[SCP-RP US] Joe's Resignation Appeal


SCP-RP Staff
Dec 4, 2023
Name: "Joe"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:46404652
Previous Rank: SMod
Date of resignation?: Mid February

Why did you resign?
I did not have time to play. In real life I am trying to be a police officer and in the military they allow my last 6 months of enlistment to me interning at whatever place I feel could get me proper employment. In April I started work at the police department and I have been working there ever since then. I have balanced my work life to my home life since then, and while I still work at the police department, I've been able to find a balance to be able to play the games I want to as well as do the work I need in my day to day life.
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?:
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
I've been warned by Joese back in Dec. 5 of 2023 for "inappropriate conduct". That's my only warn and to be honest I don't remember what it's for.
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I can commit to being staff again because I've learned how to balance my work life with my home life very well and I'd love to return to the staff team. I was a part of the staff team and was very committed while I was a part. I am very sad that I left under such circumstances but these circumstances no longer exist. I can promise I will be a phenomenal member of the staff team.