[SCP-RP USA] Alexei "Raven" Romanov Letter of interest (ECM App)

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May 5, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:207455365
Discord name: raven_2104
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2905.1 Hours at the time of writing this application.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Aaron "Raven" Richards
Civilian name: Inventor
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, and I use it regularly.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Omega-1 Captain
Ethics Assistant Coordinator
Executive Researcher
Ethics Assistant
Nu-7 Commander
Site Advisor

Site Manager
DEA Sr Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have 1 Warning for FailRP received last August and a Ban that isn't listed by NL, I have since worked on myself after the restbite to make it back into the server as a prominent member.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member and I have a few reasons why; I have been a formal and well-managed member of 3 Sr. foundation roles which allowed me to create Roleplay on-site and within the regiment. During my time within Nu-7 as an MAJ I began by Removing Inactive and unnecessary personnel from our Roaster to bring in new and innovative personnel to improve the regiment for the better and within 2 weeks of me being LTCOM/COM we have managed to renovate some of our Out-Dated documents and have gotten the work to improve different aspects of our Tryouts which were core assets to the fragments of Nu-7s Enlisted. Previously within my Role as ECA Coordinator and Executive Researcher, I was highly inversed in writing, Creating, and producing Documents with great Length and Detail, (Before my Files were wiped) I have 9+ Graded Excellent SCP Subject tests which were graded at that time by different Executive Researchers and R&D Director Darby. I hope to bring an Active and Approachable Individual to the Ethics Committee wing who can answer questions, and complete tasks On time, on behalf of the Foundation. Overall I have had an immense amount of experience working in Sr CL4 and Jr CL4 Positions allowing me to gain great in-depth experience in Roleplay and the Critics of the Site, While as Nu-7 CO I attempted to gain more Events for Nu-7 (Thanks Akura) and As O-1 CO I was at the forefront to maintaining the Sites Safety while Events were taking place among other MTFs. During my work in Site Administration, I have been proactive in creating RP and enhancing Site departments in the best ways possible I have also worked alongside the GOC to make sure that our relations stay level-headed with our missions and to the best experience for both sides. For this, I have sat through countless meetings with the UN over my time as SA and numerous of these meetings have been calm collected, and peaceful on both sides to appropriately get both points across. During these meetings, Not only have I been lenient to the UNGOC's requests but I put the Site-65s reasons upfront and personnel to make sure we are gaining the best outcome with the meetings to boost ourselves into the future of the Foundation.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

During my time in different roles within Site-65 both non-combative and combative, I have worked to the best of my ability to create and enhance the RP of others around me to best suit the site and its departments. Both internally and externally I have been a great help to the Site in providing the necessary experiences to better the work and policy for Site-65. As Site Manager and Nu-7 Commander, I was able to get a lot of experience in working with the Documentation for Nu-7 and In-game Documents with both SA/ECA/Executive Researcher. These are important as Site Command will need individuals who can review and create Documentation to an acceptable level, A proud document for me would be the creation of the UNGOC Embassy guidelines along with tweaks to procedure for the standard UNGOC guidelines for Site-65. As Site Manager, I worked closely with the UNGOC to create a proper treaty basis and worked with the Department of External Affairs to better protect the site along with setting boundaries and proper service for the GOC to better both sides.

As Nu-7 Regimental Command, My job was to Punish those who had done wrong, In my Time as MAJ-Commander I have Punished Numerous Individuals within Nu-7 along with Giving out Physical PT to those who had conducted themselves or their team incorrectly, Therefore Installing a level of discipline and professionalism to our Operatives to create an amazing Regiment.
With my Time as Nu-7 Commander, I have managed to work with a large majority of Current Site Command And Administration giving me a means of disposing my skills and the regiment skills to completing Missions, Such as; When an ECM arrived at the Garage and told us to line up, I quickly got Nu-7 to Garage and onto Appropriate Classes once I figured out we was raiding the Chaos Insurgency for a Keycard and Individual back. During the limited 5 Minutes, I had to prepare Nu-7 and SOP-C Forces, I took the Liberation to get organized by having forces spread out over different clauses, therefore, our Tactics and timing needed to be bulletproof Improvisation during Combative Scenarios are never pleasant, We managed to leave with a few C. I hostages along with the Prize we went for: This shows a Level of dependency and Leadership skills with Born Leaders.

