[SCP-RP UK] "The Latvian" Site Advisor Application

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Nov 7, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:420014006
Discord name:Cloud#0116
For how long have you played on CG SCP:Since November 6th 2022 (796,252 seconds)
In what country are you located?:United Kingdom
Time zone:GMT
Character name(s):Janis Stradins "The Latvian"
What server are you applying for?SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF NU-7 CPL (Holding)
Internal Affairs Ambassador (Holding)
Internal Affairs Agent (Holding)

Doctor (Holding)
Riot Sergeant (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Haven't got any.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
Firstly, I want to apply to become a Site Advisor because I want Foundation Personnel to have someone to look up to and learn from. I also want to improve the overall state of the GENSEC, MTF and other departments for the better, this will be done by continuously helping Foundation Personnel understand how and where they can improve their job to perform them to the fullest. I would like to also think of new ideas for departments on the changes that they can do to improve their inner workings of them, and how they can further improve their reputation to be seen as more efficient and professional. I also want to be seen as a leader for everyone else on the site and show them my dedication and willingness to improve the Foundation, this can be shown by my high activity as an IA Ambassador and seeing what I've done as an IA Ambassador people consider me effective at conducting my duties. Other than that, I feel that currently, I have the will and passion to boost departments within the foundation to become prestigious and more highly looked at by others, not only that I want people to know their full potential and the great effect that their actions can have on others.

Furthermore, becoming a Site Advisor will be the next step in my career in the foundation and getting closer to my end goal of being Site Command.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I am a quick learner, I love reading documents, learning from them and referencing them for other people's knowledge. An important part of being a great Site Advisor is that you have the ability to make a difference for the community and be able to recognise when something has been done incorrectly by giving others constructive criticism. Furthermore, considering the fact that I am quite active on the site making me somewhat known among others they would know how long I spend on the server doing different things such as creating a new IA Training slideshow. I have gained what I believe is enough experience from my Clearance 4 IA Ambassador role to be able to take myself further to a Senior Clearance 4 role and start to gain more experience. Speaking about my IA Ambassador role, I have seen that my leadership skills have improved quite well and during my time as an Ambassador I have shown many people how to improve their duties so they can get to the next step in their journeys as well as directing them in the right way for success. Other than that, I have seen that my time as IA Ambassador has improved the departments reputation and other things along with that so I think to myself, why not take a bigger step and improve the Foundation in another way?

In addition, I was also recently praised by the O5-5 for successfully co-ordinating IA to perform a successful evacuation by giving effective orders. Therefore, this can be seen as me being able to succeed in leading people and demonstrate my unique skill set.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
The core responsibilities of a Site Advisor are to:
- Enforce the Code of Ethics as well as the Code of Conduct.
- Document departmental activities.
- Actively oversee departmental activities.
- Conduct department reviews.
- Lead departments to success by helping them improve.
- Dealing with difficult problems within the Foundation.
- Giving orders to GENSEC/MTF during difficult times such as; hostage situations, breaches or intruder alerts and authorising AA when required.
- Attend/organise meetings with department leaders, site administration, site command and more.
- Permitting the entry of visitors into the foundation such as MC&D and Rangers.
and more...

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- from: SCP Foundation Administration (scpsa@sa.scp.fo)
- to: Site Command (sc@scp.fo)
- sent: 24/12/2022
- subject: (TOP SECRET: FOR CLEARANCE 4 EYES ONLY) Automated e-mail from SA on data request for "Janis Stradins "The Latvian""

Janis Stradins was first entered in the Foundation Personnel Database on the 6th November 20██, he was one of the few newly selected Foundation personnel from the 32nd Annual Recruitment Week for the SCP Foundation, he is aged 43, is a former Latvian National and a speaker of 4 languages.

He was born in the Latvian SSR in 19██, in a high-class family working for the KGB. His background consists of an intel gathering related job in the "Committee for State Security of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic" (Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas Valsts drošības komiteja) as a intelligence agent, his primary station was in Riga, Latvia to lead the team dedicated of finding western spies during the years of 1986-1991.

