SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Ace"doggie

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 10, 2023

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Ace"doggie

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:610663350

Ban Reason: fail rp stacked warns

Date of ban: sunday febuary 23rd 2025

Who banned you: joel lemski harvey

Ban length: 8 weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: well first off all nothing as i never did any failrp? as thaums do not follow fear rp which has confused me then the admin asked me why i swapped to d class when i died i was a thaum it auto does that

Why should you be unbanned: i did not do any fear rp as thaums dont follow fear rp as ive said
Hi Ace Doggie,

You were initially banned because you had ran into inner D-Block as a researcher with no RP reason (FailRP). Afterwards, I had SL called to place you on another permanent ban because you had far too many warns and bans in a short period of time after having already been unbanned from another permanent ban on January 8th with this note from the acceptance appeal:

"Please do note however, any future punishments and continued disregard of server rules. May lead to a ban that will be harder to appeal. You will be unbanned, but the ban will stay on your record."

It is very clear that you have no regard for the rules with over 100 warns and 15+ bans on your record.

Kind regards,


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 10, 2023
Hi Ace Doggie,

You were initially banned because you had ran into inner D-Block as a researcher with no RP reason (FailRP). Afterwards, I had SL called to place you on another permanent ban because you had far too many warns and bans in a short period of time after having already been unbanned from another permanent ban on January 8th with this note from the acceptance appeal:

"Please do note however, any future punishments and continued disregard of server rules. May lead to a ban that will be harder to appeal. You will be unbanned, but the ban will stay on your record."

It is very clear that you have no regard for the rules with over 100 warns and 15+ bans on your record.

Kind regards,
hey there i dont know whats happened but it says its a perma?


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 10, 2023
it said 8 weeks a min ago why tf you change it
Hi Ace Doggie,

You were initially banned because you had ran into inner D-Block as a researcher with no RP reason (FailRP). Afterwards, I had SL called to place you on another permanent ban because you had far too many warns and bans in a short period of time after having already been unbanned from another permanent ban on January 8th with this note from the acceptance appeal:

"Please do note however, any future punishments and continued disregard of server rules. May lead to a ban that will be harder to appeal. You will be unbanned, but the ban will stay on your record."

It is very clear that you have no regard for the rules with over 100 warns and 15+ bans on your record.

Kind regards,


SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 3, 2023
Hi @jesus457 ,

I was the one who updated the 8-week ban to a permanent one. Based on your warnings, past bans, previous permanent ban, and server leadership involvement, it was updated to a permanent ban. Please await a verdict and stop constant replying; SSL members will get all the evidence they need and give you a verdict.

King regards,


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hello @jesus457 ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing your history and the details of the current situation, I regret to inform you that I am unable to lift the ban at this time.

Your stacked bans have accumulated over time, and this has now resulted in an upgrade to a permanent ban. Additionally, considering your prior permanent ban, it seems that there hasn’t been enough progress in addressing the behavior that led to these issues in the first place. This pattern shows a lack of growth or understanding from your past mistakes, which makes it difficult for me to feel confident that the same issues won’t arise again if you are unbanned.

While I do acknowledge your appeal, based on your history, I don’t feel it’s appropriate to reverse this decision. I would encourage you to reflect on the server rules and the behavior that led to these repeated bans. If you choose to return to the server in the future, I recommend making a sincere effort to align with the rules and show that you’ve learned from past actions.

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you take this time to reflect on how you can engage more positively in the future.

As of now, your ban will remain in place. However, you may submit another appeal in 4 weeks.

Best regards,
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