(SCP-RP UK) Staff kick / demotion appeal

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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
May 2, 2023
Name: KingViper115

Steam ID:

Previous Rank (convert if required):
Senior Moderator

Who demoted you?:
Luft or Jack

Date of demotion?:

What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

What is the case against you?:
Sit Farming , breaking the handbook , Ignored all of staff messages that wanted to know why i did what i did.

Is this true?:

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: 1719493245040.png

What is your side of the story?:
it all started ever since i have met all my criteria to be eligible for promotion to HMOD , however i have been silently denied from being promoted towards next rank for almost 9 months for unknown reason despite i had no infractions , now the question you may be asking "have you atleast contacted your supervisor so he could forward your concerns?" yes but nothing has ever happened so i went to next higher up rank (senior admin) i've talked to two people about it and wanted to know why am i being held off from HMOD rank when i kept up with my requirements and criteria? , one was from US server and the other was from UK and both of their replies were similar "i dont know , i will look into it" and so i have waited for few more months to see if i will get it or not , i did wanted to resign at that point but i was encouraged to hold on instead, however what really made me had enough was when i witnessed a single individual ex-staff member who somehow got from t-mod to admin rank under a month , everyone questioned about that at that time while i on the other hand decided to go on a rampage about it by being rebellious and farmed a sit so i could take my worth of money and silently raged quitted from being a staff member , it was just straight up unfair and frustrating to see that happen in front my eyes alongside other SMODS staff who decided to leave because of that.

here are the screenshots of proof incase needed about if i did really message higher ranks about my concerns:

^ Scotsman was Senior admin UK at that time ^

Why should you return / what will you change?:
honestly i didn't had any intentions of returning back as a staff member at first. , however i have been encouraged by few staff members (including SL member) to give it a second try , after many thoughts about it i've decided on wanting to return as a staff member due to missing the days of helping out people and making fun events as a event team member , i still have passion to help those in need and assist as much as i can within my power. the server has improved and the community has changed into better and for that i think it is worth working as a staff member once again.
+Support leaning towards +/-Neutral
-Although the demotion is completely fair, I feel like a second shot is deserved. Viper had been SMod for 9 Months, 3 Months away from a year, with no promotion, no infractions or anything. No issues seem to of been brought up about him, and the amount of just nothing being done from SSL is disappointed, especially with others being essentially speedran to SL (If you know who they are you know who they are).

This to me doesn't just show the mistreatment towards Viper, but a lack of communication and giving a fuck from SL, and at the very worst it's bias against him.

Again, the demotion is completely valid, but I understand why you got so fed up with being a staff.

Best of luck with your appeal.
Hi Viper, I don't have good recollection of you within event team.

Once when building a dupe as GMs should be doing, you went out of your way to get staff to go berserk at the fact I was building an event dupe and you blamed it on contributing to server lag. The way you acted and behaved was abysmal, far from the professional look the others seemingly believe you to hold. During this "lag" incident, you were conducting a large scale surface war and tried putting the blame on lag onto me, which I found absurd and did not appreciate in the slightest.

You complain about not getting promoted, but with attitude like that are you surprised?


Can you honestly say you have the right mindset and attitude readjustment to be staff again?

As I see it your application is mostly based on you not getting promoted. When I was in the staff team I more or less had the same problem and the main thing I am pointing at is that the process takes time, I understand if it seems unfair that other people are getting promoted left and right but from my perspective they've goneabov and beond their requirements and that is usually why they get promoted quicker. If you just sit and do your requirement with no willingness to show that you acctually want the rank via hard work there is no way the SSL will see you.

Back when I was staff I waited for around the same time as you, maybe more. The main part that I avoided was complaining that I wasn't getting promoted. I'm ofcourse not saying that you were but it seems like it. I really don't think you should be let back in as of yet.

Thank you!


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
May 2, 2023

As I see it your application is mostly based on you not getting promoted. When I was in the staff team I more or less had the same problem and the main thing I am pointing at is that the process takes time, I understand if it seems unfair that other people are getting promoted left and right but from my perspective they've goneabov and beond their requirements and that is usually why they get promoted quicker. If you just sit and do your requirement with no willingness to show that you acctually want the rank via hard work there is no way the SSL will see you.

Back when I was staff I waited for around the same time as you, maybe more. The main part that I avoided was complaining that I wasn't getting promoted. I'm ofcourse not saying that you were but it seems like it. I really don't think you should be let back in as of yet.

Thank you!
the thing is i did went beyond couple of times to show them i really am dedicated to towards staff work , but uh.... nothing has happened

at one point there was a guy who spawned 300+ satchels in an attempt to crash the server , i caught them and they both got banned but the thing is almost all were in holiday and at that time only me and one admin in the server during almost peek-hour times , i attempted to seek help from admin to delete the entity props that are causing lag but he gave up which made me the only person to actually care and start picking them up one by one and having to open console command to slay myself... now imagine having to do that 300 time :skull:, i did ask for help from SSL and after (maybe an hour later? i cant really remember) i've posted picture of the situation and thankfully requis responded and helped the situation way faster.

but i suppose that was not enough recognition to get promoted atleast.

thank you for your time and writting about your side story and advices


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
May 2, 2023
Hi Viper, I don't have good recollection of you within event team.

Once when building a dupe as GMs should be doing, you went out of your way to get staff to go berserk at the fact I was building an event dupe and you blamed it on contributing to server lag. The way you acted and behaved was abysmal, far from the professional look the others seemingly believe you to hold. During this "lag" incident, you were conducting a large scale surface war and tried putting the blame on lag onto me, which I found absurd and did not appreciate in the slightest.

You complain about not getting promoted, but with attitude like that are you surprised?

View attachment 16773View attachment 16774

Can you honestly say you have the right mindset and attitude readjustment to be staff again?
hey broda

im sorry that i was um.. "a bit heated"? (im not sure if thats the right word to use) , at that time the war was very heated and well.. it caused my lack of judgement to best me and in which both (i wont mention his name as he is SL now and he became better staff member now) and me at that time thought it was the cause of it , jason taylor (o7 , best senior admin) he pulled (an anonymous SL member , if you know who im talking about then nice) and well... he got yelled for making me think it was that cause , later on jason pulled me over and explained to me in details that no matter how much the server is upgraded , the server will always lag if there is several physics and entities suddenly spike up onto the cpu (bullets , cars , lav's , airstrikes, and what such) from an huge number of people fighting on same area at the same time.

i should have apologized to you at that time but i was embarrassed and i didn't think you would want another dm from me on discord during those days.

so im sorry and if i get back onto the event team then i hope we start in a better new chapter


I don't really know you, but while I definitely think that having to wait so long for a promotion or just communication in general around that is ridiculous, I feel like that doesn't excuse deliberately abusing your position as staff in any way. The way your appeal is worded also doesn't inspire confidence in me that you wouldn't do it again in the same circumstances, nor does it imply to me that you understand this issue.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

Normally I do not get involved in these, however what you did was abuse your position and the trust we gave you for your own "financial" gain misusing our sit system to as you state "get your moneys worth".

I cannot in the right mind give you the ability to rejoin the staff team, your actions are your own and I appreciate you own up to them, but your execution for frustration of lack of promotion, lead you to violate a significant amount of policies.

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