During my work as Site Manager, I have been an immensely busy individual in providing the best for Site-65 employee roster and improving Site policy where I am able. During my work as an ECM, I will hopefully be the same approachable, Calm, and collected individual for the personnel of Site-65.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

- Leading Omega-1 and the assortment of ECAs to enforce the CoE.
- Enforcing the Code of Ethics and Conduct on Foundation Personnel
- Approving and overseeing Crosstests
- Authorizing Advanced Armory during Code 5/Code 3.
- Authorizing Different weaponry and KOS during Code 2's for D Class.
- Reviewing Departments and setting liaisons between EC > Departments
- Setting orders for ECAs to provide the Ethics Committee with any information they require.
- Working with O5/Site Administration to provide enhancement to RP on Site and Policy on Site
- Changing the Code of Ethics to align with the current voted policy from the Ethics Committee.
- Activating a Warhead held on F3 should the Site have no other option

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Director of Internal Affairs Applications
- Ethics Committee Member Applications (Voted on)
- Ethics Committee Assistant Applications
- Roleplay Demotion appeals (when necessary)
- Inner department issues that need to be addressed with Department Leaders
- Meetings held with GOI outside of the Game
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Part 1 :

Aaron Richards is a 23-Year-Old Male, University Graduate originally from the United Kingdom who moved to complete their University opportunity overseas at Toronto University to benefit their future career in microbiology and infectious diseases.

During his time at the University of Toronto, Mr. Richards came across a mutating, replicating disease now known as SCP-610.
Due to the nature of the substance and reporting it to the proper authorities, He was approached mere days later by multiple Field Agents and Unknown Military Personnel commonly referred to as Mobile Task Force Beta-7.

After being quarantined and without an explanation for the aforementioned replicating substance, Aaron sat in his isolation room; Confused and withheld from society.

Part 2:

After Approximately 1 Month of Isolation from Personnel and continuous interviews with Members who stated they were from a Government Organisation, He finally stepped out of the Isolation ward and was escorted through endless hallways until a Door was met, Stating *Interview room 4* Inside the Room was a Tall male figure who greeted himself as, Dr. Andreas Blackwood an Executive Researcher for the facility.

--//Transcript.. Incident-00610-1-5-S//--

Dr.Blackwood: Hello Mr. Richards, I hope you are well, As a member of this Facility I must apologize for your prolonged stay within Isolation but a man with your expertise in MicroBiology you must understand procedures.

Aaron: Yes; I Do Understand and I signed multiple different papers while staying here, Can you tell me what I found from that strange man?

Dr.Blackwood: Strange Man?

Aaron: Yeah, After I sat at the bar; A Man approached me and asked if I wanted to see something cool; Being that I was curious I followed him to a hideous lab, and he passed me a vial with some Red Fluid within it.

Dr.Blackwood: Ah Yes, This Aforementioned Red Fluid is the reason you are here; Can you explain what this man looked like?

Aaron: He was a hooded figure around 5'9 and was very quick to answer questions almost like he knew what I was thinking.

Dr.Blackwood: Interesting, Well, Mr Richards, We are not just any Government Organisation we have almost no influence from Governments worldwide.
Due to your efforts in studying the Aforementioned "Red Fluid," you received we were able to identify properties within it that were not natural at all. We would like to offer you a position at this Research Facility, Should you accept, You'll be escorted once more for orientation for the Research Department, If you wish to leave you will need to speak to me now.

**Aaron Gulps and ponders on the offer**

Aaron: I will accept the Offer for the Research Department.

Dr.Blackwood: Good, Guard take him down to Conference 10-B for Orientation, Site Advisor Rosewood will be present and waiting.
I look forward to working with you, Dr.Richards.

