after spending some time in GSD, Getting to know all his Co workers, Phoenix in his days as Nu-7, encountered Death, questioning his sanity, but for him, at this point killing CI became a second nature to him, he quickly ascended to NCO, where he was given HeadSupervisor of the HammerHeads squadron within Nu-7, he was given his own small team to lead, but he would always feel a presence lurking behind him, almost like it was watching him... on 01/10/22, Nu-7 SGT Phoenix was killed by a firing squad at an unknown time.

O-1 CPL Phoenix had been promoted 3 days prior, where he was invited to the NCO Team. after working hard with a broken arm, Phoenix was given a "off the books" mission by The Ethics Committee, where he had been ordered to find a rogue Nu-7 CO who went into hiding. the committee entrusted Phoenix with this mission because of his past connections with Nu-7, Phoenix accepted the mission, due to him being skilled with IT Work in the past. He tracked down the rogue Nu-7 CO, Because he took his keycard with him, which has a very small GPS Tracker, specifically in CL4 Keycards incase they get kidnapped. he located the keycard just of south Manchester, The Committee gave Phoenix a false passport, and sent him off to England; Once there he quickly set up shop and got ready for the mission. He found himself in a warehouse, in here he found the Nu-7 CO, It seemed as if he was dying, he notified the committee and was ordered to kill him. this was when he realized the CO was his old mentor back in Nu-7, The man who made him what he is today. But after going through a breakdown, he followed the ECM's orders and shot him in the head, killing him. Phoenix had broken down into tears, at which, he turned the gun towards himself, and tightened the trigger... and a gunshot did follow, however the gunshot came not from his gun, but the gun of an ECM , where he shot the gun out of Phoenix's hand, And then came over and told Phoenix "Its Allright son, The man you just shot was an CI, We dressed him up and replaced his ID tag with that of your old mentor to test your loyalty. Dont cry, Dont cry, you passed the test son," All Phoenix could do was keep crying, but relieved he didnt kill his mentor. the ECM then told him "Listen Son, we want you to work more closely with us, We still want you to carry on your duties as O-1, but also help us out as our assistant, Do you accept?" Phoenix shook his head yes, and kept crying...

End of Current notes on career...

Greetings. I am Cairo.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by the Ethics Committee for archival and communications purposes. What can I do for you today?

Input: Access Notes on Assistant "Phoenix"

Please keep in mind that that network is restricted to Chairman Broda Kagen of the Ethics Commitee, along with any members they have specifically given access to. If you don't fit those criteria, I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to deploy Mobile Task Force Omega-1 ("Law's Left Hand"). Are you sure you want to risk that?

Input: Continue

If you're sure. Answer me this, then: What song does the Foundation sing?

input: That of a promised morning.

Hm. That's the right answer, and your bio-metrics seem to match up…Good morning, Chairman Broda.
I'll be sending the Personnel report on Mr Phoenix that you requested for... Ah here it is.
"O-1 CSG and Ethics Committee Assistant Phoenix had been promoted to the rank of CSG a couple weeks ago, He was managing the role of both Assistant and Omega-1. He was looking at his checklist that The Committee had gave him. he had finished most of the checklist, he was finally after hours at his last order, find and interrogate Chaos Insurgency Ex-COM Fontaine. He went to the High-Priority Cells locked away in HCZ, hidden from the rest of the foundation other than certain CL4's and CL5 personnel. He entered the last cell on the right, He noticed it required a code, which he checked the back of his checklist for, code was "2718" Which he found a little off-putting. when he entered he found the cell to be slightly decorated, however he only was there to speak to one person. the Ex Chaos Insurgency Commander Fontaine. he noticed him quietly humming a song on his bed, before turning to face the assistant.
Play Audio Log?

Input: Play

Assistant Phoenix: Good day.
Fontaine: A visitor? Amusing, i havent had one of those in a couple months.
Assistant Phoenix: Well, we still arent done with you, we know you still have a little bit of information left in you that we need.
Fontaine: Could be, Couldn't be, Who knows? depending on what you say i might have different answers.
Assistant Phoenix: Calm down with the drama queen talk. Now then Chit-Chats over lets get to the questions.
Fontaine: Haha, Alright.
Assistant Phoenix: What was the point of the Insurgency?
Fontaine: We keep telling you yet you do not understand. The "Chaos" in the Chaos Insurgency is because we fight disorder, we fight Chaos, but most importantly, we fight death.
Assistant Phoenix: Death? You didnt mention you fought Death before in your ramblings.
Fontaine: Yes, we fight death, we on our founding found some information. Something horrifying.
Assistant Phoenix: What is it?
Fontaine: We learned from one of our men we resurrected that, on death, there is no heaven or hell, its simply torture.
Assistant Phoenix: What?
Fontaine: Yes. and the worst part is that, this is an info-hazard. It will only become your afterlife if you know about it.
Assistant Phoenix: Slow down. Are you saying that I have just been infected by an Info-Hazard
.Fontaine: Well, yes you have been infected, why do you think we never tell your men why the insurgency was created?
We never told you in order to protect you.
Assistant Phoenix: Well then. I'd say thats enough for me, I've already been infected, need to get amnesticated now. You scurry on back to your bed.
Fontaine: Fool.

End of Tape

Input: Right, Cairo, do me a favor. notify Omega-1 and bring him to my office. It seems he is suited for the job, being able to remain calm and collected after knowing information like that. I see him good enough for an interview.

Yes sir. Notifying Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" Except from Mr.Phoenix now

Input: Thank you Cairo. Log off for me will you?

No problem sir Shutting down.....
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Phoenix's application for a position on The Ethics Committee.
Thank you for showing your interest as a member of the Ethics Committee, the committee is in agreeance that you are not yet suited to be on The Ethics Committee. Please contact me for feedback via Teamspeak/Discord.

You may reapply in 1 week.

Signed and Approved
Broda Kagen

Director of the Ethics Committee​
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