SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Crazyscotsman

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Crazyscotsman

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:808706279

Discord Username: lil_pat.

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: Current: 2 days (Keep in mind i have had to houses over the last week leading to me not being able to get on site).Overall 1500 hours

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Foundation: Harvey Bridger, Harold Bridger, Ronan Graysphire CI: Gerald Partino Civillian: Dave Mitchels

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
How many hours can you be on everyday: roughly from 6-9PM possibly 10 depending on which day? As I have gcse revision to do and gym on some days.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Unfortunately, I do not.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Within the site, I have overcome my own expectations. Examples include I never personally thought I would be in GSD and well I did and even after that became the COS. I then thought the chief was where I would end and I then went further with ECA and SA. Within EC I am a senior assistant, this is a position I worked hard to get and is rarely given out so for me it means a lot and really is a statement of how hard work can get you places.

Overall I have overachieved when compared to what I believed I could achieve during my time on the site. I have worked with many different groups of people in helping make change. As of right now I am working with Cece to see whether there is room for improvement regarding ECAs and the opportunities and guidance they are given from the beginning of their tenure.

Why would you like to become a staff member: The main reason is that I want to help the people who have helped me along the way and have allowed me to get into the position I am in today. Another reason is that within the site I have always had the passion to help with making the community a better and more fun place, and I believe that becoming a staff member it would allow me to do so.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I don't really see how the staff team could improve. In my opinion, you can't really say a lot about how a group of people are doing unless you closely keep an eye on them which in my case I have not done as it would serve me no purpose.
Last edited:
Nov 16, 2022
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Crazyscotsman

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:808706279

Discord Username: lil_pat.

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: Current: 2 days (Keep in mind i have had to houses over the last week leading to me not being able to get on site).Overall 1500 hours

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Foundation: Harvey Bridger, Harold Bridger, Ronan Graysphire CI: Gerald Partino Civillian: Dave Mitchels

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
How many hours can you be on everyday: roughly from 6-9PM possibly 10 depending on which day? As I have gcse revision to do and gym on some days.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Unfortunately, I do not.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Within the site, I have overcome my own expectations. Examples include I never personally thought I would be in GSD and well I did and even after that became the COS. I then thought the chief was where I would end and I then went further with ECA and SA. Within EC I am a senior assistant, this is a position I worked hard to get and is rarely given out so for me it means a lot and really is a statement of how hard work can get you places.

Overall I have overachieved when compared to what I believed I could achieve during my time on the site. I have worked with many different groups of people in helping make change. As of right now I am working with Cece to see whether there is room for improvement regarding ECAs and the opportunities and guidance they are given from the beginning of their tenure.

Why would you like to become a staff member: The main reason is that I want to help the people who have helped me along the way and have allowed me to get into the position I am in today. Another reason is that within the site I have always had the passion to help with making the community a better and more fun place, and I believe that becoming a staff member it would allow me to do so.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I don't really see how the staff team could improve. In my opinion, you can't really say a lot about how a group of people are doing unless you closely keep an eye on them which in my case I have not done as it would serve me no purpose.
I have added a little more to my achievements regarding some work I have done in the past and some I am doing currently.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
I normally don't comment on applications but I'm going to do so as I feel like if you don't recieve this kind of uhh.. "Informing" you won't during your time as a staff member should you get accepted and it may bring your time in staff team very short.

You will receive a lot of critique, Unjust player frustration and just general pushback on things from both players and other staff members and knowing how well you took critism during your time on the server I do worry this would impact your ability to be a staff memeber.

I do however believe that anyone can be taught into being better. So I won't be leaving a + or - Support. Just a good luck.
I normally don't comment on applications but I'm going to do so as I feel like if you don't recieve this kind of uhh.. "Informing" you won't during your time as a staff member should you get accepted and it may bring your time in staff team very short.

You will receive a lot of critique, Unjust player frustration and just general pushback on things from both players and other staff members and knowing how well you took critism during your time on the server I do worry this would impact your ability to be a staff memeber.

