SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Camel Inda Desert

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camel brotha

Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 19, 2023

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Camel Inda Desert

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:632089912

Ban Reason: FailRP

Date of ban: 3/5/25 5:30 PM

Who banned you: Samuels "Maker" Mark

Ban length: 3 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: This occurred when I accidentally released a dclass that had a gun. I had clicked e on the dclass and alt tabbed while trying to shift tab and see my hours. I will be more careful to not fat finger other keys on my keyboard. I also wasn't really paying much attention so I'll make sure to pay more attention in game especially when I have a dclass.

Why should you be unbanned: Just outside of med bay on the wall I was waiting patiently since I was told to wait there by a sergeant. I was waiting for maybe a couple of minutes when I was asked by a friend on discord how many hours I had on Gmod. Before pressing shift tab to check my hours I wanted to holster my gun. I was looking at the dclass at the same time I holstered my weapon because he was asking me a weirdo question that I ignored. When I hit the keys 'e' and 'r' to holster my gun I was looking at him and it caused the break out thing to start. I didn't realize it was me and so I hit shift tab but fat fingered alt tab. Since I was out of the game but still breaking him out I had not realized what was going on. My game was also quite laggy so it took me a little bit to fully load in and realize the situation. I had ran away confused since I heard gunfire but I couldn't see him and when I realized it was the dclass I turned around to shoot the dclass but a thaum using his inversion was in my line of fire and the reverted damage got me to a point where the dclass would have been able to easily kill me. I should also mention that the dclass was allegedly checked by the same sergeant that gave him to me so I didn't think he had any weapons. Another thing I'd like to state is that I have sergeant and spent over two months trying to get it so it doesn't make sense to why I'd put that in jeopardy on a gensec job to kill 2 people I have never met. At the end of the day, I do genuinely apologize for any harm I accidentally caused even if it was a genuine mistake I should've been more careful since dclass are notably clever in there ways of obtaining weaponry.

I would also separately like to state that the head mod who brought me there didn't let me even explain my side fully before saying "your being banned for 3 days" and banning me. I wanted to take and show a clip of the alt tab but in the literal 10 seconds we were in the sit room before getting banned I didn't really get a chance to clip, upload, or show my evidence that proves the accident was an accident. I would've shown the clip here but I wipe my clips every time I get off the server since I have very little storage.
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