During the so called "The Barricades" from the 13th -27th January 1991 he left the Latvian KGB and participated in the gathering movement of the Soviet OMON police force to alert the Latvian Supreme Council of upcoming assaults on the country infrastructure.

After the dissolution of the USSR he transferred to the State Security Service (Valsts drošības dienests) as a Intelligence Agent tasked with leading a team of 4 gathering intelligence data in Minsk, Belarus on military movement during the years of 1991-2004.

In the second-week of November 20██ he applied for "The SCP Foundation", he didn't know much of what he was getting himself into but he thought that it was for a good cause as suggested by his former colleagues, once accepted he was brought to the facility after a long vetting process. Shortly after he was accepted into the Internal Affairs department and has changed the direction of the department for good, he has lead multiple operations leading to the arrests of multiple culprits and has successfully executed numerous people for CoE violations.

In December 20██ "The Latvian" was promoted to Internal Affairs Ambassador based on positive feedback from Foundation Staff on his hard work and dedication to the department. He was found to be one of the most reputable members of the Ambassadorial team in IA and actively praised by his superiors for going over and beyond on his work.

In January 20 ██ he was taken for an interview by the ██ █████ and offered the Site Advisor role, after his acceptance of the role the site has seen a substantial improvement in departmental operations.


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
damn... SA coming from research days are over. IA is taking over!

Oh well, Latvian is more than capable, amazing as IA ambassador.

Supporting this mf
Aug 10, 2022
Although Latvian is capable, my previous experiences with him are more then negative. Latvian is deserving of SA, however my main doubt is his integration with other SA members. My previous experience with him (mainly before his CL4 job) was negative and I believe that he should focus more on IA before moving on to another department.

My first interaction with you was me seeing you do a ritualistic sacrifice on a handcuffed civilian in PW, something that SA does not stand for - especially being a department that looks for people who are responsible. Not only are you inactive, you don't have enough CL4 experience to suffice for SA.

Your lore needs more effort.

Best of luck, -Stones.
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Mr Jimbo

Active member
Dec 26, 2022
+Good application
+Good Interactions

Nothing but good interactions with this guy, he is more than capable of conducting the required duties of this job, therefore I encourage this to be accepted on the grounds that we need more professionalism in the facility, and this would be a great start. He is very active and also universally mature not just in RP but in life, furthermore he makes a good ambassador and i don't see why he would peform any differently as a site advisor.
Although Latvian is capable, my previous experiences with him are more then negative. Latvian is deserving of SA, however my main doubt is his integration with other SA members. My previous experience with him (mainly before his CL4 job) was negative and I believe that he should focus more on IA before moving on to another department.

My first interaction with you was me seeing you do a ritualistic sacrifice on a handcuffed civilian in PW, something that SA does not stand for - especially being a department that looks for people who are responsible. Not only are you inactive, you don't have enough CL4 experience to suffice for SA.

Your lore needs more effort.

Best of luck, -Stones.
This is my thoughts

He is rarely active and when he is all my interactions with him have been negative
  • Like
Reactions: Thomas Stone
Nov 7, 2022
Although Latvian is capable, my previous experiences with him are more then negative. Latvian is deserving of SA, however my main doubt is his integration with other SA members. My previous experience with him (mainly before his CL4 job) was negative and I believe that he should focus more on IA before moving on to another department.

My first interaction with you was me seeing you do a ritualistic sacrifice on a handcuffed civilian in PW, something that SA does not stand for - especially being a department that looks for people who are responsible. Not only are you inactive, you don't have enough CL4 experience to suffice for SA.

Your lore needs more effort.

Best of luck, -Stones.

I am interested in knowing more about this "ritualistic sacrifice" as I have no recollection of this kind of event ever having taken place. Additionally, I average about 30 hours a week which I would consider sufficient enough to be considered "active".


I average about 30 hours a week which I would consider sufficient enough to be considered "active". Also, I would like to know more about our negative interactions as I don't normally incur any.

Negative in the sense that nothing has been good. Not necessarily bad like rule breaking. Just nothing extravagant


Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2021


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @ThunderCloud

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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