SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Binks

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Feb 1, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Binks

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:607702236

Ban Reason: Ltarp

Date of ban: 6/28/24

Who banned you: Cannon

Ban length: 24 hours

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I was in the middle of a deepcover raid as a CI I was disguised as a Goc with "Biltzkrieg" while Goc was exfiling. My game crashed as I was not aware at the time that I was getting cuffed by a Goc member as soon as I crashed. I joined the game back (not knowing that I was getting cuffed by Goc before I crashed) and just started doing normal Ci things for about 3 minutes until I became bored and left.

Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned since I was not aware that I was being cuffed as soon as I crashed and should be unbanned since I did join the game back within 10 minutes. I am extremely sorry to whoever was cuffing me and will try not to have this situation happen again. I love playing on the server I would never on purpose break a rule that would cause me to get banned/warned I want to have a fun rp experience like most people on the server so I would not knowingly ltarp to avoid rp since it ruinings everyones else's fun including mine.
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Hello, I see you listened to my request a made a appeal. Thank you for your time.

To explain from my POV as well as the person who called the sit. I was sent a clip of you being dragged from the edge of Icelake to GOC base, when you hit GOC base you had Dc'ed. After i watched the clip i had went to see who was retrained. The reporter had posted a log of cuffing you and i confirmed. afterwards i looked at your disconnect logs and noticed you had disconnected around 10 seconds afterwards. I had returned the reporter saying i will ban him after 10 minutes if he does not joined back, which you had not for the entire 10 minute period. I have taken a picture of logs incase the dealing staff member would like to see the logs.

I thank you for your time to make the appeal. Good Luck
Feb 1, 2024
Hello, I see you listened to my request a made a appeal. Thank you for your time.

To explain from my POV as well as the person who called the sit. I was sent a clip of you being dragged from the edge of Icelake to GOC base, when you hit GOC base you had Dc'ed. After i watched the clip i had went to see who was retrained. The reporter had posted a log of cuffing you and i confirmed. afterwards i looked at your disconnect logs and noticed you had disconnected around 10 seconds afterwards. I had returned the reporter saying i will ban him after 10 minutes if he does not joined back, which you had not for the entire 10 minute period. I have taken a picture of logs incase the dealing staff member would like to see the logs.

I thank you for your time to make the appeal. Good Luck

There is somethings wrong I see with this from my Pov I was never at Goc icelake I crashed in court yard this does not make sense from my Pov may I be able to the clip that the reporter had sent. I also did join back in the 10 minute period the logs were false ( not suprising coming civil networks since it is known for its lag) you can ask "Biltzkrieg" who saw me join back.
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Apr 13, 2024
Hi, it's me "Blitzkrieg", I can confirm he crashed at courtyard as I was watching him as DC disguised as Nu-7.
And he did join before 10 minute mark hit in, so logs are definitely false.

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023

Appeal Denied

Hello @Binks ,
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

From the evidence provided by Doom Slayer, it's evident that you were being cuffed by GOC and dragged back to their base for further interrogation, as you were disguised as GOC. You also had still not made it to courtyard, you were being dragged through Pinewood at the time.

Around 30s to a minute after being cuffed you disconnected. Our logs are quite accurate despite the lag issues that may plague Civil Networks occasionally so unless you have evidence of you reconnecting then unfortunately I have no reason to believe your claim.

Given that this has also been your 4th ban in a six month period, your punishment has been extended by 1wk for Stacked Bans [C]. 1 day has been removed due to the 24 hours already served for LTARP.

You may re-appeal for this in 3 days.

NOTE: At no point did Blitzkrieg claim you were disguised as Nu-7 which I mistakenly believed. This has been edited out but that factoid did not apply heavily to my decision making process regarding the ban- thus it will remain.​
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