What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Aubrey Chrake Kram
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:511677233
Ban Reason: FailRP
Date of ban: 02/21/2025
Who banned you: Ruger
Ban length: 2 Days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Be more cautious about infobreaches? I didn't start it/cause it, but I guess for future reference I'll make sure to not talk about it until It's guaranteed to be valid
Why should you be unbanned: For context, there was an infobreach regarding SCP 001 (it was later told to be "false" even though I saw someone with a document talking about it, but go off I guess) and I was talking about it to my other D-Class. I was kicked, then banned for doing so, even though it made sense lore wise and wasn't even started by me. I don't think the infobreach was false, and if it was, I shouldn't be the one that's punished for it.