I do however believe that anyone can be taught into being better. So I won't be leaving a + or - Support. Just a good luck.
I understand where you are coming from. In the past I have took criticism in maybe not the greatest way but I believe that I have learnt from that and gained a great understanding of how to deal with criticism in a positive way. For example a while ago I was denied OSA in my interview and pretty much for the main reason of denial I yapped to much in simple terms. Whilst I could have tried to justify why I talk to much I kind of realised that whilst that’s not a good thing to do, but it’s also sometimes a good thing but realising when it’s helpful and not for me was the pinnacle of the whole situation. In regard the interaction staff members have with other players I was aware of that slightly and thank you for reminding me as really what you stated is something which is very much apart is the reality of how people can get frustrated and really that as staff you need to be able to control your emotions and just try to help them.
Aug 27, 2022

Hey let's begin positively During my time in O-1 I have witnessed your Roleplay capabilities and spoken to you on multiple occasions,
I have seen improvement during the past months. compared to the last applications I just read.

You are a kind person that motivates others to reach higher limits.
Unfortunately, I can't Judge your abilities for stressful situations or handling intensive backlash from other players.

So I won't + or - Support your application but I do believe you have the potential to be a great staff member.

Best regards,

Hey let's begin positively During my time in O-1 I have witnessed your Roleplay capabilities and spoken to you on multiple occasions,
I have seen improvement during the past months. compared to the last applications I just read.

You are a kind person that motivates others to reach higher limits.
Unfortunately, I can't Judge your abilities for stressful situations or handling intensive backlash from other players.

So I won't + or - Support your application but I do believe you have the potential to be a great staff member.

Best regards,
Thanks for the support Holland.
Normally I don't really comment on staff applications, however I thought it best to come here and say a piece from someone who has directly dealt with you historically.

The short part of what I'm about to say is: You do not take criticism well at all, and you unfortunately- whether intentional or not, cause drama, and finally overstep into areas which are not for you to handle. Two things what would be horrendous in a member of staff as a quality. Now, it has been a month since this was last shown, but I believe staff should also have these elements in consideration when looking into you as to whether you would be a good fit to the team.

1. Criticism & Feedback
On your last night as Site Advisor, you mentioned an idea for E-11. Now, for context of those not informed, during this E-11 was not in a good state, activity was cursed, they had no leadership mentoring or structure, breaches lasted over 45 minutes and always needed an extreme amount of intervention/assistance. Due to this, two site managers were assigned to work with them directly. You came up with an idea, which was just... generic. It was a paragraph of waffle for what could've been said in one, "I believe they'd benefit from trainings." Now, this in of itself isn't an issue, contributing, etc, however, this then turned into what was... best described as an explosion from yourself. In which Grong attempted to cultivate these ideas with you, and you took it extremely badly, and I asked you not to overstep by going ahead and trying to get these started without checking (as you'd pinged and asked them after the fact), when there was already a strict purview of leave Dutch/Fusilli to it (communicated by myself and Pennington in multiple meetings). It was to a point you had your USA O5 friend come into the Site-Admin channel and cause drama.

From there, you resigned. We tried to reason with you that we want you to do well, we want to help so you could get to ECM quicker (as you had an active application at the time), but you responded by announcing in almost every CL4 channel that you were stepping down. It was just entirely immature and showed us you don't have the ability to step away, or view things from the perspectives people were telling you they were, a hand being offered.

2. Drama
This has happened on a few occasions, but, I'll keep in theme and use the prior situation as the example here. You proceeded to DM/Message multiple members of the community that you were being "bullied", and "refuse to be around pupeteers", DMs I still have screenshots of should staff need them. You caused an uproar with your handling, that multiple people were trying to get you to retain your position, myself included, to then still explode in the other channels. It is immature and not needed.

Overstepping is already described in the first example.

Look Harvey, I think you're a good kid, but being a good kid does not mean you'll be good in a position of power. I recommend genuinely spending time to work on your maturity, perception of text, and have some fun in the server before going for staff, as I would massively worry that if you couldn't stop yourself from overstepping when directly told not to in an RP position, how you would be able to demonstrate you'd be able to stop yourself from doing this in a staff perspective, where it affects a lot more players and has a higher potential of causing a large issue.

With this,

- Support.

Good luck either way kid.

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Harvey, I think your a good guy with good intentions, but I dont think you should go for staff. Its a position in which you will be critiqued a LOT and I dont think you really fit the criteria looking over comments from other CL4/5 personnel.

Its a shame that I have to do this, but I dont think you should apply for staff currently, so I have to leave a -Support

Regardless, best of luck in your application,


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
Application Denied

Hello @Harvey Bridger ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

At this time your application is to be denied. If you would like to discuss the reasons for denial, please contact Neptune on discord (discord name: Siren).

You may re-apply in 2 weeks

Have a good day!

- Resources Team​
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