SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Tony123

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Nov 4, 2022

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Tony123

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:531933841

Discord Username: bigmuffin

Age: 18

What's your current playtime: 30h 12min

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name: Matt Sports; Zell; leo woodsen

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I got a warning for not obliging to FearRP and I got a ban which I dont know why but in the warnings menu it say
" [Kick]
---------=====[ BANNED ] =====------

You have been"

How many hours can you be on everyday: 4-6 hours

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: no

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: I did some good research on the candy bowl which sadly couldnt get put in the network as there are already enough of them

Why would you like to become a staff member: I like to keep order to give players a good experience on the server as I also like the server and it's deep level of roleplay with the deep level of integrated addons

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: maybe faster response time and a better system for the mods to work with to review claims such as a better loggins system
- Support
The main reason for my negative support is the lack of detail within' this application, the entirety of this application is lackluster. The main part which is quite important within' such application is dates on the warns/bans so we can see how recent the punishments were given. Another leading cause of the negative support is the lack of playtime, yes I do know that 20 hours you are eligible to apply for staff but from my perspective you would need more playtime to really get to know the ins and outs of the rules and the playerbase at its entirety.

Although this application being lackluster I see that you only have one warning and one ban though the ban apperantly without reason, which is great if you want to achieve the rank of moderator within' the near future.

From my perspective I would like to see more detail and time put into this application, from what I can tell you've writen around 105 words +/- I would recommend the word count going up to around 200-300 words for a detailed application. Things you can improve on within the application is the reasoning why you would like to become staff, some points they want you to answer in this application is quite dumb/difficult such as what you would do to improve the current state of the staff team.

Good luck!
Ps the application should be around the length of this feedback.
- Support
The main reason for my negative support is the lack of detail within' this application, the entirety of this application is lackluster. The main part which is quite important within' such application is dates on the warns/bans so we can see how recent the punishments were given. Another leading cause of the negative support is the lack of playtime, yes I do know that 20 hours you are eligible to apply for staff but from my perspective you would need more playtime to really get to know the ins and outs of the rules and the playerbase at its entirety.

Although this application being lackluster I see that you only have one warning and one ban though the ban apperantly without reason, which is great if you want to achieve the rank of moderator within' the near future.

From my perspective I would like to see more detail and time put into this application, from what I can tell you've writen around 105 words +/- I would recommend the word count going up to around 200-300 words for a detailed application. Things you can improve on within the application is the reasoning why you would like to become staff, some points they want you to answer in this application is quite dumb/difficult such as what you would do to improve the current state of the staff team.

Good luck!
Ps the application should be around the length of this feedback.
- Support
The main reason for my negative support is the lack of detail within' this application, the entirety of this application is lackluster. The main part which is quite important within' such application is dates on the warns/bans so we can see how recent the punishments were given. Another leading cause of the negative support is the lack of playtime, yes I do know that 20 hours you are eligible to apply for staff but from my perspective you would need more playtime to really get to know the ins and outs of the rules and the playerbase at its entirety.

Although this application being lackluster I see that you only have one warning and one ban though the ban apperantly without reason, which is great if you want to achieve the rank of moderator within' the near future.

From my perspective I would like to see more detail and time put into this application, from what I can tell you've writen around 105 words +/- I would recommend the word count going up to around 200-300 words for a detailed application. Things you can improve on within the application is the reasoning why you would like to become staff, some points they want you to answer in this application is quite dumb/difficult such as what you would do to improve the current state of the staff team.

Good luck!
Ps the application should be around the length of this feedback.
Nov 4, 2022
- Support
The main reason for my negative support is the lack of detail within' this application, the entirety of this application is lackluster. The main part which is quite important within' such application is dates on the warns/bans so we can see how recent the punishments were given. Another leading cause of the negative support is the lack of playtime, yes I do know that 20 hours you are eligible to apply for staff but from my perspective you would need more playtime to really get to know the ins and outs of the rules and the playerbase at its entirety.

Although this application being lackluster I see that you only have one warning and one ban though the ban apperantly without reason, which is great if you want to achieve the rank of moderator within' the near future.

From my perspective I would like to see more detail and time put into this application, from what I can tell you've writen around 105 words +/- I would recommend the word count going up to around 200-300 words for a detailed application. Things you can improve on within the application is the reasoning why you would like to become staff, some points they want you to answer in this application is quite dumb/difficult such as what you would do to improve the current state of the staff team.

Good luck!
Ps the application should be around the length of this feedback.
Yeah I saw the pop up and thought that maybe if no one wants to do it I might as well try.
I know that this is in no way a well detailed or well worded application so thanks for your eloquent response to my lack luster thread
Yeah I saw the pop up and thought that maybe if no one wants to do it I might as well try.
I know that this is in no way a well detailed or well worded application so thanks for your eloquent response to my lack luster thread
Cheers I mean no hard feelings my feedback is only based on the application and nothing of your behavior in game
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