**Dr.Blackwood and Dr.Richards Exchange a nod before Aaron Leaves the room**


Part 3: New Beginning

After Working for the Research and Development Department for approximately 3 Months, And after getting an impressive title as an Executive Researcher; Dr.Richards looks for a new beginning to his role and career for the Foundation at Site-65. After showing his interest he was appointed (After a round of Interviews and tests) as a newly made Ethics Committee Assistant assigned to Ethics Member Dalton, With his Experience in the field of Research and leadership in Research he was able to fit right into the crowd of Assistants. After showing multiple Reports with results that benefitted the Foundation and fixed problems he was appointed as a newly made Ethics Committee Assistant Coordinator to mentor and train newly made ECAs into their chairs and help them where necessary.

While working for the Committee as an Assistant, Richards came across multiple offenders from multiple Departments, especially the Research department where he made it his mission to stomp out any Ethics Violation and make sure the Departments with the most offenses are being spoken about to the Committee.
"Raven" Recently made it into O-1 and has succeeded to the Rank of CPT, The Name Aaron Richards Lies in his wake.

Part 4:

The Redemption; Aaron Raven Richards Died on 18/09/23, Cause of Death "Unspecified" Location: [REDACTED].

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Welcome Site-65 Ethics Member ****
Aaron "Raven" Richards, Was not Deceased, Aaron is now known by Alexei "Raven" Romanov, And will now be Designated D-51723, He will be placed within Site-65's D Class Pool and be used as a Testing Subject, Subjected to the same treatment as any other D Class, His Class-B Clearance and Clearance 4 Status has since been removed.

>>///End Of Log.///<<

After being Dismissed from the Foundation and Being Class-E'd by the Ethics Committee, Alexei (Formally Known as Aaron "Raven" Richards) Fell back into the Wave pool of D Class Personnel Given the Designation [D-51723], After getting into the D Class Work Permit Programme, Romanov made it to A Janitor Role in which from there he was able to within time make it to Gensec Officer, Now Armed with the F90 and Tactics he was born with, he quickly made it into a Mobile Task Force after Months serving within Site-65 as a Gensec Officer. Mr. Romanov joined Mobile Task Force Nu-7 "Hammer Down" Through a Contact he made through Site-65s External Communications, Earning the rank Of Private within the Regiment.

During his time as Nu-7, Alexei Saw the horrors of the Foundation from its worst Enemies to Cultist warlords raiding Pinewood. After his Basic Training was Complete and after Passing his NCO Test, Alexei Quickly saw fit to succeed rank after rank until he made it to MTF Nu-7 MAJ where he was awarded Multiple Medals for his Endearing Attitude and Devotion towards the Foundation's Defence against the Chaos Insurgency, Global Occult Coalition and Marshal Carter and Dark. As a Nu-7 Puppeteers Commander, "Raven" was in charge of an important task given to him by MTF Nu-7 LTCOM and Site Administration; Kidnap alone GOC members on the Surface and Interrogate them for Information. Nu-7s Puppeteers Sub-Regiment was incredibly successful at receiving and being able to relay information from these captured members to Site Admin and Command giving them tools to use within Diplomatic pressure and meetings.

After 3-4 Months as Regimental Command for MTF Nu-7 and achieving the Rank of MTF Nu-7 Commander, Alexei saw fit to Apply for his next Dependency; Site Administration.

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Welcome Site Director "Pyro"

From: Nu-7 Commander "Raven"
To: Site 65 Director "Pyro"
Subject: Position Opening

Good Evening, Site Director I hope this Email finds you well, I have been Interested in a New Position that has opened up within Site-65's Administration Team.
I have attached a folder with my Experience along with my Interest Form that should be interlinked within this Email.
Thank you, Any Questions please feel free to reach out.

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For the past 3 Months, Alexei Romanov has been surpassing the expectations of his superiors and has been elected to apply for the open Ethics member position for the Site-65 ethics committee liaison team. Within these months, Alexei has done some outstanding work to impress his superiors including his actions during the war to boost the surface operators and keep the morale top-heavy so we could win with a victory. With the experience of Site Manager and with a new degree of confidence, Alexei wishes to move to the role of Ethics member.
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