SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Aubrey Chrake Kram


Feb 4, 2025

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Aubrey Chrake Kram

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:511677233

Ban Reason: FailRP

Date of ban: 02/21/2025

Who banned you: Ruger

Ban length: 2 Days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Be more cautious about infobreaches? I didn't start it/cause it, but I guess for future reference I'll make sure to not talk about it until It's guaranteed to be valid

Why should you be unbanned: For context, there was an infobreach regarding SCP 001 (it was later told to be "false" even though I saw someone with a document talking about it, but go off I guess) and I was talking about it to my other D-Class. I was kicked, then banned for doing so, even though it made sense lore wise and wasn't even started by me. I don't think the infobreach was false, and if it was, I shouldn't be the one that's punished for it.


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SCP-RP Staff
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Dec 15, 2023
Hello @TessCancer I was the one who issued your ban, and I’d like to clarify the reason behind it. You were not the only individual involved, but the core issue was repeated behavior that we had warned you about multiple times. Specifically, you were repeatedly cautioned for info-breaching in Dblock by sharing a false info breach document. Despite several warnings, you continued this behavior and even laughed about it with others, which ultimately led to your ban.

On top of warnings to stop, you were kicked first for FailRP, you proceeded to come back, warned again to stop, then banned because you continued to do so.