SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Mr President Beans

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Mr president beans

Well-known Member
Mar 6, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Mr President Beans

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:506744797

Discord Username: hyper674

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: 24 Days and 9 Hours.

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Your characters name: Foundation Mr president beans. For ci its Mr black

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have for when I used to play I was a minge a little bit. I have a couple bans and a couple warns for Minor Glitching, Stealing, And Failrp, Also RDM. I wish to apply for staff to help stop theses from happening and I haven't gotten any since. Also NITRP and Fear Rp, I have about 7 bans and 15 Warnings for the reasons above.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 4 to 8.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: I was Head Management for a Fivem Server, I was in charge of making sure staff didnt abuse their powers. Taking reports. And watching logs daily.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Getting into IA.

Why would you like to become a staff member: I would like to become a staff members to help the server and redeem myself for all the rule breaking I have done before. And just help out people. I enjoy helping people and making the server better for all.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: Theres some exploits that you can do I wont say them here just in case. Theres a whole lot of Exploits I know about I would like to get patched. But I have some plans on how to fix them all.
Last edited:
Apr 13, 2024
Short App
Never seen you (Maybe my fault)
His story about the 7722 Passive breach and being tp'ed out doesnt add up considering you have an minor glitching warn?
(The time photo maybe edited since its cropped on the smallest part).
Getting into IA is not that big of an achivement considering your saying you have 24 days of playtime.
Theres a whole lot of Exploits I know about I would like to get patched.
If your applying for staff then you should not gatekeep the glitches to only when you become staff.
Still didnt not anwser to what is his characters name IC.
And also a whole lot of your responses to question dont add up generaly.

Mr president beans

Well-known Member
Mar 6, 2024
Short App
Never seen you (Maybe my fault)
His story about the 7722 Passive breach and being tp'ed out doesnt add up considering you have an minor glitching warn?
(The time photo maybe edited since its cropped on the smallest part).
Getting into IA is not that big of an achivement considering your saying you have 24 days of playtime.

If your applying for staff then you should not gatekeep the glitches to only when you become staff.
Still didnt not anwser to what is his characters name IC.
And also a whole lot of your responses to question dont add up generaly.
Did not say the glitches so they dont leak and the app asked me my that im proud i achieved and for me was getting into ia. and you cant edit the time.
- Support
- Short Application. (You've got a good starting point, just try to delve more into the points, and go over what you have done around the server already, for what you've achieved.)
- Vtime, this has been pointed out already but a full screenshot of your time would make this look a lot better.
- Bugs. Just report these bugs, as staff if you would like to get to the point where you can move props, or do any sort of coding. You should go for developer, or you'll be spending a lot of time grinding up the ranks. For the best outcome for the server, it's better to just report these not just point out that there are some, then word it in a way where only you can fix these.

Thank you, good luck either way!

Mr president beans

Well-known Member
Mar 6, 2024
- Support
- Short Application. (You've got a good starting point, just try to delve more into the points, and go over what you have done around the server already, for what you've achieved.)
- Vtime, this has been pointed out already but a full screenshot of your time would make this look a lot better.
- Bugs. Just report these bugs, as staff if you would like to get to the point where you can move props, or do any sort of coding. You should go for developer, or you'll be spending a lot of time grinding up the ranks. For the best outcome for the server, it's better to just report these not just point out that there are some, then word it in a way where only you can fix these.

Thank you, good luck either way!
Ahh Alright Thank you for the response.


Well-known Member
May 18, 2023

I won't say that the fact I haven't seen you before is why I give a neutral, because I am a bit new. This is going off your application, and opinions of your peers. Your application feels rushed, with each question being about 2-3 sentences. Not putting effort into your application shows you wont put effort into your staff work.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Mar 4, 2023
Application Denied

Hello @Mr president beans ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Your application has been denied due to your application being written with very low effort and a low playtime on our server. Additionally if you know any bugs/exploits you should be reporting them in our discord support section.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks

Have a good day
Resource Team​
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